dream about planets and the usual armageddon


The Force is Strong With This One
I only registered to see if maybe someone else might have had a similar dream. When I woke up I typed it down in my online diary. S is my boyfriend and when I had this dream it has been almost 6 months since I've been back to this website. The C's and the wave have pretty much left my mind until now. It was avery realistic dream but not lucid to the point that I knew I was dreaming.Here goes.

I'm sitting at home bathing my little girl.For some reason I allowed her to put sand in the tub to play with. After I get her out I have to scoop the sand out of the tub but it makes an odd pattern like one of those pictures people use to meditate to(mandala,just remembered). I can't remember what it's called but I leave it alone. I'm in the bedroom and I'm listening to my ipod. I have it turned all the way up and then it goes dead even though it has a full charge. It's really late and S is sleeping on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and everything is knocked over and moved around. I'm thinking we had an earthquake and for some reason I didn't notice. The hot water heater had fallen through the wall and was lying ontop the stove. One of the burners were accidentally turned on just a little. The burners on my stove are messed up in real life,they go from off to high,annoying to try to cook on but I manage. Anyway, the water heater is extermely hot and I just know it's about to blow up. S wakes up and I tell him we need to run out of the house. He uses something to push it off and nothing happens. We go outside and look up at the sky. I was looking for the jupiter venus moon conjuction but see something amazing. I see this reddish planet. It's tiny but I can make out the round shape and the shadow. It looks like a tiny moon. I go to tell S but something strange is happening. There are marks on the sky and ground. He tells me 'watch this!' and pretends to walk up some stairs but he really starts to go up in the air. I think it's really cool and try it for myself. I get half way up to the tops of the the trees and decide to leave it alone. I wasnt sure if we were supposed to be messing with this anomoly and was nervous about reaching the top so i stop walking and glide to the ground. I go to show S the planet and am shocked to see it's super close now. It's jupiter and I can see the swirls details of it.It takes over the whole sky. I start to freak out and I hug S and say I'm scared. I can't even watch as this monster planet heads straight to us.Something amazing happens and it just passes right through us. As it does ,everything on the planet changes just a little. All of our noses flatten out because our planet took on the atmosphere of jupiter,and our bodies were changing to adapt to it.About three more planets pass through including saturn and some other unknown planet. I get all excited and tell everyone about this wave I read about. We had entered the 4th density and could still see the 3rd density planets.It's really happening! They passed right through us. Everything about what we know had changed. i can't remember exactly what else changed but the laws of nature and physics had changed. I felt a bit lost and didn't know what was next. I guess this all happens faster than what I saw because everyone was already used to their new bodies,senses,and unexplainable happenings like all the 'new' people who suddenly popped up. I saw a tiny planet that looked to be pluto ram into us. I guess it made it through to the 4th density or was already there,but it collided with earth. a bright white light came from the impact and the ground shattered under my feet like tempered glass.I woke up.

So that's it.interestingly enough pluto in a dream means death and destruction so I guess I didn't even have to look it up. If anyone has had a dream like this let me know. I'm very curious to see if it's just my mind being super creative or if this dream could possibly be a brief look to whats ahead.
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Hi there kitty125

my partner told me to look into google and to see if anyone else had had similar dreams to mine as well and I found you which makes me feel so much as ease . I had my dream about 4 years ago

In my dream I was in my home and heard noises outside of people talking loudly and shouting. I went outside to see what the fuss was and saw that everyone was outside of there homes and looking up the street.
I looked and saw army soldiers blocking off the end of the street at both ends with giant orange street block things. But they wouldn’t tell us why, just told us to go back into our homes.this made me really uncomfortable.
We all were forced back into our homes and everyone was becoming anxious. We waited for about an hour to 2 hours an it started to become quite humid. So we went outside to see why. At this point everyone was started to sweat and fluffing our clothes to cool ourselves down.
Then I heard an enormous crash sound. swung around to see smoke pouring out of a small area in the ground. Then more came. One by one balls of fire were smashing into the ground and I realised they were rocks from the atmosphere.
Thousands fell and smashed everything in there path for as far as the eye could see. Thru the houses. Cars, breaking the roads and earth. Large ones but many small ones. The shower began to ease and the rocks slowed down. I was in a panic and didn’t know where to hide. I turned and looked for all the people and saw just a few still scrambling for cover.
I felt a tug on the back of my tshirt and an old man in a white coat pulled me into his front door of his house. He looked like a scientist. A lot shorter than me with whitey coloured hair. I was so scared and went to rrun outside again. He said ‘no in here’, in here in the only safe place. I know whats happening. No one believed me.
He went on and told me how he had worked at the scientist for most of his life studying the planets and there happenings. He had predicted this was going to happen and they dismissed him for early retirement due to the fact that they thought all the study had made him loose his mind. His house was full of fans and airconditioning that he had set up to run off an generator inside his house.
His house was cold as an ice box. But felt so nice from the humidity. He was working on this little machine that had paper streaming out of it with what looked to be like a lie detector. But was reading some kinda signal. He I went to go outside to help people but he kept me inside and told me not to go out there. Next minute I felt something. Like a shaking or a weird feeling and went to the window I couldn’t believe my eyes.
There were what looked to be like planets moving across the sky. So close like the clouds are.
They looked a browny colour from a distance and I went out the door in awe to get a better look. As I stepped off the front step I felt like something was waving over my head and I looked up.
A planet so huge I felt like I could nearly reach up and touch it. It was pink purple and soft bluey swirly in colour. Soooo beautiful. At that moment I didn’t care what was happening. I was just so glad to be in that moment to see the most beautiful view ever.
Maybe that no one had never and would never see again. Beyond the back of the huge planet were thousands of small planets moving slowely thru our sky, like a heard of elephants which u stand in awe of, but don’t dare move incase they hear you.
The man pulled me inside again saying u need to be in here. i felt like I was nearly going to pass out as he pulled me inside as I hadn’t realised how hot and moist the air had become. I said to him whats happening why is it so hot. He said I predicted this but they wouldn’t listen.
Ive been preparing for years. He said this will take 6 hours exactly for all to happen and pass. I noticed people outside walking and stumbling, falling down from the heat. I went to go to bring them inside and he said if u go out there that will happen to you to.
The heat has got too strong and the only safe place is in here. no one is alive out there, its not possible. I said, will this not come in here. he said for about another 2 hours.
I said is that all, but was relieved that we had some time. at least to reflect. As we sat and our faces dropped we looked out the window. The sky was turning an orange and dimm colour. The light was darkened slightly like a flame above a campfire at night. And we waited.

Then I woke up.
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