Dream about reincarnation... again


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hey all, I've had several of these dreams and I'd like to share this one I just had.

The dream starts with my family and myself driving along the country side in a coniferous forest setting. As we are driving down this windy road we begin to hear a rumble and are aware of a coming catastrophy. I look out the window and see in the distance and herd of wildebeests stampeding across the land in our direction. My brother who is driving tries to drive out of the way but is caught by big boulders that fell on the dirt road, and ends up driving into one of them. We try to quickly drive to the side of the road again but alas to no avail we get stuck and are forced to cover our heads as the wildebeests stampede over us in the car. We somehow manage to survive and drive home.

When I get home I'm still aware of the upcoming calamity and try to warn those around me, but not many listen. I live on an 2 story apartment facing the forest. As I try to pack and leave a herd of wolves attacks the apartment and end up killing most people, I survived with my brother because I expected them to come so I had enclosed myself in an apartment on the second floor. After the wolves leave we begin to search for survivors while being on the lookout. We run into this young woman and talk to her for a while as a hog appears and we get the idea that the next wave of wolves is coming. We then run upstairs to the second floor and enter a house for protection and find the young woman and her family are there. After a confrontation with the family something happens and I believe I die.

I don't remember how I died but the dream switches to me taking a test with these very old papers that represent my knowledge. The examiners are very friendly and provide hints to those who ask, and I'm stuck on one question. I ask the examiner and he tells me I'm very close to passing and gives me a hint of which I don't hear but I get the feeling that the answer was indeed at the tip of my tongue. As I am trying to remember the hint I realize the writing on my paper is fading away and I let the examiner know that I don't wish to reincarnate, but what will be will be. All fades to black and I wake up.

This is the third dream I've had(as far as I remember) with similar settings and reincarnation.
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