A few weeks ago I dreamed a physicist was trying to build a time machine, using starlight and quite a bunch of other stuff.
I'll fill in more details if anyone asks.
One result was that I saw that Mcdonald's would changed its name in the future...
So my take was this is kind of a dumb thing to dream about, since that would never happen. But today I read that Mcdonald's is the first foreign company to issue bonds in the Chinese currency. So maybe 'changing its name' was something about changing its source of money to a new language, i.e. Yuan.
Anyway, I thought it was a curious coincidence.
I'll fill in more details if anyone asks.
One result was that I saw that Mcdonald's would changed its name in the future...
So my take was this is kind of a dumb thing to dream about, since that would never happen. But today I read that Mcdonald's is the first foreign company to issue bonds in the Chinese currency. So maybe 'changing its name' was something about changing its source of money to a new language, i.e. Yuan.
Anyway, I thought it was a curious coincidence.