Dream about time travel


Padawan Learner
I had a dream last Monday, early morning, around 3am, where I saw myself as I am now ( in my 50's ) visiting my country of birth ( El Salvador ) which looked the way it did back in the 70's. I met my mother who was holding her son (me )by the hand; this little boy appeared to be about 10 maybe 11 years old.

I remember that in my dream my purpose for going to see my mother " back in time " was to let her know what was coming up in the 80's and to suggest that the family should move to Costa Rica without delay. As fyi, El Salvador went through a bitter civil war during the 80's and well into the 90's. I woke up and remember the sights and sounds so real that I felt as if I had really been there!. My wife said this could be seen as time travel! I have no idea what prompted this now. Just trying to make some sense out of it.
Hi DavidHP,

Did something happen to your mother (in real life) in that time period due to the civil war? Also, what kind of a relationship did and do you have with your mother? Did the child look like you? Was he doing anything else? Is your mother still in El Salvador? Did your mother say or do anything after you told her what you did?
truth seeker said:
Hi DavidHP,

Did something happen to your mother (in real life) in that time period due to the civil war? Also, what kind of a relationship did and do you have with your mother? Did the child look like you? Was he doing anything else? Is your mother still in El Salvador? Did your mother say or do anything after you told her what you did?
We all lost due to the war, my mother lost her business. The child looked the way I did when I was a child going by the pictures I have seen from when I was about that age.
We had a good relationship and yes, she is still there while I am in the US, I do not remember speaking to her in my dream but I do have a very clear idea of what I wanted to say, mostly about moving to Costa Rica.
Thanks for the clarification. I'm not great at dream interpretation, but perhaps this dream was a sort of processing of the situation that happened. Maybe because you were so traumatized about the war that as a child you felt somewhat responsible for not being able to help your mother in any way. This could be a way of doing what you would have done back then had you been able to. Perhaps the dream acts as a way to release feelings of responsibility you had back then.

Oftentimes as children, because we are centered on the self, we blame ourselves for situations that were not our fault or beyond our control. This is just a guess, but does that sound like a possibility?
truth seeker said:
Thanks for the clarification. I'm not great at dream interpretation, but perhaps this dream was a sort of processing of the situation that happened. Maybe because you were so traumatized about the war that as a child you felt somewhat responsible for not being able to help your mother in any way. This could be a way of doing what you would have done back then had you been able to. Perhaps the dream acts as a way to release feelings of responsibility you had back then.

Oftentimes as children, because we are centered on the self, we blame ourselves for situations that were not our fault or beyond our control. This is just a guess, but does that sound like a possibility?
Could be! Have to think about this .... Thank You!
Hi all,

Just wanted to share this as it was one of the most intense and vivid dreams I have had in several months. In case someone makes it into a movie, the crew that runs this joint has all copyrights. LOL :umm: I do tend to get winded and repetitive, so apologies for that, if it feels like it is constraining your time. At times I just can't find a simple way of saying things.

Night of Nov. 8th

I had a dream about time travel and location changing. Not really sure how it started out, and much of it isn’t clear. It had something to do with water –sinks, drains, bathtubs, toilets and sounds. The sound wasn’t clear, almost not there but some pitch or frequency (confusing).

The dream was also sort of like the Matrix, in that there were bad-guys who had the technology and wanted to keep it from others. The technology itself was really nothing. Inner focus/meditation or something, and simple running water.

How it worked was that on one end the person trying to send themselves would turn on her/his water and get out the (see this is where I’m confused, I want to say it was the frequency of the person, but it might have been an actual audio tape/cd) ‘sound’ then the person would get themselves in a meditative state.

On the receiving side, the water would be running and the person would be playing/or actually be at that frequency. Once both were at the frequency in themselves, though one is consciously sending and the other receiving, they would be the same thing in a conduit and bam, transmission complete. Somehow the water carried the frequency (sender) between the portals (running water).

Anyhow that’s the generalized background of the dream. In the dream which was very vivid at times, a person got into their meditative state and bam, they were beamed by the sounds somehow connecting.. it didn’t seem to matter about if this person had a well connecting the two or if they were oceans apart, it worked.

One of the Matrix sort of ways that people were being trapped by the agents was they would somehow ‘clog’ the drain. I mean, one instant you would appear next to a functional sink or what have you, realize you’re in a setup, look over to turn the water back on and 1) the water wouldn’t work and 2) there would be no drain for the water to go through either. The once a sink, is now just a bowl. There was a strong level of time and space control with this technology; though very few were aware of it and able to utilize it.

I only bumped into the (time) past once and moved through space two other times during the dream. The strangest part of the dream was the last trip, say going from Australia to Europe. A woman was helping me (teleport?) so we talked over the phone first. I got the water running and it seemed to me she got in the tub with the/her frequency set by sound or meditation (not clear) and as I remolecularized in her bathroom, I had a long series of impressions that I thought were her memories, this only lasted an instant, but it was almost as if through the water she shared massive memories with me and I actually gained experience through the flashes of her history which I could not have known, and bam I’m standing next to her in her bathroom.

There were flashes perhaps from when she was a child, flashes when she was a very old woman which she wasn’t ..yet. Anyhow I just wanted to share this. Wish I could draw a better picture but the dream has been fading for a couple of hours now. There was a certain air to it, as if I had done all of this before and while it was newly discovered technology for the group of people seeking to use the technology to help the world, there was an air of ancientness and sort of sinister desire for control from the so called “agents” who were trying to make sure the information/technology wouldn’t become public knowledge.

Wish there was a way to sort of share the idea in a movie form, the flashes of this woman's past/present/future - current, to exist, and past existing lives would be, IMO, the ultimate Hollywood special affect.. or maybe not. :P
I have heard that there exist mysterious references to "trans-location" phenomena related to 'mystics' of the past. I have also read about the 'mysterious powers' of water and the importance of vibrational energy frequencies and such.

My impression is that something is being beamed to, or otherwise accessed by, someone sensitive enough to 'pick it up' and turn this inspiration into a story of some kind.
:cool: :cool:
I would love to collaborate with you and others and turn it into a movie by writing the script
with a liberal dose of EE product placement
fighting Hollywood and the PTB with their own methods
I would love to collaborate with you and others and turn it into a movie by writing the script

There is little to tell, but your more than welcome to take or do with it anything you like. Not sure I could be much help with anything outside of what I wrote.

What I find odd about the dream is I have no direct connection. I haven't been reading sci-fi, I don't watch TV.

I searched around cause I recall something from The Wave series about remolecularization, or maybe it was adventures with Cassiopaea. I looked into the Cassiopaea Glossary and found this link: http://glossary.cassiopaea.com/glossary.php?id=781&lsel=T Transdimensional Remolecularization. It's really odd that, to my understanding, there were no triggers, in fact the day before I was offline the whole day, and only worked around the house trying to organize/remove clutter.

There were only three scenes I can recall outside of generally being at home and someone contacting me about the tech, which was just a phone call. The first thing that happened was going back in time to the 1940's which I have no memory's of (born in the 60's). But the clothing made things pretty obvious (fur coat, hats of the era, automobiles..). Then there was the scene described about the lady in the tub. The other was falling into a trap where the sink turned into a bowl. The last having occurred in a sort of shack/house, really beat up place, out in the middle of a field (as far as I could tell). Maybe an abandoned farm house. I almost think I escaped by simply pouring water out of a bottle onto the floor.. but maybe I'm making that part up. I did escape however.

I dunno what to think of the dream. It's not worth obsessing over, but there were interesting visuals especially when I met the woman and had glimpses of her past.. it was very foggy, smokey with motion images flashes by between the haze(s). Pretty much right after that I woke up. Wished Id have gotten a good glimpse of her, she reminded me of the lady I saw in the 1940's, who in the present and in the 40's seemed like she was around 30. While everything seemed vivid in the physical sense the people (like the woman) seemed more ethereal, less fixed than the background.

OK, I'm rattling on,

its because of the vivid pictures I get in my head from your description and the fact it came ''out of the blue'' so to speak...its like a hunch...like a memory of the finished movie in the future...I don't have the words to explain this

I see if I can write a short story and post it in CREATIVE acts,I can kinda feel it brewing in the back of my mind....any and all input welcome...
it needs a title or at least a working title water of life/breath of life
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