Dream - Air strike and beginning of war


Jedi Master
I just read http://www.sott.net/article/254034-Gaza-Ceasefire-Prelude-to-a-Wider-War article, and the part of bad omens got my attention, so I decided to post this dream that I had few days ago, sometime after Gaza truce was signed.

In dream, me and a lot of other people, all unknown to me, were on a big green field, resembling a football field. It was some public event that was being held, but I don't remember more about that. But, I remember the anxiety that was 'in the air'. Everyone feared and worried if the war is going to start, cause the state of the world was at the brink of war, as I understood in the dream.

Then, airplanes appeared, maybe 10 to 15 of them, each was different type of airplane(they all looked differently), but they were all flying in the same formation, and all were war airplanes. Then I thought what if they start throwing bombs at us, even though we are all civilians here? In that same moment, first bomb fell 20 meters away and I immediately start running to save my head. But I noticed I can't run, and could move only very slowly, because I was wounded.

While I was moving towards the shelters, bombs were falling everywhere around me, and people were dying in large numbers, and I remember thinking these same lines while trying to reach the shelter : "Is this be a dream? Please let it be just a dream cause it's not fun at all. No, it's not a dream, it's just too real to be a dream."

So, I thought it's reality, and then I came to terms that any second now I'm going to get hit by a bomb and will die. Never before, that I remember, was I more aware of reality of death and my own mortality, then in this dream. (In hindsight, that speaks a lot of my dissociation and sleep during waking time.) Then it happened, bomb got me, and I woke up.

It's quite likely though, that this dream is related to buried memories of war in my country that started when I was born and lasted till I was 5. I dreamt of war in my country before, but this time it felt different and more realistic.
It also might have something to do with seeing a lot of movies and pictures of war in Gaza, lately.

But I decided to share it, fwiw.
Serendipity said:
So, I thought it's reality, and then I came to terms that any second now I'm going to get hit by a bomb and will die. Never before, that I remember, was I more aware of reality of death and my own mortality, then in this dream. (In hindsight, that speaks a lot of my dissociation and sleep during waking time.) Then it happened, bomb got me, and I woke up.

One possibly useful consequence of this dream is the part that I put in bold. But the world is already at war, if it spreads and intensifies is what we should be on the look out for so that we are not blindsided by the course and speed of events.
bngenoh said:
One possibly useful consequence of this dream is the part that I put in bold. But the world is already at war, if it spreads and intensifies is what we should be on the look out for so that we are not blindsided by the course and speed of events.

That's why we pay attention to reality and signs, all the while working on ourselves and applying knowledge, to be prepared on all levels, mentally, emotionally and physically. So, that when the time comes we could act as conduits for the creative side of the universe, osit.

Serendipity said:
Then, airplanes appeared, maybe 10 to 15 of them, each was different type of airplane(they all looked differently), but they were all flying in the same formation, and all were war airplanes.

Maybe, the different types of aircrafts all flying in same perfect formation and in the same direction could be symbolic for the world war, in a sense that different crafts represent different forces/countries in war that are only on the surface different, but when looked from better perspective they all work together, move in same direction, and have same goal, which is global suffering and death of humanity. And, one world government, or consortium are ones who control them? Just a thought.
I think some dreams are there coming from a savior realm to make us understand things that are happening far away but happens in the realm of humanity, so very near if you think about it. We are all connected even if we are not aware of this connection. Your dream is very similar of one I had some years ago during the war in Rwanda: I was in the apartment of my mother and suddenly some man (from Rwanda I don't know if Tutis or Hutus) were coming to kill us with machetes. In my dream I was so, so afraid! Afraid like the people who were killed in Rwanda, I am sure. So I think this dream of me was a connection I had with the sufferance of the Rwanda nightmare. I understood, during my nightmare, how it was horrible to live a situation like this one, not a fictional situation but a real one. Maybe during this dream I connected with the fear of other people? Who knows.

Thanks to share your dream.
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