Dream Attack


The Force is Strong With This One
Two, or three, nights ago, I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I wasn't having much success because I was thinking about the Cassiopaeans and many of the other things I had been reading and, of course, how to solve my latest design problem. One of my thoughts that I was deeply trying to think through concerned the Lizzies when I fell into a semi-dream (not deep into my normal dreaming, but just in between wakefulness and dreaming); I felt as if I was being grasped by the arms and shaken violently. What startled me awake was hearing someone screaming in the dream, which turned out to be me. It was exceptionally weird and irritating, mainly cause I thought I was close to reaching a connection. I was not, however, going to be deterred from my thinking about the Lizzies and this connection, so continuing this thought, I slipped into another semi-dream where a small reptile jumped and attacked me. Which, again, woke me up.

I have been thinking about these little mini-dreams off and on since, and felt that maybe writing it down and getting someone else's opinion, especially since most people here have been far into the Cassiopaean Experiment than I have. I will add to the above dream, that the next day I felt like crap. I felt depressed and my roommate kept on me cause I was sighing way more than usual (she says that I sigh, on a normal basis, far more than anyone she's ever known). I decided to go back to bed and try to sleep it off; when I got up an hour or so later, I felt tremendously better.

Weird and slightly irritating!

Thank you!!

I've experienced quite a few things similar to what you've described, Sarrestia, and what normally helps me is to do Prayer of The Soul meditation before bed. Also, were you sleeping on your back? Sometimes, at least with me, this seems to contribute towards having strange dream experiences.
Timey said:
I've experienced quite a few things similar to what you've described, Sarrestia, and what normally helps me is to do Prayer of The Soul meditation before bed. Also, were you sleeping on your back? Sometimes, at least with me, this seems to contribute towards having strange dream experiences.

Interesting. I haven't thought about the sleeping position would affect the dreams. In all of my life, I always sleep on my stomach and can get either bad or good dreams. In the last six months, I have been sleeping on my back - went to bed on my back and woke up on my back (which is weird for me since I tend to move alot during the night - which of course I don't remember doing lately but I think diet changes and meditation may have affected my sleeping positions naturally).

Sarrestia said:
I have been thinking about these little mini-dreams off and on since, and felt that maybe writing it down and getting someone else's opinion, especially since most people here have been far into the Cassiopaean Experiment than I have. I will add to the above dream, that the next day I felt like crap. I felt depressed and my roommate kept on me cause I was sighing way more than usual (she says that I sigh, on a normal basis, far more than anyone she's ever known). I decided to go back to bed and try to sleep it off; when I got up an hour or so later, I felt tremendously better.

I tend to agree with Timey - it would be better if you can do the PotS and some pipe breathing before bed - it can help with your sleep cycle. Sighing alot and feeling depressed are possible signs of less sleep. I remember experiencing something similar but that was around the time when I first found this cass material and all that jazz. I contributed that to some major inner conflicts in me as part of reactions to the material, but I didn't have the benefit of the EE meditation at the time.
My sleep positions do change. Though I definitely had this experience while trying to sleep on my back. I always start on my back because I know it will take a while for my brain to shut up, once it does I roll over to my sides and fall asleep just fine.

Thank you for the breathing and meditation advice. I am really new to this and haven't heard much of the EE breathing. However, am coming from a shamanic background, so meditation and breathing exercises are normal for me. I just need to remember to do them when something like this happens.

I am comforted knowing that I am not alone in experiencing these.

Thank you all again!!
While I almost always sleep on my side, over the past year or so, on occasion I awake and feel somewhat creeped out/uneasy about the fact that I awake to find myself, unnaturally, lying on my back with my arms crossed (very precisely, palms facing down)--one over the other--at or just below my chest...legs straight with feet turned slightly outward. It is definitely not a "normal" sleeping position for me. I change positions throughout the night but usually from one side to the other and I spread my limbs out liberally on the bed.

This only happens on occasion but just occurred last night, and it does seem to correspond with periods when I am reading more material on the Forum (or Kindle versions of suggested readings on this site). I have tried to recall the dreams that precede this --but they tend to escape me and I do not know tha tthere are any patterns there. I know that in some instances it happens when I awake from a frightening dream of some sort. I actually no longer feel "scared" when I find myself this way, but obviously do not like the idea of even the remote possibility that I was "placed" this way. On the other hand, I do not want to dwell on this question as I feel it's a waste of energy. I try to recite POTS when this occurs, until I fall back asleep. Anyone experience something similar?
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