The Living Force
I dreamt last night that i was semi paralysed, and i was wondering if it was the start of something for life. I blew my nose, and in the kleenex was a snake. Another part was about some people having holes in their brains, although more psycologically than physical. This guy even gave directions, so if you were thinking in yer head, you go right for so mny feet, turn 180 degrees,etc. But you can repair this hole. It was like a commercial and showed a woman being normal, and then while she is in this hole. She acted drunk. I kind of take this to mean that i am aware of the predators mind, but need to be more vigilant in getting rid of it. Or something to that affect?
Mod's note: Edited to change the word drram for dream in the title.
Mod's note: Edited to change the word drram for dream in the title.