dream of another reality?

I've noticed I have been dreaming a lot lately. Not like my normal dreams but dreams vivid enough that i remember details in them, an unusual factor for me. This dream seemed so familiar and yet not so. I dreamed that i had bought a house on a cul de sac but I never moved any belongings in. The surrounding environment was somewhat similar to the rocky mountains. The people seemed huge, like very tall, or like i was very small. I remember meeting all the neighbors but not really getting personal. I didn't have a vehicle in the dream right away but everyone else did. I remember exploring around looking for something or someone. I eventually jumped into a semi truck type vehicle and found myself in a huge garage/work area. It was really weird. I remember the red and yellow colors all over the place. Kind of like a red and yellow checker board paint scheme on the walls and floors. At that point something clicked and i wanted to leave that place. The dream skips a bit and i remember looking up at a neighbor and shaking his hand but this guy was 10 feet+ height wise. Something didn't seem to be quite right. After that i Remember halfway waking up and saying to myself outloud that Nephilim are that tall and i went back to dreaming. At that point i was scared and angry and wanted nothing more than to leave that place quick like and fast. I don't know how it happened but i thought of my dodge truck and next thing i know i was driving down a 7% or so incline almost straight down or so it seemed. The road was very crowded with traffic. I remember dodging and weaving and going through a town that i could have sworn was Trinidad, Colorado. The mountains where very green like it was mid summer. It was daytime but the sun wasn't shining as bright as I thought it would be. I have been having many dreams about going to "other" places like this, more so than what i would deem to be normal.
I think that in general, these types of dreams are subconscious sorting mechanisms designed to send a message to you with perhaps a hint of precognition. I can think of several interpretations for the 10ft people, but they are all just subjective musings without the specific context that your life was in at the time you saw the images. For example, you linked the people with the Nephilim. You could have been dreaming about people who had the YY chromosome whom had been more or less been "possessed" by a Nephilim consciousness. You could've been dreaming about an uncomfortable social life, where you always perceive yourself as being "small" due to some deficiency, real or imagined. Perhaps your mind sees authority figures as "tall" and your mind viewed the neighbors has social authorities that were coercing your conformity. I could go on and on. Now I can say that there are certain symbols in your dream which could loosely be defined as archetypes, such as the empty house, perhaps symbolizing an emotionally empty life, the tall people, perhaps symbolizing your "inferior" status, and driving haphazardly down a road, which could mean that your life is chaotic or out of control. You're probably chuckling a little about the incorrectness of my interpretation, but the point is that these things don't have fixed meanings and the manifestations of any hidden messages will depend on your specific circumstances. Another interpretation could be that you've simply been reading a lot about the Nephilim and the "invasion" that is taking place via people with behavioral and genetic abnormalities, and this has kind of been running in the background of your mind. When you were asleep, these thoughts rose to your conscious awareness because there weren't any other conscious processes to inhibit them. The appearance of Trinidad, CO could be significant. Does it hold any special significance to you?

I'll share one of my dreams that is in some ways similar to this and illustrates my point. For me, highly vivid dreams are somewhat common and tend to occur in cycles. This dream however, was unusual in the sense that it was so vivid that it took up about 15 handwritten 8.5X11 pages in my journal and contained specific temporal and spatial references, which is highly unusual for me. I had it on 10/20/07. The backdrop of the dream was a third-world America that was undergoing a civil war. The military controlled the major cities and strategic areas, but vast swaths of the country had become war zones or "free cities" that were bases for resistance fighters. The setting was somewhere near Charleston, SC and the time was fall 2011. (I ascertained this date based on picket signs seen in the dream that said 2011 was the last year to join the armies of God and the temperatures I felt during the dream) In the dream, Florida, where I now live, had become uninhabitable and there had been a mass exodus. The dream didn't say exactly why, but you can imagine I got a few chills when all this stuff started coming out about the BP oil spill. According to a girlfriend of sorts that I had in the dream, she and her friend had rescued me after they found me unconscious after a raid that was launched against the evacuees. This girl worked for the military and helped me smuggle materials out of the military bases. Due to economic collapse, raw materials were hard to come by and the military had a lot of scrap to dispose of due to the ongoing civil war. One could make a decent living selling refuse to various street vendors. We lived in an abandoned medical clinic, and the first part of the dream detailed our daily struggles in an apocalyptic America full of nationalistic and 2012 furor. At some point, this girl had a dream about going to Charleston, which was a short bus ride away, and convinced me to go. When we got to Charleston, we got caught in a battle and were rescued by some "monks" who looked Buddhist and brought us to their teacher, or whatever. The teacher had a chart of 12 colored circles with a little cross-shaped design in them. He said something about forming a group where each of the color essences were represented. He said the girl represented the "green" essence and I was more of a dark blue. After that, we went looking for someone who had the "red" essence who was apparently being chased by the NSA. After a brief entanglement with them, the girl had another vision that told her that we needed to go to New Mexico to find the next essence. The dream ended there. While it was a very interesting dream, I didn't ascribe any special significance to it. The fact that it was somewhat predictive of the economic situation was interesting, but I had been reading a lot about how the economy was living on borrowed time and it would have been easy for my mind to fabricate a world based on my expectations of what a collapse would look like. The bit with the Buddhist monk and the female shamanic elements was also interesting, but it is easy to use these things to inflate one's self-importance about being chosen by special teachers to go on special quests. So far the bit about looking for the 12 essences has had no relevance at all to my 3D life. The one thing that I took away from this dream is that I started looking at the economy much more closely, and it has helped become more cautious in some minor financial decisions where being riskier like I was prior to the dream would have been a bad move. There may be a point where the 12 essences may suddenly become relevant, and give me the extra insight to make a decision, but as of right now it seems to be little more than idle fantasizing.

Another possibility about travelling to "other" places is that you have been astral travelling. I've had dreams about going to other worlds and talking with various other beings and doing incredible things from the 3D perspective. After one such dream, I woke up floating about a foot above my body. While astral travel can be fun and very interesting, the consensus on this forum is that it does not contribute to one's development in any meaningful way and is more of a distraction than anything else. The astral plane seems to be a subjective realm where people indulge their fantasies. While astral travel might be useful for someone who has a singular I and well-defined aim, the fact that you can see anything you want to see there, and there are other entities that can do the same to you, does not make it a conducive environment for learning. Any human who wanders into the astral plane is basically going into a jungle full of tigers with nothing but a pair of swim shorts and flip-flops and whatever limited knowledge they have of how such realms work. There was a big discussion about it on this forum a couple of years ago, and once I learned what it was, I quit trying to do it. It is basically a Disneyland for New Age types.
Neil said:
I think that in general, these types of dreams are subconscious sorting mechanisms designed to send a message to you with perhaps a hint of precognition. I can think of several interpretations for the 10ft people, but they are all just subjective musings without the specific context that your life was in at the time you saw the images. For example, you linked the people with the Nephilim. You could have been dreaming about people who had the YY chromosome whom had been more or less been "possessed" by a Nephilim consciousness. You could've been dreaming about an uncomfortable social life, where you always perceive yourself as being "small" due to some deficiency, real or imagined. Perhaps your mind sees authority figures as "tall" and your mind viewed the neighbors has social authorities that were coercing your conformity. I could go on and on. Now I can say that there are certain symbols in your dream which could loosely be defined as archetypes, such as the empty house, perhaps symbolizing an emotionally empty life, the tall people, perhaps symbolizing your "inferior" status, and driving haphazardly down a road, which could mean that your life is chaotic or out of control. You're probably chuckling a little about the incorrectness of my interpretation, but the point is that these things don't have fixed meanings and the manifestations of any hidden messages will depend on your specific circumstances. Another interpretation could be that you've simply been reading a lot about the Nephilim and the "invasion" that is taking place via people with behavioral and genetic abnormalities, and this has kind of been running in the background of your mind. When you were asleep, these thoughts rose to your conscious awareness because there weren't any other conscious processes to inhibit them. The appearance of Trinidad, CO could be significant. Does it hold any special significance to you?

Here lately before i take a nap or go to bed I always ask my higher mind or self to show me a way to balance my life through my dreams. I've been doing this for about a week now. At times looking back now I guess i do feel small from time to time in dealing with people. Mainly for the fact that it seems no one ever listens to me even though i have great idea's from time to time or good advice. I think it could represent how i currently feel in my life as far as knowledge goes. (Realizing the fact i still have so much to read that i do indeed feel very small). For the most part at this point my social life is a bit uncomfortable, though i never really thought of it in that way. I'm still puzzled over the empty house. I didn't move anything in because for some reason i knew i wouldn't be staying there for long. I will admit that it could and maybe does symbolize my emotionally empty life. Other than my animals my life is filled with mechanical stuff. As after I got back stateside I had the crazy idea that if I only put trust in my vehicles that they would only fail if I failed to maintain them. I had and still have serious issue's in trusting people especially females due to past experiences. From my point of view my life isn't yet at that point where i would call it chaotic or out of control. Though some people would call it just that. This to me is the second time my belief system has collapsed, the first being when I was retired from the army and basically thrown out on my face. the biggest train of thought that has been running through my head lately is the behavioral manipulation of people on the BBM. I have been chewing on that thought for quite some time now and trying to apply it to myself. I'm just beginning to see how it has affected myself along with those closet to me, (friends and family). The town of Trinidad, Co is also puzzling me. I have driven through that town ever since I have had my license as it is one of the towns i drive through when i go to NM. Other than that I do not recognize any special significant to it. I don't like or dislike that town, at least not in the way i dislike Alamosa, CO. I just woke up from a nap so my thinking process is a bit scattered at the moment, I will think of this a bit more though. Thanks for the mirror is has held some interesting insights. :thup:
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