The Force is Strong With This One
Hi everyone. This is my 1st 'actual' post aside from my recent introduction post in the 'Newbies' thread. Thanks for the warm welcome and good wishes.
I wanted to discuss 2 very vivid dreams I've had in the last week and get your perspective on them. Yet, 1st I need to tell you where I am in life. This plays a major role, I think, in these dreams. Being very new to The Wave and responsiveness, I thought some of you more 'awakened' souls might dig a bit deeper into the meaning of these dreams as they are rather obvious on the surface.
Over the last year and a half due to the recession, I have lost my career (still scrambling to find work), my savings, my marriage, my best friend to suicide, my vehicle and home. You can imagine the stress and depression I struggle with. I pray for a miracle daily. There was a time when I could forecast...or visualize a future path during trying times in my life, yet now...I see nothing...only...static. And this terrifies me.
The dreams:
1st - I'm standing on the 2nd story deck of my soon to be lost home. Hands on the rail, looking to the southern horizon. (I do this daily to reflect and just decompress) It's nearing the end of the day. I feel a rumble coming from behind me and soon the rumble is overhead. I look straight up to see a fireball streaking south. The fireball disappears far over the horizon. About a minute later I hear/feel a distant, yet sickening 'thud'...a minute later every cloud in the sky is rolling backwards and a new rumble begins far in the distance. ( I might say at this point that in this dream everything is tangible; I can feel the deck, the breeze, was as if this was truly happening 1st person) The rumble becomes louder and louder as the earth begins to shake very quickly, but not terribly....On the horizon the sky is turning an amber begins to darken to a greyish-red. All the while I remain standing in the same position...not running or even exhibiting any concern) Then I see, from left to right all the way across the horizon a wave of dust and heat that seems miles high. The wave is approaching exponentially faster towards me...It seemed like seconds from the time I saw it until it was right on top of me. It engulfed me and hit like a sledgehammer and a blast furnace combined. I never flinched. Almost resigned to my fate. I then woke up quite disturbed and upset. It was around 2am and it took me some time to try and sleep again.
When I fell back asleep I dreamed this:
2nd - I'm walking with someone out in nature. It's a rugged terrain and we're apparently hiking. I'm speaking to the other person a few meters in front of me about something and he doesn't seem to be listening to me. I ask him why he's not responding and he has stopped in his tracks and seems to be distracted by something off in the distance...still not paying attention to my conversation. I become annoyed at his behavior and ask him again what his problem is...then I glance in the direction his attention was drawn and see a pyroclastic wave rumbling up over the horizon towards us. He just stands there eyes fixed on the event. I turn to my left where there is a small river and a bridge and run for the underside of the bridge. The last thing I remember was saying to myself, "We'll never even know what killed us".
So, that's that. Both dreams were so very real and vivid. I might mention I rarely remember my dreams and throughout my life, I've never had nightmares or apocalyptic dreams. Again, from the losses of my recent past, I can only assume the obvious interpretation, but I'd really like to hear what all of you think about this. Is this the reason why I can't see a way out to a new future?
I wanted to discuss 2 very vivid dreams I've had in the last week and get your perspective on them. Yet, 1st I need to tell you where I am in life. This plays a major role, I think, in these dreams. Being very new to The Wave and responsiveness, I thought some of you more 'awakened' souls might dig a bit deeper into the meaning of these dreams as they are rather obvious on the surface.
Over the last year and a half due to the recession, I have lost my career (still scrambling to find work), my savings, my marriage, my best friend to suicide, my vehicle and home. You can imagine the stress and depression I struggle with. I pray for a miracle daily. There was a time when I could forecast...or visualize a future path during trying times in my life, yet now...I see nothing...only...static. And this terrifies me.
The dreams:
1st - I'm standing on the 2nd story deck of my soon to be lost home. Hands on the rail, looking to the southern horizon. (I do this daily to reflect and just decompress) It's nearing the end of the day. I feel a rumble coming from behind me and soon the rumble is overhead. I look straight up to see a fireball streaking south. The fireball disappears far over the horizon. About a minute later I hear/feel a distant, yet sickening 'thud'...a minute later every cloud in the sky is rolling backwards and a new rumble begins far in the distance. ( I might say at this point that in this dream everything is tangible; I can feel the deck, the breeze, was as if this was truly happening 1st person) The rumble becomes louder and louder as the earth begins to shake very quickly, but not terribly....On the horizon the sky is turning an amber begins to darken to a greyish-red. All the while I remain standing in the same position...not running or even exhibiting any concern) Then I see, from left to right all the way across the horizon a wave of dust and heat that seems miles high. The wave is approaching exponentially faster towards me...It seemed like seconds from the time I saw it until it was right on top of me. It engulfed me and hit like a sledgehammer and a blast furnace combined. I never flinched. Almost resigned to my fate. I then woke up quite disturbed and upset. It was around 2am and it took me some time to try and sleep again.
When I fell back asleep I dreamed this:
2nd - I'm walking with someone out in nature. It's a rugged terrain and we're apparently hiking. I'm speaking to the other person a few meters in front of me about something and he doesn't seem to be listening to me. I ask him why he's not responding and he has stopped in his tracks and seems to be distracted by something off in the distance...still not paying attention to my conversation. I become annoyed at his behavior and ask him again what his problem is...then I glance in the direction his attention was drawn and see a pyroclastic wave rumbling up over the horizon towards us. He just stands there eyes fixed on the event. I turn to my left where there is a small river and a bridge and run for the underside of the bridge. The last thing I remember was saying to myself, "We'll never even know what killed us".
So, that's that. Both dreams were so very real and vivid. I might mention I rarely remember my dreams and throughout my life, I've never had nightmares or apocalyptic dreams. Again, from the losses of my recent past, I can only assume the obvious interpretation, but I'd really like to hear what all of you think about this. Is this the reason why I can't see a way out to a new future?