Dream of disaster and relocation


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi, I just wanted to share a dream I had two nights ago. It was pretty vivid and easily remembered when I woke up.

It started at what seemed to be an old vacation home my family had. So it was kind of like it wasn't "home sweet home", but where we were currently dwelling. Then I had the feeling that there was some kind of disaster. I think it was high winds, as it had been windy last week. The home was perceived as a mix between the vacation home and my former home, so it wasn't quite clear which.

After the disaster I could hear vividly a man screaming. I looked around the streets and his house had fallen down partially. Some houses were intact, including ours. But the streets were flooded with people evacuating. We decided that we needed to leave too. I didn't want to go because I had three books from the recommended reading list in the house, but went anyways.

The dream then progressed to my family and myself in a restaurant. I think I complained because I wouldn't eat their food. I think I also went back and got the books or said something about them. That's about the end of the dream or all I can remember. It was pretty interesting for me.
Hi 3D student

An interesting dream. My wife frequently has these type of disaster and evacuation type dreams and always describes them as very intense and vivid. I found the most pertinent aspect of it this:

3D Student said:
I didn't want to go because I had three books from the recommended reading list in the house, but went anyways.

Perhaps one interpretation of this could be that your knowledge (The Books) meant that you did not need to evacuate your home and it is this knowledge that is of paramount importance in any kind of disaster or evacuation scenario. The cassiopaean's have indicated that in the event of any potential up and coming turmoil it is not where you are that matters but 'who you are and what you see'. Just a thought :)
Thanks Pai for the interpretation. By the way, I like your colorful avatar :P.

Yeah the books might be symbolic of knowledge, which you take with you wherever you go. You just have to access it. I find this to be the case with myself. There's so much information I've gathered here in my subconscious that I have to think about the concepts and principles to find a relevant chunk for application. Perhaps having it always there in the forefront is a part of BEing, or maybe it's just the limits of human memory.

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