Dream of frequency fence?


Jedi Master
I had strange dream this morning. It was another one of those dreams in which I have ability to levitate and move through air using my hands, and almost flying. It was set in a place where I lived till I was 11 years old.

First I was very young, of a preschool age, and I was jumping down from places that were over 4 meters high, and was able to do so because I was so light, almost like a balloon, so I was landing very slowly.
Then, I was older, in my teens, but In same place, in front of the house I used to live in. My brothers and my cousins who also lived there were present, and I was showing them that I can levitate, and even move with my legs in the air through the hallway helped with my hands. I said, look my legs aren't touching the ground! See! While I was floating few centimeters above the ground. But they thought it's nothing special and worth of attention.

Then I stopped bothering with them and tried to fly in the air. I used my hands to push through the air, but I would only up the few centimeters. But with each stroke I would move the higher distance, and I knew if I keep going like this I will gain a momentum? and would be able to soar high in the air and really fly. But as I was soaring higher and higher, when I was 1-2 meters in the air I noticed a ''fence'' parallel to ground (lattice?) that my grandpa used for grapevines so they can grow on it and make a shade below. It had openings big enough to pass through them, but they were full of grapevines.

When I passed through the opening I felt something was pulling me down, and I would just get stuck and couldn't pass above it, but I kept trying and finally made it somehow but immediately the fence reappeared in front of me. Then I thought of an idea. I knew a part of the fence that was always empty of grapevines and few meters away so I went there flying, and I saw it, but as I approached it the grapevines began to grow in front of me and fill the empty places.

Then I had another dream that I remembered only later. It was something about bloodline or genetics, and that pure bloodline was immune to viruses but it got mixed through generations. Just thought I should mention it.

When I woke up first thing I remembered was the dream where I was trying to fly through the fence, and immediately thought about frequency fence. Don't know why I didn't think of getting away from the fence completely and out in the open while I was dreaming, though.

Few minutes after waking from dream, I got sleepy again and while still awake but with eyes closed I saw a hand grabbing my head from behind me. It was preceded by the usual sensing of what was coming, so I immediately prepared myself to resist the paralysis that was coming over me, and also the sensation of something stimulating my sexual energy, and because I was so determined to resist, it was over in a second.

I also remember sensing something in my brain before and while it happened, don't know how to describe it other then a glitch or a short circuit, and in just a second the event last my head started to ache slightly and there was that feeling of a pressure and something wrong in my head, that was so well-known to me until a year ago,and I used to wake up with all these symptoms quite often, but when I changed the diet headaches were almost completely gone, actually they were completely gone while I was on ketosis for a few weeks.

So, the feeling bad in head and headache only lasted few minutes and it was gone, maybe because I made to stop the ''event'' so fast, maybe because of doing the work, but the fact that it happened in the first place means that something is contributing to it. The likely culprit is buckwheat that I reintroduced last few weeks when I stopped ketosis.
So, this time it's out for good, cause there is no good from it. And obviously I need to go keto again.

P.S. If moderators think this post should be moved to my thread about ''attacks'' in sleep, please do. Thanks :)
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