Dream of murder - advice needed

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I'll keep this short because I know how bored people can get when hearing about others' dreams (generalization).

This dream has happened twice now. The scenario is this: I'm in a public place it's a train station and I'm just standing waiting for a train or looking about and the next thing I know someone has come from the side or behind me and slit my throat, the last thing I remember is bleeding and everything fading to black and thinking "so this is what it's like to die". After that I wake and feel terrified.

I'd really like to get to the bottom of this so any insights would be appreciated.
Was the station or apearal worn by persons in the dream dated ? Seeing as how you recall actually dying maybe it was a past life death? :/
I can't begin to help with dream analysis, but one positive thought jumped into my head when I saw your post. You might be able to use that feeling of imminent death to help focus your thoughts when awake. You know, help focus on the most important things and use it as a tool for clarity. Just a thought...
Just a few thoughts,

The train refers to your life’s journey, and moving forward. To dream of being murdered can refer to killing off parts of yourself. So maybe this dream is about having to kill off/murder some parts of yourself – probably killing off the false personality in order to “die” and achieve the second birth of the Work, which refers to how Gurdjieff talked of how one must first awake, then die and only then can one be born. False personality must die, in order for the journey to go forward.

may be way off, but fwiw,
Moonwalker said:

I'll keep this short because I know how bored people can get when hearing about others' dreams (generalization).

This dream has happened twice now. The scenario is this: I'm in a public place it's a train station and I'm just standing waiting for a train or looking about and the next thing I know someone has come from the side or behind me and slit my throat, the last thing I remember is bleeding and everything fading to black and thinking "so this is what it's like to die". After that I wake and feel terrified.

I'd really like to get to the bottom of this so any insights would be appreciated.

Think through the dream a minute and ask questions about it:

What choices do trains have?
What do people normally do while waiting for a train? (awareness level)
How often in your waking life do you take the train to go somewhere?

What part of your waking life is like a train ride or grooved like a train track?

Awareness is a learned skill. The more you learn the more aware you'll grow, and your mind won't need to scare you this way.

It appears your mind is encouraging you to find those things in your waking life that cut off your breath, your voice, and your mind.

One suggestion? Don't watch TV before bed. ;) Death dreams, as scary as they are, can have variable origins. Think them through and don't let the emotions
cloud you.
Thanks for the responses. The reason I posted is because I thought this dream could be prophetic, now I don't think it is but I can't be sure.

@seekr - No from what I recall it was a modern station, with people wearing modern clothing. You did get me thinking that it may be a present life death. I could be incarnated in the present somewhere and get murdered, kind of like Jet Li in the movie 'The One'

@manitoban - I see what you're saying, I definitely think there is a part of my false personality that I'm trying to remove or some part of me that I want/need to kill. Thanks I overlooked the false personality.

@MrGullible Yeah I think it could be used as a tool for focus. The issue I have with that approach is that if I continually remind myself of having my throat slit open I'll be living in a state of fear and paranoia, something I've had enough of.

@Gimpy - That's very insightful of you, It's DVDs though not TV. I think you're on to something about my mind encouraging me to find those things in waking life that cut off my breath, voice and mind, not only encouraging me but urging me to act on these things. I also wonder if this could be a physical sympton from sleep apnoea. Very useful info.

I also wonder if this could be a physical sympton from sleep apnoea. Very useful info.

If it is from sleep apnea, do look into getting that treated. It can lead to serious complications. (If you've been avoiding wearing the c-pap machine, please wear it.
My Hubby didn't like to wear his until he discovered how many times he quit breathing in an hour.)

If you find the mask type claustrophobic, there are other options and headgear to offset that problem. :) If this is all old info, my apologies. I've read of people who have died from not wearing their c-pap machines and not taking the condition seriously.

If this is all old news, check the air flow meter on your machine and make sure that its set right. You may need to increase the pressure to ensure your airway is clear. Sometimes to do that you have to take the machine in, but better safe than not in this case. :)
Hello there. I, too recently had a murdering dream. I don't know if this is relevant to yours. For a couple of weeks (maybe longer) I've caught myself in the midst of this big anger. I'm surprised at the intensity and how it seems to just be there without me knowing most of the time. So I had a dream where I was in a public place (gas staion I think) with a few other people and there was this violent murderous rager on the loose. He was attacking people ruthlessly. I managed stay out of sight but it was really horrific and happened so fast. He was caught or stopped which was a relief but somehow I knew he wanted me and I'd always have to look out for him. Well after this dream I layed in bed soaked in the emotion and some anger about WHY I have to have such an ugly black dream? Then I thought wait a minute...These aren't separate entities making guest appearances, but my own creations and I realized the horrible murderer was my anger and as soon as I did, I felt relief. I think, but am in no way certain, that I was releasing anger. I think, that him (anger) got caught temporarily but will always be out to get me. Again, I don't know if this helps.......
I don't know if a murder dream is bad in itself. It could be symbolic. I had many murder dreams in the past (especially during adolescence). The last one i remember was some three years ago, but I didn't die this time. I was walking by night (in the dream) and when I arrived to a corner a person attacked me and tried to break my brain to the soil. Then suddenly another entity savagely attacked it and there where blood everywhere. I was shocked. Then rain started to fall and washed everything. Maybe these dreams are about killing (washing) some parts of us?
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