Dream of Native Song


FOTCM Member
Dreaming is something I try to write down, but often they can be fragmented or difficult to recall. The dream I had the other night was not long but very vivid and it is recounted this way:

The dream starts with beautiful singing or actually more like chanting in a Native American resonance coming into the house. The place seemed like home but not home. The voices came from the back of the house and upon moving outside to hear it, to see who was singing, was met with lovely warm sunlight and waving august grass amongst copses of fir trees. There in the grass were two young foals with mane’s slightly moving under the breeze. I looked and listened for where the song was coming from, but there was no one there, just the sound moving through the trees and the foals quietly forging.

I remember then not wondering about who was singing, where they were and just stood enjoying the young horses all the while being soothed in the powerful chant and then woke.

If thought about, sometimes but not always, when one thinks back there can be clues of dreams from recent talks, reading or events. What was particular about this was that it was rather cold and snowy and had been reading a fair amount about our human condition from a psychological perspective and it is not pretty. So not sure why my dream seemed so opposite to my conscious reading state the night before, just was not expecting something - thankfully, like this to wake with the next morning.
It could have seemed like home, but not home, because you had been there a very long time ago, or the voices that you heard were from a very distant time. The very Earth itself can have a voice, though it is hard to hear in our modern and very noisy world.
Is there anything special about this particular time of the year, that causes a change that strikes a note with you?
RobertB said:
It could have seemed like home, but not home, because you had been there a very long time ago, or the voices that you heard were from a very distant time. The very Earth itself can have a voice, though it is hard to hear in our modern and very noisy world.
Is there anything special about this particular time of the year, that causes a change that strikes a note with you?

Sometimes with dreams i think or see if they can be tested by way of T.C. Lethbridge's experiences with dreams, with commonality from what he discusses in his writing. If there was a place for this thinking it would be the visual of the horses, but am uncertain. What you said in bold above holds intuitively so for me. As for this particular time of year, can't see a direct correlation, well maybe, like a longing for that seasonal condition recalled. At the time it was cold with snow, northern abated sunlight - hibernation season for some. The accompanying sound, the chant in the dream struck a deeper accord, the familiar, those missed perhaps from a distant time as you said; don't know.
Sounded like a nice way to be awakened.

What emotions did aspects of the dream evoke? Was there, for example a melancholy or nostalgia, a sense of hopefulness, etc?

I find sometimes when I recognize the emotion, I unlock a door to yet another layer of realization.

Gonzo said:
What emotions did aspects of the dream evoke? Was there, for example a melancholy or nostalgia, a sense of hopefulness, etc?

I find sometimes when I recognize the emotion, I unlock a door to yet another layer of realization.


The dream (early morning - wake/sleep) came surprisingly as said, after some intense reading about our horrible human pathological condition; was not expecting this whatsoever. The dream left me at peace with a vivid longing, part visual but mostly sensate.
voyageur said:
Sometimes with dreams i think or see if they can be tested by way of T.C. Lethbridge's experiences with dreams, with commonality from what he discusses in his writing. If there was a place for this thinking it would be the visual of the horses, but am uncertain. What you said in bold above holds intuitively so for me. As for this particular time of year, can't see a direct correlation, well maybe, like a longing for that seasonal condition recalled. At the time it was cold with snow, northern abated sunlight - hibernation season for some. The accompanying sound, the chant in the dream struck a deeper accord, the familiar, those missed perhaps from a distant time as you said; don't know.

I'm not familiar with Lethbridge. Most of this is new to me. For the last 10 years, I keep going to the same place in a dream, and there I meet up with people who I know are no longer here. Except for one, she is not gone yet.
It is in this world, fully awake, that I have heard the Earth, and also heard the voices of those who made a particular uproar in now deserted places.
It is Autumn that does it for me. I believe you have something there: Sunlight makes noise.
[quote author=RobertB]
I'm not familiar with Lethbridge. Most of this is new to me. For the last 10 years, I keep going to the same place in a dream, and there I meet up with people who I know are no longer here. Except for one, she is not gone yet.

It is in this world, fully awake, that I have heard the Earth, and also heard the voices of those who made a particular uproar in now deserted places.

It is Autumn that does it for me. I believe you have something there: Sunlight makes noise.

Hello RobertB,

What you said to a degree in bold is some of the things T.C. Lethbridge studied in dream and measure. Should have offered you this link during the last reply for further considering purposes as you may or may not find it interesting - ‘Power of the Pendulum’ by T.C. Lethbridge as indicated in the QFS recommended books here:


A brief description of TCL can be found in Wikipedia, which will leave here for your discretion.

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