Dream of Shamen and a question...

Hi all,

I recently had this interesting dream where I was in some kind of university or campus and I saw 5-6 strangely dressed men and women walking around the corridors. I asked someone who these people were and they told me that they were shamen who were here to 'cleanse' the campus. Upon hearing this I walked up a hill knowing that the shamen would leave the campus using a certain route and my aim was to meet them as they left in order to thank them for what they were doing. This is exactly what happened and the group stopped and turned towards me as I called out to them and thanked them. One of the group (a guy) came up to me and said something like 'Let's have a look at you' and turned me round a few times as if examining me. He said: 'There is a place in your chest that is blocked and stops the wind blowing through'. I said: 'How do you mean?'. He said: 'Let me demonstrate', put his finger in the center of my chest and the strangest thing happened...

It's very hard to describe but there was a loud 'wooshing' sound of wind. It was as if a tunnel had opened up in my chest and a powerful but uplifting and fresh wind was blowing through it. A great weight was lifted from me that I hadn't been aware I was carrying until then. At the same time it was as if the normal daily clothes I was wearing suddenly transformed into a voluminous white robe which flapped and billowed briefly behind me in this weird wind that was literally coming out of my back (i.e. in through the chest and out of the back).

The Shaman said: "This is the way it should be and the way you should feel. This is what is normal and to be blocked like you are isn't normal. But this was just a demonstration and you yourself will have to find the way of achieving this for keeps." Actually this part was a bit ambiguous. He also said 'You will have to find yourself the Teacher who can give this to you for keeps' but he somehow said all of this in one sentence.

Now I'm quite sure that all this relates to chakras etc but I'm a bit of a tyro on this subject and would like to ask: does anyone know what the Shaman in my dream meant by 'wind not being able to blow through' the chest area? I am of course going to start taking a deeper look at chakras and the significance of the chest area but I would also love to hear any opinions you people may have on this subject.


Giray Khan The Brave
Hi Giray

From a symbolic perspective it is a rather interesting dream. My understanding is that structures (buildings) in dreams usually represent the self (although I may be mistaken)...
If the school is 'you' I wonder who those 'shamen' were (elements of self or 'external')? That is not to say it wasn't something positive....just that if they were 'external', were they invited in at the request of yourself to 'cleanse' the campus...or did they violate your free will?

Dream can be tricky...they can be nonsense, foresight/insight, or planted by those with do not have our best interests at heart.

Having said all that, something that will get the winds moving through your chest (literally) is the EE Breathing Program, the whole thing can be watching online for free here.
If something is 'stuck', it is the best thing I know of to un-stick it. fwiw :)
RedFox said:
Having said all that, something that will get the winds moving through your chest (literally) is the EE Breathing Program, the whole thing can be watching online for free here.
If something is 'stuck', it is the best thing I know of to un-stick it. fwiw :)

This was my first thought also. Are you aware of the Eiriu Eolas breathing and meditation program, Giray Khan the Brave? If not, follow the links that RedFox shared above, to learn more about it and the experiences many of us had after we started practicing it. If there's any blocking in your emotional center/heart, it is the tool that will help you work through that block. Also, in your introduction thread you were given some reading suggestions. Those books will help you understand yourself better, and your interactions, how your past wounding has shaped your present behavior patterns, and what you can do about it now.

Your dream sounds to me like it contains an advice from one part of yourself to the other, though noone can have more insight to interpret a dream than the one who had it. One thing that stood out to me was the word "wind". In Greek there's one word for air, wind, breath and soul. For what is worth.
Hi Redfox and Alana :)

First of all let me answer RedFox's important question: was my free will violated? No, it wasn't because I never for a moment felt threatened by the Shaman who approached me. Believe me, I've had quite a few dreams where my free will was violated like a tank running over tissue paper and this dream wasn't one of them. Although I don't remember every detail, I remember the Shaman was a tall, dark, very competent looking guy with a kind face and piercing eyes and I knew in my dream that these people had power. I had a strong feeling that what the guy did was a kind of return for me wanting to thank them so I let him do what he did as I knew no BS would be coming out of THAT mouth.

This dream was also strange in that it was a practical no-nonsense dream (i.e. no hidden meanings and metaphors). It was literally like our paths really did cross on some other level and I was told what needed to be told quite openly and plainly with no secrecy or trickery involved. The interesting thing is I've just started reading up on the EE Breathing Program and this dream came to me long before I'd even heard of the Cs, Laura, this site or anything remotely to do with it. So it seems that this dream may have actually been pointing me towards the EE program and telling me exactly how and what I needed to use if for.

Alana, I also want to add that anything you guys say is worth a lot and will be accepted with the same degree of gratitude no matter how important or unimportant it may seem. I believe that the parts of the Grand Puzzle have not only been scattered among the different countries and religions of the world but among the languages too and learning how other languages approach and define reality is one of the keys of putting things together. What you said about Greek having one word for all of those things makes a lot of sense.

I have been checking up on the chest area in terms of chakras and it seems that the Shaman in my dream put his finger right in the middle of what is called the Heart Chakra. Apparently this can be blocked through sadness and heartbreak, both of which I've had more than my fair share of unfortunately, so it seems that the plot is thickening and a plan involving the EE program is coming together...

Thanks guys :)
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