dream pick up


Jedi Master
A couple of weeks ago my cousin left to go back to her old home because of some issues she was having over here. And my mother brought us a bunk bed and she use to sleep at the top of the bunk bed. Know I no my cousin had strong feelings about her brother and they are not good feelings either.

So yesterday I decided to go to sleep on her old bed because it was cold in my room and I know it was warmer up there so I slept up there. But the dream was just horrible I dreamed that her brother the one she don't like much died from natural causes in his sleep. Most of the dream was also about him and everybody that live with her and where she lives know was in my dream.

So I was just thinking was it possible that I picked up her emotions or dreams from the bed and pillow and it transferred in my dreams. Because we did not change the sheets or the pillow sheets either. And this is not really new either I had a similar experience a couple of months ago at my sister house in her bed to.

I just want to know what you all think and if you all had similar experiences sorry I am incorporating a theory in the dream section.
Hi celtic,
I have definitely experience this type of "pick up" of emotional energy. I am a sensitive person and notice this all the time. For example sitting down at someone else's desk where they sit long periods of time I can feel their energy/thoughts. It seems like wherever we go we leave an imprint in the area from what we were thinking/feeling at the time and those that are sensitive can pick up on it. Like perhaps you have been somewhere and gotten bad vibes from the place like you knew something bad happened there. I think that even those that are not conscious of it can be influenced by being in the area.

I notice this happen from myself for example when I worry a lot while I am in bed. Then next night when I lay down it can be like re-entering that state of mind even if I am not worried any more. So I think you could be picking up on some things while sleeping because I think people are pretty receptive in sleep. I personally have found that smudge can help to clear the energy.
I beleive the c's said once that it was the awareness of it that is important.
Just off the top of my head, so i apologize if i am wrong in this.
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