Dream - Smell of Death


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
I had a very weird one last night. I dreamt that I was awakened in the early morning hours by the overwhelming stench of rotting flesh. It smelled much like when a rodent dies within a wall and decomposes. The bedroom window was open and I rationalized that one of the dogs had rolled in a ripe animal carcass and was just outside. The big dog was occasionally barking and the odor would come and go, as if the dog was moving away from the window and returning. It was all very real at the time, but upon awakening I find no smell, odorless dogs and the realization that I was dreaming it all. I had even planned to shampoo the offending dog, first thing.

It is disturbing to ponder the inner workings that would create such a scenario. It was very close to the description of lucid dreaming. In the dream I was wide awake, albeit groggy from sleep. The strangest aspect was the powerful sense of smell. I cannot ever remember smelling anything in a dream before, let alone being awakened by it.

A possible biochemical contributing factor - I haven't eaten a tomato in a year. The first one of the season ripened on the plants yesterday and I had it sliced with dinner last night. I awakened with mild joint pain and stiffness this morning. It is likely that this nightshade is a big no-no for me. I occasionally ate well reduced sauces and soups made from last years crop (put up and frozen) throughout the winter without incident, but a raw tomato seems to have consequences that cannot be ignored... on more levels than one.

The universe provides a smack upside the head when needed. OK, you have my undivided attention.
Yeah, it's amazing how our bodies can tell us stuff once the pathways begin opening. I try a tomato now and then and can tolerate it, and catsup seems to be okay. But in general, nightshades really are bad for most people, if not ALL people.

I do notice that after the ketogenic/reactivate mtDNA experiment of last year which we did for several months strictly, something really changed. I can tolerate a few slips better, though I also get a feeling that "this is not optimal fuel". The next big shift was with the EDTA metal detoxing. I could actually feel the mtDNA activating and my energy levels changing.

And, as we know, energy is ALL-important because that is what gives our bodies the wherewithal to heal and regenerate.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my beginning the dietary experiments and detoxing back in 2008: thus I've been working on it for five years now. I can say the changes are dramatic considering the downhill slide I was on. I not only stopped it, I reversed it. But it takes time and care and experimentation and I still have glitches to work out.

Presently, I'm taking the betaine-hcl with every meal and that does seem to be making a difference.
The image that jumped immediately to my mind was that of Diogenes and the 'dog-like' philosophers in CATHM.

'Besides performing natural bodily functions in public with ease, a dog will eat anything, and make no fuss about where to sleep.'

It seems important that you weren't exactly offended by the offensive smells, but more shocked and curious that something was not-quite-right.

Potent, er, portent, tomatoes!
Since dreams are soooooooo subjective it can be hard for others to interpret another's dream (I realize that this is was not your intentions) but with that said I would like to bring a couple of things to your attention if I may.

In my experience, when I have dreams in which one of my physical senses plays a dominate role, it is almost always a sign of something internal. And naturally the sense at the forefront is a huge clue (taste is dependent on smell as you know so they can be interchangeable in dreams), so basically, I think you nailed it. Your consciousness was telling you that you ate something that was not agreeable with you.

The only thing that gives me any pause for further reflection is that you subconsciously manifested the source of the odor as coming from one of your dogs and we all know that dogs have a great sense of smell. I'm not trying to alarm you but I would suggest staying away from tomatoes and keeping a close eye on your 2D buddies as one of them may be in need of some attention. :/

There are many websites that give you a very broad and general description of what certain things can symbolize in our dreams but I have found that they rarely reflect the differences in culture and that makes all the difference. With that said, somethings are universal such as fears and desires so they can be useful in that respect.

I'm glad that you do not have the widely accepted Western theory that dreams are just junk of the subconscious mind. They can be that, but the more one pays attention to them, the less junk they find. ;)

It is disturbing to ponder the inner workings that would create such a scenario.

I would say that it is much more fascinating than disturbing, wouldn't you agree? :)
Just a quick note, Rabelais, around the same time, I smelled rotting flesh just before going to sleep one night. I had forgotten about it because it was so trivial. I thought there might be a dead mouse somewhere in the room and actually asked Ark to search. He crawled around with a flashlight for about 5 minutes and found nothing. By then, the smell had gone away. It was weird.
The image that jumped immediately to my mind was that of Diogenes and the 'dog-like' philosophers in CATHM.

If I understand correctly you are saying that the people who eat wide variety of foods and are unconscious of negative impacts of some of them are like dogs.
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