Dream: The Breech has been Sealed?


Jedi Master
Here's a strange one, a dream from last night.

I'm in a hotel in Paris with my wife (never been to Paris). I decide to go exploring in the hotel, but the thing is massive and I get lost and cut off from where I thought I knew I was going due to renovations.

So I go outside, and find out I'm actually, according to the GPS on my phone, 4 km from my room/wife/safety. There's a large park that's the shortest path back, so I take it.

Throughout the park are cats who start following me, crying like cats do for attention, however their crying is actually the words "the breech has been sealed". Yep, cats talking.

Then I woke up. Thoughts?
Do you mean "breach"? Or indeed "breech"?

There are at least 10 different sites about what cats may mean in a dream :cool:
I like this one (for starters):


Perhaps you're exploring unknown parts of your psyche, as you're in an unknow city and unkown hotel to you and feel lost in it ?

As your dreams are personal, this might relate to how you're feeling at the moment even if you're not consciously aware of it.
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