Dream which i have for last few months


The Force is Strong With This One
Hey, i have this kinda weird dream, my only explanation is that it could be connected with my house which i don't really like but im living here 3 years so im not really sure about this connection.

In this dream im usualy living or visiting - castle, palace or just hotel and when i get inside, there are many secret rooms, hidden traps, weird creatures with which i fight sometimes, end there is no exact ending.
Dream is realistic, i think in it and sometimes choose what i wanna do, but im not conscious that it is just a dream, like it is in LD.

maybe some of You got any ideas what it could mean? :)
Hi Ingwar,

Our understanding of the "house" imagery in a dream has to do with the Self. The "castle" or "palace" imagery directed towards the perception of being powerful; the "hotel" imagery represents a mindset of having things done for you. All of that points to your being "powerful" and having things go your way. And, the fact that you have experienced the sensations of being in these buildings with "hidden" or "secret" rooms indicated that you have not yet explore the untapped potentials and/or undiscovered lessons within your mind.

My .002 cent.

By the way, welcome to the forum. :)
Zadius Sky said:
Hi Ingwar,

Our understanding of the "house" imagery in a dream has to do with the Self. The "castle" or "palace" imagery directed towards the perception of being powerful; the "hotel" imagery represents a mindset of having things done for you. All of that points to your being "powerful" and having things go your way. And, the fact that you have experienced the sensations of being in these buildings with "hidden" or "secret" rooms indicated that you have not yet explore the untapped potentials and/or undiscovered lessons within your mind.

My .002 cent.

By the way, welcome to the forum. :)

I would have taken a slightly different approach to that. My understanding of houses in dreams is that they represent the mind. I don't see much about power in this dream or about having things done for you, but this part:

"there are many secret rooms, hidden traps, weird creatures with which i fight sometimes, end there is no exact ending."

sure seems to represent the parts of your mind that you do not know, and where weird 'creatures' (thought patterns, 'i's, programs, etc.) reside. It doesn't sound like an uncommon dream and seems to indicate that you have a lot to discover about yourself, your mind and how it works (for you and against you). Just my two cents, of course.
Ingwar said:
Hey, i have this kinda weird dream, my only explanation is that it could be connected with my house which i don't really like but im living here 3 years so im not really sure about this connection.

In this dream im usualy living or visiting - castle, palace or just hotel and when i get inside, there are many secret rooms, hidden traps, weird creatures with which i fight sometimes, end there is no exact ending.
Dream is realistic, i think in it and sometimes choose what i wanna do, but im not conscious that it is just a dream, like it is in LD.

maybe some of You got any ideas what it could mean? :)

i would say the dream is likely related to "not being able to find a home" on the psychological level. this internal state may be amplified by (or somehow related to) the fact of living in the place you're not quite comfortable with.

home in dreams = the base of our psychological functioning. physical home is a perfect analogy of the latter - having one's own home is (for most people) a basic requirement for a good life.

visiting hotels, castles = trying to find a substitue home, ie. seeking to fit in mentally somewhere you don't necessarily belong; maybe something "bigger", like a social/ideological community/movement. monsters and traps depict obstacles and dangers of the situation.

this is how i would interpret these dreams of dreams in my own life and of course it doesn't have to apply to yours. anyway, you have 2 more cents now.
Thanks to all of You the ideas opened my mind a bit :) I think that for sure this dream could mean that i have lot too discover about myself, also i think it might mean that i should start doing things instead of just reading all the time xD Maybe i should try harder with meditation or start the reiki lessons which i wanted...
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