

The Living Force
Hier soir quand je me suis endormie j’ai fait un rêve tout en aillant la sensation d'être réveillée.
Je me trouvais en bas des escaliers qui montent dans les chambres, je voulais allumer la lumière mais je n’y arrivais pas parce que je tenais le chauffage d’appoint éteint dans les bras, j’appelais plusieurs fois mon fils qui était dans ça chambre pour qu’il allume la lumière mais il ne m’entendait pas, alors j’ai essayé en tenant le chauffage avec un seul bras, à la place de l’interrupteur c’était de la chair que j’ai senti , ça m’a foutu une de ses peurs que je me suis réveillé et j’ai remarqué que j’avais ma main qui serré ma cuisse.

Yesterday evening when I fell asleep I made a dream quite there aillant the sensation be woken.
I was at the bottom of the staircases which rise in rooms(chambers), I wanted to switch on the light but I did not arrive there because I held the space heater put out(switched off) in arms, I called several times my son who was in that room(chamber) so that he switches on the light but he did not hear(understand) me, then I tried by holding the heating with a single arm, instead of the switch it was some flesh that I felt, that did me one of its fears that I woke up and I noticed that I had my hand which squeezed(tightened) my thigh.
Hi Christine, this is my interpretation: There are two sources (the little heating and general lighting). The small source (your heating) can be considered your individual knowledge, (ego and illusion). The second source is the great light that illuminates the whole house. You can not achieve great light because you want to keep your little light. You ask for help from your "son." the "son" is associated with light, and a kind ecumenism, in connection with the trinity "of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit." This is the reason for which the solution is at the top of the stairs. to reach the light, have to go upstairs. You need the "son" who is at the top to reach the light (God). To achieve great light, you have to let your little light. We all have our little light "egocentric" that holds us.
Bonjour Kisito,
Ton explication m’a beaucoup aidé dans la compréhension de leur message.
Je t’explique : Il y avait un point que je ne comprenais pas dans le message « l’ego », c’était quelque chose que j’avais déjà assimilé, donc il y avait autre chose qu’il voulait faire passer dans le message. Une nuit plus tôt mon mari est apparu dans mon rêve + le rêve que je vous ai raconté et le lendemain matin j’ai reçu un courrier de sa mutuel de groupe, je les ai appelé pour avoir des explications et c’est comme ça que j’ai appris qu’il a fait une demande au 1er décembre 2015 pour me radier du contrat, donc depuis je ne suis plus couvert, je ne peux pas passer l’IRM pour mon bras ( J’ai raconté ce qui m’était arrivé pour mon bras sur un autre commentaire). En apprenant cela j’ai voulu (Par colère et peut-être par vengeance) porté plainte pour intimidation qu’il m’avait faite par mails il y a plusieurs mois. Si je le faisais sans tenir compte de se message ça m’aurai servi juste à m’enfoncer psychologiquement, j’aurai souffert de cette confrontation.
En espérant maintenant qu’il ne m’arrive rien d’ici là étant donné que je ne peux me permettre de prendre une mutuelle et ni droit à une aide étant donné que je dépasse le plafond.
C’est là où on comprend que le réseautage est très important.
Milles merci Kisito :hug2::flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
S’il y a quelque chose que vous ne comprenez pas du à une mauvaise traduction ou d’explication…dites le moi.

Hello Kisito,
Your explanation helped a lot me in the understanding of their message.
I explain to you: there was a point which I did not understand in the message " the ego ", it was something that I had already likened, thus there was something else than he wanted to make pass in the message, I meditated on your explanation. One night earlier my husband appeared in my dream + the dream which I told you and the following morning I received a letter of his(her,its) mutual of group, I called up them to have explanations and this is the way I learnt that he made a demand(request) on December 1st, 2015 to cross off me with the contract, thus since I am not any more covered, I cannot be thought of the MRI as my arm (I told what had arrived at me for my arm on another comment). By learning it I wanted (By anger and maybe out of revenge) lodged a complaint for intimidation which he(it) had made for me by e-mails several months ago. If I made him(it) without taking into account of message that shall just have served me to push me psychologically, I shall have suffered from this confrontation.
By hoping now that it arrives at me nothing in the meantime given that I cannot allow to take a mutual insurance company and nor right(law) for a help given that I exceed(overtake) the ceiling.
It is where we understand that the networking is very important.
Miles thank you Kisito :hug2: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
If there is something that you do not understand of in a bad translation or explanation said the I.
I'm happy for you Christine. Understanding is difficult, wise and objective. Interpretation is subjective. :rolleyes:
Est-ce que le sentiment d’être sans intérêt et un manque d’empathie à mon égard sur le forum est de l’égo ?

Is the feeling of being without interest and a lack of empathy towards me on the forum is the ego?
Christine said:
Est-ce que le sentiment d’être sans intérêt et un manque d’empathie à mon égard sur le forum est de l’égo ?

Is the feeling of being without interest and a lack of empathy towards me on the forum is the ego?
Why do you think that ? Sometimes people do not understand, so they prefer not to answer. Sometimes people do not have time, they have their own interest. Sometimes a person can answer, if the answer does not seem complete or not valid, while others come meet. Some respond with sincerity, and others to show their skills. But this is not always the number of posts or replies which makes the value. Very nice continuation :)
Thank you for having answered, :)

Why I think of it? It is what I felt generally and not on that exactly. For me your interpretation is very well, I did not need other answers
I especially wanted to know if it was of the égo with regard tomy dream, because I think that my interpretation is erroneous and that it is deeper than that. I have to analyze and understand where from comes this feeling.
Yesterday evening while meditating I understood this feeling thanks to the answers given via Kisito, that made me like an illumination and this night in my dreamed I saw a titmouse flying and last to the top of my head by skimming my hair slightly. I looked at what that wanted to say on : dreammoods

To see birds in your dream symbolize your goals, aspirations and hopes. To dream of chirping and/or flying birds, represent joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance, and love. It denotes a sunny outlook in life. You are experiencing spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

It's true that I feel light.

à Kisito :hug2:
En juillet 2006 au moment de la canicule Moshy (mon chat) avait disparu depuis une dizaine de jours, je l’ai cherché dans le village où j’habite, j’ai sonné aux portes pour leur demandé si ils l’avaient vu les réponses étaient négatives, un jour, on est passé mon mari et moi devant la déchetterie qui ce trouve au bout du village, ils avaient brulé les déchets un ou deux jours avant, mon mari m’a dit qui l’a pu être pris au piège et brulé avec, j’en étais malade, je n’avais que cette image dans la tête et une nuit dans mon rêve mon chat m’a déposé à mes pieds 5 oiseaux qu’il avait chassé, le lendemain matin en prenant le petit déjeuner, je raconte mon rêve à mon mari et au même moment il y a 4 oiseaux qui se sont posés sur le câble électrique qui se trouve dehors entre la maison et les dépendances, de là où je suis assise je peux voir le câble, j’ai dit à mon mari « Regarde… 4 oiseaux sur le câble…. comme dans mon rêve…il manque juste le 5éme » Quelques secondes après mon chat miaulait à la porte et au même moment le 5éme oiseau s’est posé.
Je fais souvent des rêves comme ça quand je suis très inquiète ou que quelque chose me tracasse. Ex : En hivers quand on montait se coucher, j’espérais que l’insert soit encore allumé pour que mes enfants (J’ai 2 garçons) aient chaud le lendemain matin, et quand il y avait encore des braises vers 6-8h je recevais un message dans mon rêve et mes yeux s’ouvraient automatiquement, je descendais pour aller mettre des bûches et je me remettais sous la couette quand il était un peu tôt.

Deux ou trois mois avant notre séparation d’avec mon mari, j’ai fait ce rêve qui m’a apaisé comme je ne l’ai été depuis des années.
J’étais dans l’Espace et je voyais la Terre, il y avait une personne devant moi habillé tout en blanc et des cheveux blancs aussi, ce que je comprenais dans le rêve c’est qu’il était là pour nous protéger. Dans la journée, j’ai demandé à mon mari de me serrer dans les bras et c’est là que j’ai senti froideur.
Je me souviens avant d’avoir fait ce rêve, je ne me sentais plus en sécurité avec mon mari. Est-ce qu’ils m’ont envoyé un message pour me dire que je n’ai pas besoin de mon mari pour ma sécurité ou y-a-t-il une autre interprétation ?

In July, 2006 at the time of the heat wave Moshy (my cat) had disappeared since about ten days, I looked for him in the village where I live, I rang at doors for their asked if they had seen him(it) the answers were negative, one day, we passed my husband and I in front of the waste reception center which it finds at the end of the village, they had burned waste one or two days before, my husband told me who was able him to be trapped and burned with, my husband told me who was able him to be trapped and burned with, I was sick there, I had only this image in the head and one night in my dream my cat to deposited me in my feet 5 birds that it had hunted, the following morning by having breakfast, I tell my dream to my husband and at the same moment there are 4 birds which settled on the electric cable which is outside between the house and the dependences(outbuildings), from there where I sit I can see the cable, I told my husband “Look at 4 birds on the cable... As in my dream… the 5éme is just missing” A few seconds after my cat mewed in the door and at the same moment the 5éme bird arose.

I dream often like that when I am very worried or when something bothers me. Ex: in winters when we went to lie down, I hoped that the insert is still lit so that my children (I have 2 boys) are hot the following morning, and when there were still embers towards 6-8h I received a message in my dream and my eyes opened automatically, I came down to go to put logs and I recovered under the duvet when he was little early.

Two or three months before our separation from my husband, I made this dream which calmed me as I was him for years.
I was in the Space and I saw the Earth, there was a person in front of me dressed everything in white and in white hair also, what I understood in the dream it is that he was there to protect us. During the day, I asked to my husband of for tighten me and it is there that I felt coolness.
I remember before having made this dream, I did not feel safe any more with my husband. They sent me a message to tell me that I do not need my husband for my safety or there is another interpretation?
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