Dreamed of Earth's land masses ripping apart, mountains growing and fire


:scared: Well last night I visited nighmare alley.

Dreamed I was above Earth, looking down from space and saw the land masses ripping apart, the oceans slopping over with big waves like in a bowl, Some waves reaching almost into the center of the US, mountains growing, lava flowing, volcanoes belching ash and smoke, and fire everywhere.

Remember watching this and thinking, nobody could live through this except maybe the microorganisms.

Felt the heat and heard one gigantic scream from all the living beings (animal/human) on Earth, then a eerie total silence.

Then Earth started wobbling and I woke up.

Very vivid and colorful dream.

Remember thinking, what a beautiful planet, she reminded me almost of a woman giving birth and having painful contractions.
I'm a bit overwhelmed with impressions regarding this. Seems like your dream represents a strong connection with the emotional center or perhaps G's 'large accumulator', but I'm not quite sure how to explain why I think that. Thanks for sharing!
Wow. That's scary. I've had a few nightmares lately, but nothing which that much devastation... do you remember what you were thinking/feeling (if anything) while you were watching the scene unfold?
Wow. That's scary. I've had a few nightmares lately, but nothing which that much devastation... do you remember what you were thinking/feeling (if anything) while you were watching the scene unfold?-Puck

Yes I remember feeling terrified and wondering why am I observing this, I should be down there, right in Illinois, in my home. When I heard the one scream, I knew it was everyone on Earth.

Mainly I felt terror and sadness.

Also neglected to mention, I heard a loud rumbling, like thunder.

I'm almost afraid to go to sleep tonight, this was pretty vivid.

Have to leave this behind, too scary to revisit. I bet Freud and Jung would have fun with this one. Am thankful it was only a dream. Took a walk and I can feel we are going to have a early fall.
In 2002 I dreamed this similar dream I have been telling it for 10 years. I had a home in a large field, I owned a large green house about 1mile over, since it was a field the house was still visible from the green house. I had a 1 year old son my husband and I put down for a nap. While working in the green house picking fresh vegetables for dinner later that evening, a large piercing sound and a rumble so strong threw us to the ground. I can still hear the sound till this day, it hurt it was so loud unlike any imaginable sound known to man kind. We were unable to get up as if gravity forced us to the ground. I tried but the sound kept forcing me to grab my ears and head which were in pain and un bearable shaking as though we were ants in a jar being shaken violently. I craved to go find my child who I was in great fear for. Once the shaking stopped the sound stopped it was the loudest ripping that ever happend. When we went outside the earth was torn completely in half like two halves of an orange. You could see all levels of earth to the core, everything remained in tact accept for deep blue space filling the crevice as far as you could see in the sky in both directions. Our cellular phone still worked and we called a neighbor to go and get our child there was no way over the crevice. We learned any thing attempting to cross it to include airplanes was sucked out. The neighbors kept feeding us information and put us on the waiting list for a space shuttle ride to reunite us with our child while the world super powers were devising a plan of giant magnets installed in the center of Both halves via space walk to reunite the two halves.
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