The Force is Strong With This One
this afternoon I had a 3 to 2 hour dream which the rest I dont remember. And at the end of the dream I was at some place, I did not know where I was but I think I was at some meeting. And I was sitting there with a group of people until this strange noise just comes out of no where. So I was the first one to get up and then we all headed outside. Then I see JESUS and some person holding some book and on the top it said ISHTAR. I really couldn't see the word well but I know it said ishtar. Then I woke up and the first thing that came to my mind was ishtar. First I thought ashtar but then something told me that was incorrect it is ishtar. Then I got up looked it up and suprissingly the definition for it was. ISHTAR- The Assyrian and babylonian goddess of love and war. I dont know what this could mean for me or if it is something about this word that is very important to me. I just wanted to share my story with you all. And maybe somebody might know what this could mean for me or why I was given this word.