Dreaming of the wave and fear-harvesting


The Force is Strong With This One
This happened last week and I thought a lot about whether or not to share it with you. But I came to the conclusion that maybe I will help someone with this story, if not now but in the future, then it's worth writing it down.
! The dream is an ordinary disaster dream, but the part that follows is a bit scary, so if you are sensitive to such stories, please consider not reading any further.!

The dream:
I was in a big house with many people. There was a 3-4 year old boy who was my child in the dream. Suddenly I had a vision, I saw a several meter high wave reached the house and sweep away everything and everyone.
I immediately began to alarm people, but no one listened to me, as if a fog had taken over their minds.
I knew we didn't have much time, I picked up my baby, spread a light sheet over his little back, kicked off my shoes (I knew that the water would reach us too) and just ran to reach the nearby mountain.
The wave came and took everything with it, including us, but luckily due to the quick reaction I was able to stay above water until a boat rescued us (the ship was red, maybe that's an irrelevant detail).
That was the dream.

I woke up gasping loudly, because a few moments before I was swimming for my life, so I was still in survival mode.
When I woke up, I tried to reassure myself that it was just a dream...
I just thought I 'woke up'.
Because as I looked around my room to calm myself, I saw a figure at the end of my bed, which I must admit came as a shock.
'It' was an old man with little hair, poor quality plastic clothes, waxy skin...and skin covering his eyes. He had no eyes. But the most frightening was that I knew and saw that he was here because of my previous dream, that he was absorbing/sucking my fear that I experienced in my dream.

-During my life, I have 'met' astral beings countless times since I was a tiny baby. I never asked for this opportunity, I never practiced astral projection, it just happens to me. Because of this, I developed a great deal of fear about it, I knew what is happening to me.-

So when the figure noticed that I noticed him, he wanted to reach me. He stretched out his arms, they literally lengthened, his fingers became like a tree branch, I immediately panicked.
I closed my eyes and repeated that I must go back to sleep, I must go back to sleep, but if he touches me, I will fight and break his hands...
That was the thought that stopped me thinking, that hey, I'm planning on breaking hands, right now?! Hm?
This was the point when I opened my eyes, stood up and walked over to him(!). (I've never done that, never had enough courage to do that.)
And I started saying random things to him. The truth I learned from Ra and the Cassiopaean 🙏
Rock-solid, I just said and said (in retrospect it was quite ridiculous, because who would be scared by a sentence like that God is the intelligent and infinite One?) the sentences that changed my life and I know they are true.
I was louder and louder and felt the courage as the knowledge filled me, all the while the astral being grew fainter and fainter and then disappeared.

Just by remembering the knowledge I learned, to remember who I am, I was able to defend myself.
Knowledge protects.
It's really interesting that you mention this entity wearing "poor quality plastic clothes" because that is exactly what I experienced in a recent dream too, I shared the dream in another thread. I'll post below for comparison.

I had an odd dream recently.

It starts with me becoming aware I'm pressed up against something, so I move back away from it and I realize I was pressed up against glass. It's dark and as my vision settles I notice my boyfriend is standing near to me, also facing the glass. I realize it's my living room window which is on the second floor, and there is a person on the other side of the window dressed in a full suit of plastic attire with a hood but the face was in shadow. Then I see they have a device that can open the window from their side and they are about to open the window so I freak out and start shouting, at the same time I could feel myself yanked back to my sleeping body and I wake up in bed shouting those words.

Everything looked so real, like my actual living room at night without the lights on but I highly doubt it was an abduction because why would they be dressed do ridiculously?😆
What did the plastic clothing look like? The one in my dream was wearing plastic clothing that was loose, very similar to rain gear for motorcycles, loose plastic pants and oversized plastic jacket, could have been a one piece. Did not look futuristic or scifi at all, looked like cheap plastic rain gear.
It's really interesting that you mention this entity wearing "poor quality plastic clothes" because that is exactly what I experienced in a recent dream too, I shared the dream in another thread. I'll post below for comparison.

What did the plastic clothing look like? The one in my dream was wearing plastic clothing that was loose, very similar to rain gear for motorcycles, loose plastic pants and oversized plastic jacket, could have been a one piece. Did not look futuristic or scifi at all, looked like
Pants and shirt, but my feeling was that they are not natural, just something that really not normal and not part of this world. Plastic.

I can imagine what a scary situation this must have been for you!
How do you interpret your 'dream'?
I can imagine what a scary situation this must have been for you!
How do you interpret your 'dream'?
In truth, it was not scary, just weird, mostly because it felt so real but also the clothing was so odd.

I do not have an interpretation, I usually just document my weird dreams without giving it any "special" importance and just carry on as normal. All I can do is try to figure out, did I eat anything weird before bed? Was I stressed? Or have I been slipping in any protective measures I usually practice? That type of thing.
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