Dreams about escape (EE) and comets


In this couple of months I dream weird dreams.This dreams are about falling comet and in this dreams I always run,trying to escape something.
Let me describe some of them.
In first dream I was running with friend of mine,behind us people was running too,things get weird when I and my friend get to the shelter,suddenly the wall collapsed on us and I wake up from sleep.
In second dream I was somewhere around the sea in some building with many people and again suddenly people start to running for no reason out of the building and I was too.When I was running with people,behind me was huge wave and wave collapsed on me and people, in this moment I wake from sleep.
In third dream same thing happen,I was somewhere around the sea in some ship and suddenly in the sky there was again comet falling,in this moment I was swimming and trying to escape again.when this comet hit to the ground I wake up from sleep again.

This is only three dreams I remember,I dint write them I just remember them.
Interesting thing is that in this dreams I always running from something.
I have some answers why I,m running and trying to escape but Im, not sure is this real meaning of this dreams.
When I was see light in pipe breathing session,I was quit EE practice and I dont know why,it is strange,I dint doing EE about 2 months from now,cant explain that it is weird.And suddenly after quiting EE,for no reason,I was just want to calm my mind and quit doing EE for couple od days,and here I,m 2 months without EE.
And weird thing is that this dreams come when I was not doing EE,and I think that this dreams tell me that I running from doing EE.

Maybe there is different explanation in this dream :huh:
Meanwhile from today I start again doing EE.I just want to share with you this dreams.
It seems to me that my subconscious want to tell me that I,m running from EE.

I want to tell that before this I was doing EE program regularly on daily basis.
Hello daco,

this is just my two cents.
I'd like to refrain from interpreting your dreams, so as not to get over myself speculating.

What stands out for me is that you say you think that you're running away from EE.

Here you write:

When I was see light in pipe breathing session,I was quit EE practice

which if I'm understanding you correctly means that you stopped the pipe breathing
as soon as you were seeing lights.
In the EE thread Laura wrote somewhere that when we see a light during a breathing
session we should concentrate on it and try to pull it close to us.
So when you see a light during the breathing you need not be worried, proceed as Laura
has advised. (Folks, please correct me in case I'm off here)

Are you updating the forum on the EE thread about your experience with the EE program?
If not, please do so,because there are many members who can help you with any questions
or worries that you might have.

Are there other reasons you could be running away from EE?

Because there are indeed situations in which we need to step back and leave out the
BAHA bioenergetic breathing - that is, when the emotional/psychological detox reactions are
too strong. So proceeding with pipe breathing and the Prayer of the Soul for a time
will help in regaining equilibrium, because these parts of the EE program are the healing

I'm sure others can give more insightful advice.

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