Dreams about the Wave and Meteors. . .


The Living Force
The last couple of nights have been humdingers.

I had a very powerful dream which woke me up in a start. --I dreamed that I was in bed and while resting, a visualization of the Earth appeared with golden bands around it, pulling it into something big and powerful and surging. And then POW! The Wave arrived. It was a VERY intense sensation, like nothing I've felt in a dream before, and I truly believed that This Was It. I remember holding my breath, unsure if it was safe or even possible to breathe, blood rushing in my ears, suddenly wondering, "Is my energy high enough? Have I done enough work? Will I end up in 4th or remain in 3rd?" I tried to relax and use the stomach breathing, and opened my eyes, waking up at the same time.

Of course, I was still in my bed room, with the same walls and furniture looking back at me. My body was tingling and buzzing, my fists had been clenched; it was like nothing I've felt before. I thought for a few instants that Geiger-esque aliens were peering through my wall and that this really WAS 4th D and that I was hopelessly lost in a new physical reality. Fear shot through me, but then subsided and I felt a strong sense of disappointment because I thought I'd missed the boat. Many conflicting feelings. Then as I woke up a little more, I thought, "Wait a hold-on. That was probably just some kind of wacky dream. I wonder if I can check by running outside to see if there are people missing like in those silly, 'Left Behind' Books?" All of these thoughts fled through me in just a few instants, after which I woke up completely and the whole thing faded.

But it was such an intense dream with such powerful after-effects that I felt motivated to check the SOTT forums to see if anybody else had experienced something unusual that night. There was no mention of it. (This happened on September 16th, 2009 around 8 AM Eastern Standard Time.)


Then last night I had this dream where rocks began falling from the sky; about the size of baseballs, but terrifically dangerous; smashing pavement in big Hollywood explosions. I took cover with a small clutch of other people in an outdoor alcove at my old Highschool. (Haven't visited my old Highschool in a dream for a long time!) --The dream went on for quite some time, and I noted that the rocks were all falling from the same direction, but their apparent source, like the sun, traveled like a sundial, presumably as the Earth rotated to face the storm from different directions. I found myself explaining what was going on to the others with me, advising that if they wanted to survive there were some steps they might take and that I'd not be able to help them because I was going to be leaving shortly. I don't quite recall where I thought I was heading off to; I seem to think it was somewhere on terra firma and not a wave jump kind of thing. I also recall being quite angry about underground bunkers and the elites and the arrogance of their actions. All the while, rocks continued to fall.

So. . , holy smokes! I don't often have dreams like that. I just felt that I should mention something myself since I was hoping others would report if they had had something odd happen in the last couple of days during their own dream time.

One thought; I am currently fighting a cold and have been very run down and tired, and it struck me, "Hm. If that Wave hits when you're low on energy, I wonder if that will affect whether or not you have enough juice to make the jump to 4th D?" Then I thought, "Who knows? Still, this is no time to be goofing off. I need to focus and not let myself get distracted!"

Just some thoughts.

(I just edited this post to correct the time of my first dream. --I remember sunlight dappling on my wall when I awoke, so it couldn't have been 5 AM.)
Let me tell you this, I'm having a lot of that, you know


I'll have pretty fun at that future-present moment
Hello Woodsman,
When you dream of your ancient high-school, is it actually the same building you have been in, or another version of it?
If you have read the transcripts and wave series it's possibly just that, I've had MANY end of the world dreams, sometimes i die, sometimes i don't, most of them are quite powerful images/feeling wise.

It's also possible they are just messages to yourself about big changes inside you or suggesting that you make big changes, dreams are very symbolic.
Thank you all for the various responses.

I was primarily interested in whether or not other people had experienced similarly powerful jolts on that date. It doesn't appear so and it seems that it was most likely just a regular dream which happened to be rather intense.

mkrnhr said:
Hello Woodsman,
When you dream of your ancient high-school, is it actually the same building you have been in, or another version of it?

Hi, mkrnhr.

It was definitely my old high school, but also definitely not the same shape. It was also just the exterior. Same bricks and aesthetic and 'feel' of place.
I've had lots of dreams about comets and alien invasions in the last year or so.
I got to say that of all the dreams I've rememberd through my life, these are the ones that have seemed most 'real' and left the biggest impact on me.
This seems to be a recuring theme with a lot of people on the forum.
Quote from Woodsman:
My body was tingling and buzzing, my fists had been clenched; it was like nothing I've felt before.

That particular line reminded me of a dream I had, which was sort of near that time cause it was about two weeks ago, where I was temporarily moved to 4D. It reminded me of it because I have not been in any way able to compare the physical sensation to anything I have ever felt before, which is why I haven't really discussed it on the forum. But in that dream I remember actually experiencing time differently, as well as space/physicality. But the strange part about the dream was being new/slightly disoriented in environment at first, and in those first moments there were other human-type beings who came to me who seemed to be "nice" but the things they were trying to get me to experiment with in that physicality seemed useless... like trying to make myself more attractive when I was trying to get a handle on the more important things. I did end up finding people on the same "wavelength" as myself, so to speak.

Oh and I said temporarily moved to 4D because at the end of the dream I was moved back to 3D and that is when I woke up. It was an odd dream.

I don't want to ramble or anything... but basically I've left this dream alone since I can't really describe the feelings very well, but your post made me want to share it as best I could.
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