The Living Force
For about 6 months, I'd been wanting to post an article I read about "The Third Reich of Dreams" by Charlotte Beradt. When I finally got time to make the post today (thanks to snow immobilizing my city for the past 48 hours), a search revealed Laura had already posted much of the material (http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=9680.msg70348#msg70348).
However, there was one anecdote not included in that post that I wanted to share because it exemplifies what we're all striving for: heightened awareness, strength of conscience, dedication to truth and courage to act--all those qualities Laura admirably exhibited in her recent SOTT article, "Not Ready To Make Nice" (http://www.sott.net/articles/show/221265-Not-Ready-To-Make-Nice)
However, there was one anecdote not included in that post that I wanted to share because it exemplifies what we're all striving for: heightened awareness, strength of conscience, dedication to truth and courage to act--all those qualities Laura admirably exhibited in her recent SOTT article, "Not Ready To Make Nice" (http://www.sott.net/articles/show/221265-Not-Ready-To-Make-Nice)
There is one well-documented nightmare that helped a man dare to throw himself before the onrushing juggernaut. Franz Jaegerstetter was an Austrian who, before World War II broke out, publicly refused Nazi conscription, one of the only such cases for which we have a detailed dossier. During his trial, he testified that his actions were inspired by a powerful dream:
“I am in a valley, seeing a great train gathering speed as it comes down a mountain, watching in amazement as hundreds and then thousands and finally millions of people jump on. I am debating doing this myself when a booming voice proclaims, ‘This train is going to Hell!’
He knew come what may, he could never get aboard this terrible conveyance carrying such a great part of humanity into the abyss. In 1938, with all the barbarous pomp of Prussian militarism, Jaegerstetter, his resolve undiminished, was convicted of treason and publicly beheaded.
(As quoted on page 169 by Marc Ian Barasch in his book, "Exploring The Dreams That Can Transform Your Life"