Dreams lately


A Disturbance in the Force
My bf, who never dreams, has been having strong dreams of a corrupt government and people struggling to spread information about it. I've been dreaming about alternate realities, friendly aliens and energy clearings. Any similar experiences?
I had comet dreams, military attacks and seeing light in the skies, UFO's probably.
I had a dream where there was a shower of comets and they woke me up :rolleyes: I've also had dreams with marauding demon zombies and extremely violent and sexual body stealing aliens.
I dreamt that a man dressed in black who got possesed by evil in front of me, an UFO landing in my bedroom,a creepy dark cloud that simbolized evil coming to my bed and I saw my pet (little bunny) in two places at the same time, like alternative realities. I suppose they came from suggestion because I use to read Laura's books in bed.
There is a woman in Argentina, called "marielalero",she has her own blog and is quite famous in Latin america, she says aliens uses us when dreaming for their own purposes, but she also says she channels entities from 8th and up densities, and C's say there are only 7 so :rolleyes:
Anthony said:
I had comet dreams, military attacks and seeing light in the skies, UFO's probably.

So do I. The strange thing is dreaming with family, friends or mere acquaintances and appear this type of phenomena and that people change, or leave to being the same. Like for example someone who has always been as controlled self, but in times of financial collapse, he showing all how little solidarity and miserable really is.
Returning, I dreamed even a tv show, humorous, which I used to see, but in my dream it was not funny (the actors wanted to be funny, but the result was dramatic, which it very interesting to watch, almost a new genre): Stormed a police state, meteorites were falling all over the planet ... well, I think it was a better show! Another reading may be that I can no longer dissociate watching tv. Perhaps is a good thing, something in me may be more attentive thanks to SOTT.
last nights dream - well at least the bit I remember.
I wasn't anywhere special and the only bit I remember was looking at my fingertips and seeing that they had an odd ball of light(ening?) around each of them. Looked like glowing & moving (fungus?) threads surrounding each fingertip reaching out about 2-3cm.
When my fingertips came together the fungus/lightening stuff reacted and changed pattern & buzzed slightly. It was pretty & my reaction was curiosity only. No threat or fright.
Never had anything like that before.
Must start a dream diary. :D
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