Dreams of outer space, other worlds, vampires, and black magicians


Jedi Council Member
I wanted to share the more interesting dreams I have had as of late. They are listed below in chronological order starting from about two weeks ago to last night, which was the latest one.

Outer space and dark stars

I was floating in outer space by a celestial body that looked like a planet but I understood to be a dark star. It was mostly turquoise blue, except for a large patch on it that was yellow and orange, like a volcanic scab. It was circled by a large ring that hugged the planet closely. I was then on the planet, in waterways fighting against something. I don't remember much but I think I was with others. Then I was back in space, peering sharply at this planet trying to understand what it was all about. Suddenly a large radio, like the kind from WW2 floated past me and I knew it was important to get. I went after it, but someone grabbed it first. It was a man I didn't recognize but understood to be on my side. He pushed a button on it and a hundred stars in the distance behind him pinged as if hit by radar. A look of sheer terror crossed his face and he said "There are millions of them" and I understood these to be dark stars as well. He was frozen, and I didn't share in his fear so I took the radio from him and drifted back past the planet, again peering.

Taken aboard a ship to another world

I can't remember the visuals from the beginning, but I was taken aboard a large ship to another world. Once I was there I made it my purpose to get away to places I wasn't supposed to go and see things I wasn't supposed to see. I went through a door and ended up in what looked like an open street mall. There were humanoids everywhere, and could've easily been mistaken for humans if they had not looked so odd. The first group I saw were a group of males, their skin was metallic grey and their hair jet black. They reminded me of mannequins I had seen at a Nike store or something. I looked closer at one of them and noticed it was face paint, poorly done, their neckline exposed to show human-toned skin. I almost went down a tube portal of some sort, but thought better of it. I kept walking and and it looked like I was on a planet. The city was next to a large river and the ocean. A large flying trolley floated down to pick up passengers. I kept walking and there were numerous women by the river bank. Their back faced me and their backsides were adorned with jewels. They were performing some type of Yoga. I was struck with the sense that there was peace on this planet, and people of different races and walks of life had found harmony with each other. I walked further and ended up inside a building. I quickly realized whoever brought me there was after me and I dodged inside a room, only to be trapped by a woman who looked like Selma Hayek only I knew it wasn't. I was trapped and ended up having to go with her. I looked at her again and she looked like a witch, pale white skin with a cloudy eye.

Old man vampire

On this night I had stayed up late and was having trouble falling asleep. The shadows were moving and I felt an uncomfortable presence. I used some sage to clear the room, and did the POTS. Still feeling like something was hanging around, I made it my intention to see in my dreams what, if anything, was harassing me. I asked my self to see this thing. I feel asleep and dreamed. In my dream I drove my car to a familiar place, it didn't look familiar but I felt I had been there before. I went inside a very old house, dusty and unkempt and filled with broken light. In the middle of this house was a very large room with a tall, lanky old man. He had a cloudy eye and used a cane. He wanted me for something and I tried to protest but my words got caught in my chest and they wouldn't come out. I went out of the house a few times, and back in, trying again to speak my mind, but my words kept getting stuck. Only after waking up did I think that this figure represented a vampire.

Male and female pair of black magicians

This happened last night. I have been to this place in my dreams before, or so I think. It was a large house built into a tree with a restaurant in it. The owners were a couple. The man was large, quiet and lumbering, with a monks hair style, bald on the top with hair all on the sides, and I remember his face well. The woman was short and stout with black hair, and I can't remember her face. I was with my family there and we ordered food. I became very ill and vomited into what I thought was a sink on the 2nd level, but apparently wasn't and I threw up all over the floor below. The hosts/owners looked up at me and I was embarrassed. I had also gotten much of it on my self. Having no change of clothes, I had to strip down to my underwear and use a laundromat next door to wash my clothes. I walked back to the restaurant and the owners were staring at me unnervingly, whilst talking with my family who was apparently unaffected by them. I walked upstairs and the male followed me, making me very uncomfortable. My family and I walked back to our hotel, located on the same property and passed by a gross couple necking. As we walked over them, one of them got up and started talking to me. I told him I wasn't interested and tried to shoo him away. His shirt had faded lettering on it talking about a certain frequency, 448.something Mhz I think, but I can't recall exactly. I understood this to be a hypnotic frequency, and that this whole bunch of people were involved in dark activities. Something else happened and I found myself looking at a web banner ad. I thought to myself this is a hypnotic suggestion but it was too late, I had looked too long. I quickly looked away on the page but to another hypnotic opener, a red and black outline of some shadow figure, and then looked back to the banner against my will. I then sort of woke up, but in a paralyzed state. It felt like my eyelids were fluttering, and I could see some light in my house, but I couldn't move. It felt like a dog was licking my hand. I willed and willed myself to move, to do anything and finally broke free. I opened my eyes, waking up, and was bathed in sweat. I felt weird for several hours afterwards and then it dissipated.
Hi ignis.intimus,

"I" was actually about to start a thread on other worlds to see if anyone else has seen them. My experiences have come mostly from doing EE. i have had a couple of outer space ones after finishing the meditation part, the one that comes to mind now is one in which a window opened in my mind, and i could see deep into space, countless points of light, and it was not black like what you see in most astronomy pics, it was a shade of luminescent purple subtle, yet vivid.

"I" have also picked up a lot of items in my dreams, some technological like your "radio."

This happened over a span of 2 days after the full EE program. It started out on the first day with a series of images as of the beginning of a movie, a woman smiling, but i just staring back since i was aware of both myself in this realm, and in that one, & i could control my facial expression in that realm; i looked away, and the series ended. On the second day after full EE, the same sequence started over again, only this time i resolved not to look away. What unfolded was a clip of an event that started with the woman smiling, then i realized that i was in a kind of procession with people lined up all waving, & smiling to me, from my awareness of that place, there was no one else in that procession except me. As i moved through the people, more awareness of that place, and of myself in that place while simultaneously keeping my awareness of this realm is what i discovered i could maintain.

The interesting thing is that as soon as i had stabilized in this new mode of functioning, dark gorilla like beings, who were giants btw came down. It was interesting the way they came down to because they seem to have literally ripped the sky open (dimensional tear?) & came down, i was their target, & they immediately started pounding my body in that other realm to death, just like gorillas. "I" did not experience anything like pain or any emotion for that matter, it was just a sequence of events, whose reality i did not know, interesting though.

Hope i didn't hijack your thread ignis.intimus, thanks for starting it, it will be interesting to note if any others have had or are having similar experiences.
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