Giray Khan the Brave
I wish I could have put up a better subject line, but as it says the kind of dream I'm trying to describe is almost indescribable. Let me try to explain.
For the past two-three weeks I have been having dreams which are not visual but which involve me dealing with something extremely complicated and very specific and which seems to involve actions that there are no words for in real life. These dreams seem to last all night. It's almost like I'm being given a certain task, such as operating a certain mechanism, or construct. However, the parts that make up this construct aren't normal mechanical parts as we know them... one part may be a concept, another a word, another something like water for example but in the dream they all somehow fit together into a machine-like entity. But it's always that one of these 'parts' don't fit exactly so it creates an imbalance in the mechanism and my job is to somehow mitigate this imbalance by periodically performing an action in order to keep 'it' running. Last night's dream involved a construct which was almost like trapped in a time loop but the time loop wasn't long enough for certain actions to take place so I had to constantly 'stretch' the time loop at periodic intervals just as 'it' was about to jam. Other times it's all to do with sorting. I have a stack of words, or concepts or other indescribable things that have to be sorted but something doesn't match so the method of sorting has to be changed. Whatever it is though, the feeling is that it is real work and 'has' to be done, giving me a sense of not panic but calm urgency. This feeling persists even after I wake up and can no longer remember the weird logic of how everything worked.
Does anyone else experience anything like this or am I ready for the Funny Farm?
For the past two-three weeks I have been having dreams which are not visual but which involve me dealing with something extremely complicated and very specific and which seems to involve actions that there are no words for in real life. These dreams seem to last all night. It's almost like I'm being given a certain task, such as operating a certain mechanism, or construct. However, the parts that make up this construct aren't normal mechanical parts as we know them... one part may be a concept, another a word, another something like water for example but in the dream they all somehow fit together into a machine-like entity. But it's always that one of these 'parts' don't fit exactly so it creates an imbalance in the mechanism and my job is to somehow mitigate this imbalance by periodically performing an action in order to keep 'it' running. Last night's dream involved a construct which was almost like trapped in a time loop but the time loop wasn't long enough for certain actions to take place so I had to constantly 'stretch' the time loop at periodic intervals just as 'it' was about to jam. Other times it's all to do with sorting. I have a stack of words, or concepts or other indescribable things that have to be sorted but something doesn't match so the method of sorting has to be changed. Whatever it is though, the feeling is that it is real work and 'has' to be done, giving me a sense of not panic but calm urgency. This feeling persists even after I wake up and can no longer remember the weird logic of how everything worked.
Does anyone else experience anything like this or am I ready for the Funny Farm?