Dreams where you are doing something indescribable

I wish I could have put up a better subject line, but as it says the kind of dream I'm trying to describe is almost indescribable. Let me try to explain.

For the past two-three weeks I have been having dreams which are not visual but which involve me dealing with something extremely complicated and very specific and which seems to involve actions that there are no words for in real life. These dreams seem to last all night. It's almost like I'm being given a certain task, such as operating a certain mechanism, or construct. However, the parts that make up this construct aren't normal mechanical parts as we know them... one part may be a concept, another a word, another something like water for example but in the dream they all somehow fit together into a machine-like entity. But it's always that one of these 'parts' don't fit exactly so it creates an imbalance in the mechanism and my job is to somehow mitigate this imbalance by periodically performing an action in order to keep 'it' running. Last night's dream involved a construct which was almost like trapped in a time loop but the time loop wasn't long enough for certain actions to take place so I had to constantly 'stretch' the time loop at periodic intervals just as 'it' was about to jam. Other times it's all to do with sorting. I have a stack of words, or concepts or other indescribable things that have to be sorted but something doesn't match so the method of sorting has to be changed. Whatever it is though, the feeling is that it is real work and 'has' to be done, giving me a sense of not panic but calm urgency. This feeling persists even after I wake up and can no longer remember the weird logic of how everything worked.

Does anyone else experience anything like this or am I ready for the Funny Farm? :-)

Hi Giray

I've been in this state a few times (especially when I was a teenager)....the sorting/ordering was very familiar. As well as the 'machine that doesn't quite work properly' analogy.
For me it had a visual/tactile sense too it, which I can only describe as blue - with solid and flowing elements. Each element was both a mechanism and/or a concept/word/idea. At the time I understood it as 'energetic thought/form', but that probably doesn't describe it accurately enough.

I was learning a lot about how the brain worked at the time, and had learnt that (apparently) one thing the brain does in sleep is 'order our thoughts' from the waking hours. So at the time of one of these dreams I thought 'so this is what its like to sleep', the implication of the word 'sleep' was 'to see my natural processing (of the brain) that goes on during sleep'.

Applying the idea of the Work here, the concept can be taken further. It is possible that what was seen was the work of not just the brain, but centres (and maybe the 'soul') during sleep. It taxes the soul greatly to be embodied, and sleep is used to help recharge things....so ordering/optimising/processing/fixing things during that time would probably also occur.

Having said all that, I think as this has been ongoing for two weeks it may show that your body (and possibly also your mind/emotions/soul) are under severe stress of some form at the moment.
If (and its only a theory) your soul is having to fight that hard during sleep to re-balance things (so much so your actually aware of it), maybe its time to help it out by providing some balance in your waking life? osit

Have you had a chance to check out the EE breathing program and the Diet and Health section of the forum yet? Both are all about providing that balance during waking hours. fwiw
Hi RedFox,

It taxes the soul greatly to be embodied...

Right there is the reason why I'm so glad I found this forum: a truth that is so simple that we all know it deep down inside us but that we don't realise that we know it until it is encountered in a 'simple', throw-away comment like that. A simple comment that hits you right between the eyes like a bullet...

As for your suggestions, yes, I have been through some internal situations for the past two years which the word 'stressful' would not even begin to describe, so it seems it may be that these dreams are (hopefully) the tail-end of some serious internal re-ordering. Also I have been reading up on (and watching) the EE material and have even begun a few tentative exercises.

Thanks for your brilliant response :-)
Hi Giray,

FYI - The fragment that struck you so much actually is a quote from the C's. Have a look here: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=13206.0

When I pasted the whole fraze into the search engine to find out from which session it actually stems I also noted in passing that this particular sentence is referenced in quite a few other threads, at least four or five different ones. If you're interested you could duplicate that search to find out more about those as well... Just a thought.
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