

The Force is Strong With This One
In normal, everyday dreams, they are product most of what we were occupied that day. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we project our fears, desires, needs, hopes in dreams.

Sometimes we or they unknowingly install the programs. Those who want to program us, so it would be easier to them.

Everyone dreams, but I lately I do not remember dreams. I know I'm dreaming of something, that's the whole night dreaming of a situation in the past, but never in the morning to remember those dreams.
I was recently at one psychic, and questioned the willingness of questions. One of those questions was whether I feel inside implants. Without hesitation she replied with a yes.

Buzzing in my ears for years, doctors have attributed it to a lack of blood circulation in the brain. Because of this I don't hear very well.

To make it interesting, the dreams that I just can not remember, and I know that I am dreaming of something, the day after I have unbearable headache and ringing in the ears is increased to a maximum.Like I was all night in front of a large loud speakers.

Am I dreaming, or where am I? Who is messing with my brain?
Ississ said:
Am I dreaming, or where am I? Who is messing with my brain?

Obviously these are questions no one here can answer Ississ.

We recommend everyone to first of all take care of their diet which we know can mess with our mental and emotional system and work on themselves while gathering knowledge.

Something very important is to concentrate on your inmediate reality and work to interact as consciously as possible avoiding falling in traps to scape life responsabilities which seems to be common or ask for help if you find difficulties to deal with it.

So maybe if you start to work in all this step by step everything starts to make sense?
Ana said:
Ississ said:
Am I dreaming, or where am I? Who is messing with my brain?

Obviously these are questions no one here can answer Ississ.

We recommend everyone to first of all take care of their diet which we know can mess with our mental and emotional system and work on themselves while gathering knowledge.

Something very important is to concentrate on your inmediate reality and work to interact as consciously as possible avoiding falling in traps to scape life responsabilities which seems to be common or ask for help if you find difficulties to deal with it.

So maybe if you start to work in all this step by step everything starts to make sense?

I know that no one can give me answer for that.

My diet is good, I practice fitness, I meditate every day. I take care of my body, of my mind.

Maybe is strange how I write, my english is not so good. Perhaps I didn't explain very well my situation.
But, everithing that is happening in this last few monts, in my life, has importace, I feel it.

My intuition is strong, for years I can predict stuff. But when comes to myself, I feel stupid, like I don't know nothing.
I'm eating lots of vegetables, meat, eggs... Look, my diet is like this. In the morning I take only coffee with milk. I don' t eat breakfast. For lunch example I eating ONLY meat, or eggs, or some kind of vegetable cooked in water with salt. But I'm preffering of eating fresh vegetables. For dinner, I'm eating the same thing that I consumed that day. For me is working. I'm not hungry, my functions are good.
Every day going on foot to work, every two days in fitness...
Have a little kid...
That my diet, and my functions. One thing that I have to put out is coffee... :cry:
Ississ said:
Maybe is strange how I write, my english is not so good. Perhaps I didn't explain very well my situation.

Don't worry your English is understandable :)

Ississ said:
But, everithing that is happening in this last few monts, in my life, has importace, I feel it.

My intuition is strong, for years I can predict stuff. But when comes to myself, I feel stupid, like I don't know nothing.

Many people are too confortable with their experiences and it's specialness so as to really want to change them, so it really is up to you Ississ, about how much you want to change it.

Ississ said:
I'm eating lots of vegetables, meat, eggs... Look, my diet is like this. In the morning I take only coffee with milk. I don' t eat breakfast. For lunch example I eating ONLY meat, or eggs, or some kind of vegetable cooked in water with salt. But I'm preffering of eating fresh vegetables. For dinner, I'm eating the same thing that I consumed that day. For me is working. I'm not hungry, my functions are good.
Every day going on foot to work, every two days in fitness...
Have a little kid...
That my diet, and my functions. One thing that I have to put out is coffee... :cry:

Ok, if you are interested there is a wealth of material researched and put into practice by the members of this forum in the Diet and Health section , maybe you can start here.
Then reading The Wave as anart suggested in other thread will give you a clearer picture.

The basic premise is that a good diet and psychic hygiene coupled with knowledge adquisition can lower the occurences you are experiencing, that is changing the frequency.
There are foods that do mess our systems and need to be avoided like gluten, dairy, soy, coffee... you'll learn more about the why's by reading the health section.
As someone who has been recording his dreams for the last 4 years, I can tell you that dreams are a vital source of information.
I have 350 that I can recall so far, filling 11 college-ruled size 70-page notebooks.

First, have a notebook and a pen ready to write things down.

Then write down everything that you can remember. Important: after you realize you've just had a dream, wake up and write it
down immediately; otherwise your memory of it will fade quickly if you delay writing it down.

Write down the time you wake up - it could be an important synchronicity, say a time like 4:44 am would be significant.
Also note the date too, for a possible synchronicity. But first, get the dream details down first, the date and time can wait.

Record everything you can remember: no detail is unimportant - emotions, colors, places, people, whether it's night or day in
the dream - simply everything.

Don't try to interpret it as you go along - just write it down first. As you write things down, more things will come to you that you
remember from the dream.

Also, keep the conditions as close to a sleep state as you can: this means minimum lighting, just enough to be able to see what you
are writing down. Too much light will make you wake up and you'll be out of the dream state. And don't have any outside noise like
a radio or TV because this will distract you too.

Then later, you can go about interpreting what you wrote down. Get a good dream book or online dream dictionary for this.
If these sources do not have a term for what you're looking for, look for another word/synonym to match the same word.
And if you still don't find anything, figure out what the item you felt significant has for you in waking life and how it plays into the
context of the dream.

For example, if you dreamed of not being able to find your car in a parking lot, both terms have significance. Look under both.

The presence of somebody you know, or used to know in younger days, is an established timeline for when what is that started
for you as an issue in your waking life, had its start. The dream is telling you that a current problem you have in waking life, if it is
a person in the dream that you knew from childhood, started that far back.

As you get better at writing things down, you will get "specialized messages", whose meanings will be tailored to you. This will be
truer with the passage of time.

If you have a feeling that something isn't right in the dream, then challenge the entity in the dream making you feel that way. That
entity will either have to tell you the truth, or will have to leave: you have a free will that cannot be abridged. A lie by a negative entity
is an abridgment of free will, because an abridgment of free will is something that changes the course of action that you would have
taken otherwise. [It has happened to me where a negative entity was present, but I challenged it and it left, because that is usually
their nature.] This is useful if you think you're getting possible dream disinformation from an STS entity. Do not panic.

There have been instances of nudity or sex in my dreams, or such references, but it's only been in about 6 of 350 dreams. Just write
down everything - the items you see or things you do in the dreams do not necessarily mean what you think - don't interpret during
the writing down phase!

And one last thing: the weirder the dream, the better!

Hope this helps.
Hi amisingh,

I highly recommend you read through the Forum Guidelines at http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,9553.0.html before you post again =)

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