Drones are becoming part of North Dakota's landscape, no bumps, no wrinkles, no questions asked, and they will be housed at Grand Forks AFB. North Dakota is floating in a sea of oil, with $2 billion in its treasury. Gov Dalrymple keeps a close watch on the taxpayer's money, and makes sure that deadbeats such as mysef are not allowed to work the system. (67 and disabled) I cannot get help with outside doors that don't close, are worn out, leaky basement and black mold, leaky rook causing plaster to fall off ceiling, paint peeling, building needing paint job, and there's more. So food stamps decreased 140 dollars because twit social worker did not deduct medical expenses. Then I got $15 rain in Social Security so Food Stamps reduced my Stamps $35.00. The gov has proudly announced in his state of the state, that he he holding down unnecessary expenses for the state, approves the billion dollar drone program, and is urging Republican legislators to return $250 million to the oil corps to encourage them to "drill, baby, drill," never mind they have totally destroyed Western North Dakota with their fracking and polution. But who cares? The original citizens are no longer complaining because they had to pack up and move just to survive. Bring on the drones!