Drop Bears


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
Why are there bears tied to trees along the Kings Highway?
(This refers to a section of road between Queanbeyan and Bungendore, small towns near the Australian Capital, Canberra.


"Dozens of teddy bears sit still and silent, perched on limbs or hanging from branches watching the traffic roll past.
While some still look fresh and new, others are faded and tattered from years of wind, dust, rain, hail and snow."

I can guarantee that these 'bears in trees' do exist, as it is not far from where I live.
They have been there as long as I have lived here, nearly 25 years.
The ones that are in place age with the weather, but there are always new ones added.
Some time ago a section of the actual road they are on was relocated a mile or so to the north, and they started appearing on the new section of road.

Interestingly, we don't have bears in this country.
Only Koalas, which some people refer to as bears, but they are not.

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