Drowning in Ice


Jedi Master
A few nights ago I had a dream that was very bizarre. I was on a cruise ship in the ocean with my spouse. We were enjoying the warm ocean breeze and the sun in our swim suit attire on the top deck. It was a vacation to the Caribbean Islands. The ship was pulling into the harbor and then the temperature suddenly dropped. The ocean water began to bombard the ship in extremely high waves - so high they were landing on the ship's top deck- 30-40 feet high. As the water met the wooden floor it froze into solid ice. The people who were doing the exact same thing as us - enjoying the weather and soaking in the sun - were being encapsulated by this water/ice. It wasn't long before everyone was running, panicking, screaming, and climbing on top of eachother to avoid becoming a solid frozen statue. I ran to my spouse and in horror was literally pulling her up on top of a block of ice that blanketed the entire deck - about 8 feet high. As I pulled her up there was a bright white light that lifted my feet clear in the air above my head. I was taken into the sky with her latched to my arms. I woke up right after that. Normally I will forget my dreams later that day but this one has stuck in my memory clear as day. Total nightmare.

Perhaps with the impending ice age and lack of food resources this is a warning that it is closer than ever? I do not know but it definitely shook me to my core.
Let's not take dreams literally, to start with. I think that dreams are made of stuff from our subconscious/unconscious, and that the state/purity of our centers when awake will affect what kind of dreams we get, if we get them. The "realm of thought" is a jungle - notice people who make desperate first (and sometimes, only) posts here talking about some grotesque dream/abduction experience they'd had and asking for help... When in fact, they are their own problem; they've made themselves "sick" from lying to themselves and all sorts of unhealthy practices that add up.

I've had shabby nightmares that were just my body working itself up into fear - little plot to speak of, poor acting, as if pushing out fear neurochemicals was the sole objective. And I would have to diagnose myself: in what area of hygiene did I lack? Diet/EE/mental/emotional/relationship/willpower/sleep/etc?

This is not to make nothing of dream symbolism. Certainly there can be a "dream language," just as there can be a "system" to dowsing. But when I have a "bad/crummy night," it usually means I'm not doing something "right" in my life. Take my observation for what it's worth, and I hope it helps!
Muxel, thank you very much for your insight and feedback. I think you are completely accurate. I need to take a good hard look at myself in the mirror and get myself together. Perhaps this dream is in fact an attempted shock to wake up. I'm lacking in will power to make changes. I feel like I've just been going with the flow my whole life. Not actually chosing what is best. Gurdjieff says we can "do" nothing until we master ourselves and I know I must work on this. Thanks again.

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