Earthquake in Turkey


Jedi Master
6.2 earthquake at the northern part of Aegean Sea at a depth of 9 km. It lasted for 15 seconds. I was reading SOTT and felt nauseated and then left the house. Now I am back at home. Still in shock. It is snowing outside. The earthquake hppened at the sea. No reports of casualties as of now from nearby islands.
aurora said:
6.2 earthquake at the northern part of Aegean Sea at a depth of 9 km. It lasted for 15 seconds. I was reading SOTT and felt nauseated and then left the house. Now I am back at home. Still in shock. It is snowing outside. The earthquake hppened at the sea. No reports of casualties as of now from nearby islands.

9km? That sounds pretty superficial. I'm glad you were not hurt. Remember to breathe deeply.
I felt it too (Istanbul) , strangely it was like a strong dizziness lasting for 10-15 sec. It was felt in a quite large area, in Izmir, Istanbul, some parts of Bulgaria and Greece.
Strangely yesterday in FB with Laura we were talking about earthquakes and how some people were feeling dizziness. It is just a coincidence. I hope everything is normal, now. Take care!
SeekinTruth said:
Glad you're ok, too, un chien anadolu.

The dizziness IS strange, I wonder what's behind it?

Thank you SeekinTruth :)

Yeah i wonder about it too since aurora felt nauseated too, this is not the 1st time i witness an earthquake, but i never felt like this. At first i thought this is not an earthquake but vertigo because at the very moment i looked at the ceiling lamp if it was wobbling and it wasn't.
But maybe it's because of other parameters of the EQ, that i felt so.
Found this (bold mine):
Can you tell us anything about dizziness, and why some people feel queasy after?

Yeah, I think you're being shaken around, you're losing your sense of stability. The psychological impacts of earthquakes are fairly well documented. It's very unnerving to find yourself no longer on stable ground, especially if you are on an upper floor building, because the building's response will be a function of the structure of the building. It tends to be a fact that higher floors move further than lower floors, and frankly you get motion sickness. I think a lot of it's psychological. You're walking and suddenly the ground you expect to be stable is no longer stable. It can be very disconcerting.

Source: _
I am allright, thank you all. My house is on the 4th floor, not so high but where I live is closer to the earthquake zone. And I have earthquake phobia ever since the 1999 earthquake. I first felt dizzy and I thought something was wrong with me because yesterday I had felt dizzy also. Then this feeling of nausea. But later on my windchime (which I use for a primitive earthquake alarm) started chiming. I got up, put on my boots, took my overcoat and went downstairs. I did not use the elevator. I was afraid, really afraid but I can't help it. And it was cold outside. I smoked 2 cigarettes calmed down a bit, talked with my sons, they told me to get back in the house and not stay out in the cold. After I got back in I did not take my boots and coat out for some time. Then I drank some wine.

Then I turned on the TV to hear what our experts were saying. One of them said 2013 will be the year of disasters the world over, not very encouraging. The others tried to calm down people, saying this is not a precursor to another big quake and that it would let out some stress from the north anatolian fault. But while it lets some stress off it also helps to build stress on the uncracked parts which are in the Marmara sea and closer to Istanbul. Also in the morning there were two other earthquakes in Adıyaman, a 4.7 and a 4.4 (southeastern Turkey). Well, Turkey is being pushed northwards by the arabian peninsula and westwards by Asia. So it is bound to crack and it does. Also the Aegean Sea is full of surprises, the other day I read about the volcano 200 km. off the coast of Milas (soutwestern Turkey). There is also another volcano is western Turkey.

Sorry if I sound too pessimistic but these are facts.

Stress triggering has been invoked to explain the 60-year sequence of earthquakes rupturing toward Istanbul [Toksoz et al ref](1-3), in which all but one event promoted the next (4). Although an earthquake drops the average stress on the fault that slipped, it also changes the stress elsewhere. The seismicity rate has been observed to rise in regions of stress increase and fall where the off-fault stress decreases (5,6). The M=7.4 Izmit earthquake, as well as most background seismicity (7), occurred where the failure stress is calculated to have increased 1-2 bars (0.1-0.2 MPa) by M³6.5 earthquakes since 1939 (Fig. 1A) (8). The Izmit event, in turn, increased the stress beyond the east end of the rupture by 1-2 bars, where the M=7.2 Düzce earthquake struck, and by 0.5-5.0 bars beyond the west end of the 17 August rupture, where a cluster of aftershocks occurred (Fig 1B). The correspondence seen here between calculated stress changes and the occurrence of large and small earthquakes, also reported in (9), strengthens the rationale for incorporating stress transfer into a seismic hazard assessment.

The last paragraph is taken from a paper titled "Heightened odds of large earthquakes near Istanbul: An interaction-based probability calculation
by Tom Parsons, Shinji Toda, Ross S. Stein, Aykut Barka, James H. Dieterich
Earthquakes are scary, but I am glad to hear that there were no casualties in this one. And I am gladto hear from both of you, aurora and un chien anadolu. I would suggest pipe-breathing instead of wine though, for next time aurora, as alcohol is a depressant, and full of sugars, you deserve to take better care of yourself for the long run too.

It seems that Turkey is following the path of Japan, deciding to built a nuclear plant on a seismic area:

When will people learn?! :headbash:
Thanks, Alana

I think I panicked and that why I took just a sip of wine, not much. As for the nuclear reactor, we are being ruled by psychopaths who only think of filling their pockets.

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