egon fischer, german clairvoyant


Dagobah Resident
dear forum,
through a post in the forum, i discovered the site of a german clairvoyant. his site is:

his entries are in german. i perused the site and i found it to be relevant to those who also take the cass seriously.
Here's a Deepl translation of the latest (22 september 2023) post from the above mentionned clairvoyant (long read):

The demise of the old matrix
The original, natural matrix comes back, the old matrix perishes.
Egon Fischer

Good day,
I would like to thank you for the many mails, wishes for improvement, offers of support in the health field and inquiries about how to support me financially. Unfortunately, I have not yet had time to answer all the mails. As for the possibility of how to support me financially, I will go into it in the section "On my own account". To some readers I have already made known to my answer mail the possibilities how to support me financially and I have already received financial support. I would like to thank these readers very much for their generous and quick support.

Why I am writing a post again
Actually I wanted to take some time off, but on Friday, September 15, 2023 at about 03:39, was an energetically important new moon. Significant changes very often happen in the energetic field at such times. So it was also this time. The next night I had an impressive vision and shortly after that an acquaintance informed me about some very strange information from the spiritual world. Since I am currently quite overloaded, I wanted to write a post about it later. But since a few days the colleagues are in my ears, I should write and publish an article about the vision and the info of the acquaintance. And when my colleagues suggest such a thing to me, I can't say no. So I write again a contribution and this time about my vision and the info of my acquaintances. I had little time to talk with my spiritual colleagues about the vision and as so often lately my colleagues are not very talkative.

The demise of the current matrix and the return of the former, natural matrix

In the last article "The beginning of the end" I described my vision in which I saw how the current matrix dissolved. The vision I had on September 16, 2023, can be seen as a continuation and specification of the previous vision.

In the vision I was standing on the bank of a river, but in the river I did not see water, but infinitely many small crystals, which glittered like brilliants. That is why in the further text I will call this river a crystal river. On my bank I saw a door frame with a closed door. On the other bank of the crystal river, I also saw a door frame, but the door was open.

Then, on my bank, the door opened very slowly, but it opened only halfway.

At the same time, I saw that the door on the other bank was closing halfway. At the same time, I knew that this would take place in the period from November 2023 to February 2024. Then the door on my shore began to open completely, while the door on the other shore closed completely. At the same time, I noticed that the "water" of the crystal river on my side rose above the bank and covered the ground with a very fine, thin layer of brilliant glittering crystals. Then on my bank side I saw only a brilliantly glittering surface. I knew that this was likely to happen between March 2024 and the end of summer 2024 or the beginning of fall 2024. Then the door on my bank began to slowly dissolve. At the same time, the door on the other bank also began to dissolve. When both doors disappeared, suddenly the other shore also disappeared. I saw only my side of the crystal river and the crystal river, but I could no longer perceive the other opposite bank. I turned around and as far as my eye could see, I saw only a brilliant glittering surface. Suddenly, I saw a dark streak forming on the horizon, as if a terrible thunderstorm was approaching. But the streak did not come closer. The streak became darker and darker and at some point lightning began to flash. The lightning became more and more and at some point I saw only a wall of lightning on the horizon. But I did not hear any thunder. Then suddenly I was lifted into the air and I saw the area from above. I saw a huge, brilliantly glittering area below and around me. But in the far distance, on the very horizon, I saw a dark streak. I floated in the direction of this stripe. As I approached the streak, I was startled. I saw a rocky desert. There was no life to be discovered or felt. The strip was dead. There was no life there anymore.

The next day, an acquaintance told me that she had received some information from the spiritual world last night. Among other things, she was told: The old laws will be reinstated and the focus will again be on being and not on appearances. Then they explained to her in other words what was meant by this. In the current common terminology, one would say that the current matrix will be suspended and the original, natural matrix will be activated again. The acquaintance then asked when this would happen. She received a very cryptic answer: Then, when the time becomes faster, when the time accelerates.

The meaning or the interpretation of the vision
After that I asked my spiritual colleagues about the vision and the strange info from the spiritual world. But as so often lately, my colleagues were not very talkative. My colleagues must have found my questions very amusing. But the colleagues were kind enough to at least clarify some things for me.

The crystal river stands for the high vibrational cosmic energies with which the earth has been "irradiated" and flooded for quite some time. The two banks symbolically represent the "material" parts of the earth (including the people and other beings) which have increased their vibration or not under the influence of the cosmic energies. Opening the door on my shore means that there will be events after which the vibration in this area will increase very quickly and the increased vibration will spread slowly at first and then faster and faster. Closing the door on the other side of the shore means that the other manifested part of the Earth will lose access to the high vibrational cosmic energies and the "high vibrational" people will lose sight of that part. The dark strip, which then later turns into a stone desert, stands for an area that joined the vibration increase for some time, but then wanted to go back to the old world. As a result, this area loses access to the high vibrational cosmic energies, which at the same time means that they are cut off from all life currents and energetically dry up and wither.

Regarding the announcement of "The old laws are put into effect again", which my acquaintance received, the colleagues said: A very long time ago, other spiritual or energetic laws applied on earth. Today you would say that a long time ago there was another matrix. This was characterized by the fact that everything was very harmonious and natural there and the emphasis of this matrix was being. But at some point some spiritual or energetic laws were changed and the matrix developed in which you currently live on earth. However, the focus of this matrix is not being, but appearance. On the spiritual level it was decided that one should return to the old laws, or in your current terminology, that is, the original, natural matrix should manifest again. During the transformation time from the current matrix to the original, natural matrix, not only the vibration will increase, but also the time will accelerate. Due to the vibration increase and the time acceleration, energetic phenomena will also manifest faster and faster.

In the vision an energetic process is symbolically represented and even time periods are shown. However, in my experience, it always takes time for an energetic event to manifest on the 3D plane and it is also not clear how the event manifests on the 3D plane. So I asked the colleagues about it. They said that there will be time delays in the manifestation on the 3D plane, but when we notice that time has accelerated noticeably, then the manifestation on the 3D plane has begun and until the respective energetic change has fully taken effect, it will take time. But with the acceleration of time and the simultaneous increase in vibration, the manifestation on the 3D plane will also accelerate.

When asked what the whole process will be like on the 3D, colleagues simply said, "Consider, the center of gravity of humanity is changing from appearance to being. What impact will it have on the political system, on the economy, on the health care system, the education system and all the other systems you have created in the current matrix when being, truth and naturalness become the focus and appearance is recognized, fades and disappears?

Through the explanation of the colleagues, I understood the core message, but many details remained in the dark with me and I still had many questions. Unfortunately, I have not received any further information from colleagues so far and therefore I want to leave it for the time being with my present description. If I get more information about the vision and the information that my friend has received, I will report in further posts about it.

In own thing
Briefly to the history of my blog. I have started the blog not completely voluntarily. Already in the middle of last year my spiritual colleagues urged me to start a blog and to write articles about the energetic background and certain energetic connections and dynamics. I procrastinated for a long time and put it off. I do see energetic trends, developments and dynamics, then I also have very symbolic visions more often. But I only very rarely perceive in advance how energetic phenomena will manifest themselves on the 3D level. This is not my strength at all. Therefore, I assumed that very few people would be interested in my energetic perceptions. My colleagues were persistent and said that there are however already some people who are interested in these energetic developments and that it would be favorable if some people would get to know my perceptions. So that's how I started a blog. I thought about what to write about and how often to post and if I should possibly do podcasts and videos. The question of what I want to write about was easy to answer. I want to write about current energetic trends and dynamics and explain some energetic connections and "laws" - as far as I know and understand them. The questions about how often I should or want to write posts and whether I should also do podcasts or videos was difficult for me to answer. I have little time and am not a "fast writer." Then I also didn't want to overwhelm my readers with posts, at a time when you are inundated with information anyway. So, after some research, I decided that I would write two to three posts per month. As for podcasts, I wavered. Videos are a lot of work to create and I have no experience with them. So for the time being, that's out of the question. Writing a post is more involved than doing a podcast. But after doing some research, I suspected that podcasts might not be so cheap after all. Recently, I came across blog post "Information Bulimia or: Why I Don't Do a Podcast." In the post, the author confirms my suspicions and also explains why podcasts aren't necessarily the best thing to do.

This is how she writes:
Writing down a content not only takes longer, but is also a lot more arduous. To put an event into words requires an inner space, a muse, and time. In comparison, the spoken word can be sent out into the world instantly.

Most voice messages are put out into the world like this. I'm no longer talking to someone, I'm talking about something, recording it, sending it, or posting it online. Often the spoken word is let go unfiltered. Then a voice message is sent without me listening to what was said again, without me listening to what I said, without me going back inside myself and checking whether I really want to say it that way.

... The Internet creates a world of seduction in which there is always something new to discover. We encounter a veritable flood of information and thus a danger for which we are not prepared. All the information floods our minds and seduces us to be only in our heads. Feeling, the body, our relationships or ourselves then come too short with time.

But how do we notice that we are walking on this track? If we consume too much information, we become restless and restless. We are pushed and can no longer find peace.

..... We have to be careful not to develop information bulimia, in which we take in an excessive amount of information that we can no longer process.

Yes, writing a post is more time-consuming than doing a podcast. A wise man of an indigenous tribe once said: Words have to be eaten and digested. It's hard to read a post on the side, so the likelihood of "eating and digesting" at least a few words and sentences increases. With a podcast, on the other hand, there's a danger that you'll only listen in passing and then collect the content undigested inside you, and every now and then you'll pour this content over someone else. That said, I may do some podcasts next year. I will at least meditate on this question.

After publishing a few posts, I faced the next problem. Readers were asking questions in comments. But I often could not answer these with the comment function. Moreover, they were very often questions that probably occupy many readers. But how many readers have the time to check the comments every week to see if there is a new interesting question and an answer. Then I found out that I usually need two posts per month to describe the current energetic developments. This meant that I had reached my target and could not respond to readers' questions in a separate post, much less cover other topics that I felt were important and interesting.

An important topic for me is clairvoyance. I have been clairvoyant since birth and this made my childhood quite difficult, which in turn led to the fact that I have been leading a double life for 60 years. Now, however, many children are clairvoyant and I suspect that many children may not have such nice experiences because of this. Then I have in the many decades again and again met people who made paranormal experiences, but who could not cope with it. Many doubted and asked themselves whether they are still normal or they suffer from hallucinations or other things.

In the last contribution I wrote: For many people it would be favorable now and in the next months if they check whether their circumstances and attitudes still fit or whether it would not be better to let go of old and to orient themselves anew.

I've also been checking for myself to see if I should reorient myself. I enjoy writing and after realizing that there are quite a few people who enjoy reading my posts, I would like to write more. I don't currently have the time to do that. I thought, however, if I get financial support from readers, I will have to work less as a self-employed person and then have more time for writing.
Therefore, I will give it a try. I will start another "blog" in addition to the current blog, but it will be paid. The current blog I will continue as before free of charge and I will continue to publish two to three posts per month on the blog.

In the additional blog, I would then like to partially describe the general energetic tendencies in more detail, respond to the questions of the readers and deal with topics that are important to me. Since more and more people are becoming "paranormal" (i.e. clairvoyant, clairsentient, etc.) due to the increase in vibration, I will - if the readers are interested - also address the following topics: How does someone who is clairvoyant from birth experience and experience the world? How does a clairvoyant perceive certain things? Does every clairvoyant perceive the same things? What are the risks, dangers, opportunities and benefits of being clairvoyant? When is one clairvoyant and when is one possibly mentally ill? Can you tell if you are actually perceiving something "energetic" or imagining it? How does a clairvoyant deal with "paranormal" phenomena? Is there any way to determine if one is in contact with a "higher" or a "lower" spirit being? Can one learn clairvoyance?

If anyone is interested in any of these topics, please let me know in a comment. If someone has further or other questions about clairvoyance, please also write in a comment. Of course you can also write me a mail (

For the time being I have chosen the working title "Only clairvoyant - not insane" for the additional blog."
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