"Either a a police state or an uprising" Nick Hanahuer's talk at TED


A Disturbance in the Force
Have you seen this TED Talk of venture capitalist Nick Hanahuer? http://www.ted.com/talks/nick_hanauer_beware_fellow_plutocrats_the_pitchforks_are_coming?language=en

There's part where he says:

"So I have a message for my fellow plutocrats and zillionaires and for anyone who lives in a gated bubble world: Wake up. Wake up. It cannot last. Because if we do not do something to fix the glaring economic inequities in our society, the pitchforks will come for us, for no free and open society can long sustain this kind of rising economic inequality. It has never happened. There are no examples. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state or an uprising. The pitchforks will come for us if we do not address this. It's not a matter of if, it's when. And it will be terrible when they come for everyone, but particularly for people like us plutocrats."

Are we walking towards a improved version of the "French Revolution" or towards an unprecedented kind of global dictatorship?
It's my personal opinion that an uprising is exactly what they want so that martial law can be implemented, even if they have to create one.
NancyYvonne said:
It's my personal opinion that an uprising is exactly what they want so that martial law can be implemented, even if they have to create one.
The PTB may be arrogant enough to think that they can control the outcome. STS can only see what they want to. But the idea that an uprising can be controlled is simply ludicrous... The flaw is with the police or army or whatever is being used to effect control. Eventually these individuals will have to make their own decisions. The result is not likely to be what the PTB want... The bottom line here is that the famous 1% are outnumbered 100:1.
rs said:
NancyYvonne said:
It's my personal opinion that an uprising is exactly what they want so that martial law can be implemented, even if they have to create one.
The PTB may be arrogant enough to think that they can control the outcome. STS can only see what they want to. But the idea that an uprising can be controlled is simply ludicrous... The flaw is with the police or army or whatever is being used to effect control. Eventually these individuals will have to make their own decisions. The result is not likely to be what the PTB want... The bottom line here is that the famous 1% are outnumbered 100:1.

That's the idea. A controlled collapse, a controlled uprising, and a controlled police superstate.

Its true though, they have a lot of new toys that seem to guarantee success: Drugs and a drugged up populace, a culture of submission with the caricature of rebellion, a biologically fragile population, a philosophy of nihilism and decadence, advanced electronic weapons, the menace of nuclear war, and the most effective propaganda apparatus the world has ever seen.

Though I too think it will fail. The populations most vulnerable to these techniques seem to be growing steadily crazy and less human. While the less susceptible populations are developing a kind of immunity.

As they get more extreme they're making it more obvious that things are not as they seem. I'm betting they'll burn themselves out as a result of their overreach.

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