

Dagobah Resident
Well , this question is actually to Ark since he rulez in science , and i dont know other skilled members yet :)
I did search forums for "elektrino" but it didnt return any results so i guess i am first asking for this.
This site is unfortunately in Polish so interested ppl should use some kind of translator.
Anyways , question to Ark is , why u didnt want to take a peek into this case by waldemar ?
it sounds pretty interesting.
My knowledge in physics/mathemathics is way too poor if compared to yours , thats why i would like to hear your , at least 3 cents ,about this case.
I know he is kinda rude , but still , maybe he discovered smth ?
and from the other hand , if u think this "discovery" is not worth looking at it , then why u think so ?
Drygol, my apologies if I'm a bit out of line here (you have again piqued my curiosity), but it seems to me you have a bit of an attachement or identification to the writing of this guy Waldemar, as you are asking for someone to research/read his information for you and tell you what they think.

I only say this because asking someone to do the work for you and telling you if it's a worthy peice of real science or not, doesnt benefit you if your asking someone else do al the work for you.

What do expect from asking Ark to do this for you? If he says "yes, this is good science and could be helpful", or if he says "I think this guys theories are incomplete or bad science", what do you expect to gain from this situation, would it help your development or any work you are working on? Normally I would think that someone who asks a question like this may be working in the scientific field in question and may want some tips as to whether or not to factor in some information into a hyothesis of some sort or to aid in testing a hypothesis or literal tests. But from what you say of your own grasp of maths and physics Im making a guess this is not the case.

I just seem to me that your asking Ark to be your own personal guide through any science papers you find interesting, without doing the proper research and testing of the ideas yourself.

Knowing how much time, effort and work goes into this site and the endevours of the QFG and the SOTT teams, I doubt that Ark has the time to read everything that is posted, or everything, that everyone here would like him to read.

Can you tell us what this "Discovery" you seem to be indentifying with from Waldermar is, or why you thik it to be of great importance?

I have tried wiki-ing and googling "elektrino" and Im not coming up with much, what is the meaning of the word "elektrino"? Is it a different way of pronouncing a term such as electro or something similar?
drygol said:
Well , this question is actually to Ark since he rulez in science , and i dont know other skilled members yet :)
I did search forums for "elektrino" but it didnt return any results so i guess i am first asking for this.
This site is unfortunately in Polish so interested ppl should use some kind of translator.
Anyways , question to Ark is , why u didnt want to take a peek into this case by waldemar ?
it sounds pretty interesting.
My knowledge in physics/mathemathics is way too poor if compared to yours , thats why i would like to hear your , at least 3 cents ,about this case.
I know he is kinda rude , but still , maybe he discovered smth ?
and from the other hand , if u think this "discovery" is not worth looking at it , then why u think so ?
Since you would like others to look at this, at least (please)
1. give the correct URL _http://www.electrino.pl
2. since there is no polish online translation utility that I can translate this site with that makes any sense, perhaps you could provide for us all a synopsis of what the subject matter is about before we go spending serious time finding out that the content is pure genious or just plain junk (at least for my pruposes - can't speak for anyone else) or simply just not in our own spheres of interest where we could offer a qualified opinion in which you seek.

Last but not least, and I am just being curious here... if you have difficulty with the subject content, would you truly understand the answer should one be forthcoming in any form that it comes (remember, the lack of a reply is also a reply in itself).

So, what then is this all about? I am sure I am not alone in my curiousity.
Indeed I am busy with lot of other stuff. Nevertheless: I have commented, some time ago, on this particular subject on my Polish blog:


In short: there is not enough on the web to decide whether there is anything of value in this idea. Apparently there is a book in Russian that gives some more details, bu if so, then I do not understand why the purely scientific material from the book is not put all on the web? Therefore I am suspicious.
Drygol, my apologies if I'm a bit out of line here (you have again piqued my curiosity), but it seems to me you have a bit of an attachement or identification to the writing of this guy Waldemar, as you are asking for someone to research/read his information for you and tell you what they think.

I only say this because asking someone to do the work for you and telling you if it's a worthy peice of real science or not, doesnt benefit you if your asking someone else do al the work for you.
yes u are totally right that i should not ask some1 to do work for me and i really agree with it but...
this particular case comes from arks blog , and i didnt want to ask there , plus i know ark already know this case, i am just curious why he didnt take a look. I am not asking about technical details , just why he didnt take a look , thats it

Can you tell us what this "Discovery" you seem to be indentifying with from Waldermar is, or why you thik it to be of great importance?

I have tried wiki-ing and googling "elektrino" and Im not coming up with much, what is the meaning of the word "elektrino"? Is it a different way of pronouncing a term such as electro or something similar?
well ,ofc , this guy is a chemist , he and his coleque mr. Bazijew states that for 20 years they were discovering a lot of stuff about atoms , how are they build etc etc.
Also he says that they now know how atom is build , and elektrino along with electron are main particles.
I still dont know much details because this guy - waldemar - releases his work slowly. I am not a chemist/phisicist/mathemathician with such experience as arks. I only found all this interesting.
I mean this guy says he knows that quantum mechanics is wrong , that our vision of matter is wrong etc etc etc.
and he quite logicaly can explain and answer my questions on his forum.

I have tried wiki-ing and googling "elektrino" and Im not coming up with much, what is the meaning of the word "elektrino"? Is it a different way of pronouncing a term such as electro or something similar?
yes i did it too , and i was really surprised that there is almost nothing about it.
but it could explain why this guy has this bad attitude , he is IMO totally frustrated that nobody listens to him and yet he thinks that he and bazijew discovered smth important.

thats also why i am asking , to see other point of view , not only mine.

Since you would like others to look at this, at least (please)
1. give the correct URL _http://www.electrino.pl
hmm i dunno what is wrong with ur dns but elektrino.pl works fine for me :|

2. since there is no polish online translation utility that I can translate this site with that makes any sense, perhaps you could provide for us all a synopsis of what the subject matter is about before we go spending serious time finding out that the content is pure genious or just plain junk (at least for my pruposes - can't speak for anyone else) or simply just not in our own spheres of interest where we could offer a qualified opinion in which you seek.
i hope what i pu in my short answer to Appollynon is enough for a moment.

now i think its my mistake that i put that question to public forum , but from the other hand i dont want to hide anything.
also i dont want to cosume your time (even reading this post now) but hey ! thats why i asked, maybe there is smth important , and i am not feeling uber-mind of all nations :)

and finally @ ark

Indeed I am busy with lot of other stuff. Nevertheless: I have commented, some time ago, on this particular subject on my Polish blog:


In short: there is not enough on the web to decide whether there is anything of value in this idea. Apparently there is a book in Russian that gives some more details, bu if so, then I do not understand why the purely scientific material from the book is not put all on the web? Therefore I am suspicious.
yes i already read what u wrote on s24 , but there is a forum link on his site and he really puts much effort when he answers to all 11 (sic!) users questions.

Just dont understand me wrong , maybe its just me , i dunno , i think whatever this guy does , dicovery or scam , i found it interesting - and prolly its just cuz i know to little - still.

I can't speak for other members of the forum, but when I see "i" for "I' and "u' for "U", I become totally distracted from the contents of the post. Instead, I go off into a riff in my mind about people who don't follow grammatical conventions, and begin to speculate why they choose to call attention to themselves in this way, instead of focusing the attention on the question itself.

The same goes for omitting capitals at the beginning of sentences. In my case, I simply stop reading, and go on to something else.
Drygol, thanks for helping me understand the subject and reason behind you post, I now understand better why you had posted in the way you had done.

I think I have just found a programme of my own that runs when I sometimes see posts on the forum and I don't really understand why the post has been made or what it is about. It sometimes sets of alarm bells in my head depending on the tone and way the post is written. I generally ask for a bit of clarification to help me understand when this happens and I have realised that what Im doing is similar to what you were asking of Ark, when someone posts in a way I just don't Grok, then I ask for help in understanding. So my apologies, and please don't feel that you shouldn't share ideas or information you have come across if you feel it would add to the site or the forums understanding of something.
So my apologies, and please don't feel that you shouldn't share ideas or information you have come across if you feel it would add to the site or the forums understanding of something.
There is no need to apologise, really :)
It was my mistake that I didnt put enough effort to present what I wanted to present.
Actually I should thank you , that you treated me mildly for my incompetence and at least tried to understand my bad posting.

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