Elite Underground Tunnels & Cities Completely Stocked As Of March 2013
Back in March of 2013, Beforeitsnews carried this story confirming that there are indeed underground cities beneath America and that they were being ‘stocked up’, as confirmed by a truck driver, also in this video. These tunnels and cities stretch from Area 51 to the Denver International Airport (NWO home base), from Maine to Washington DC (now we know what they were ‘building’ under the White House). This compilation video explores all the proof that we now have that the ‘elite’ are preparing for ‘something big’ and that their ‘underground bunker systems’ were completely stocked up as of March 2013. With talk of impending ‘doom’ ranging from economic collapse to an approaching 2nd Sun and a pole shift on our sun, there’s a wide range of disasters they might be preparing for.
Are these machines causing all of the sinkholes and unexplained loud ‘booms’ across the country as the Earth beneath our surface is displaced?
How does the Denver International Airport fit into all of this? Will the DIA really be the next capitol of the United States and if so, what does that mean for our collective future?
This map purports to be from Majestic 12 showing the US governments underground bunker and tunnel system on the Western half of America. Is this real or some kind of a hoax?
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Back in March of 2013, Beforeitsnews carried this story confirming that there are indeed underground cities beneath America and that they were being ‘stocked up’, as confirmed by a truck driver, also in this video. These tunnels and cities stretch from Area 51 to the Denver International Airport (NWO home base), from Maine to Washington DC (now we know what they were ‘building’ under the White House). This compilation video explores all the proof that we now have that the ‘elite’ are preparing for ‘something big’ and that their ‘underground bunker systems’ were completely stocked up as of March 2013. With talk of impending ‘doom’ ranging from economic collapse to an approaching 2nd Sun and a pole shift on our sun, there’s a wide range of disasters they might be preparing for.
Are these machines causing all of the sinkholes and unexplained loud ‘booms’ across the country as the Earth beneath our surface is displaced?
How does the Denver International Airport fit into all of this? Will the DIA really be the next capitol of the United States and if so, what does that mean for our collective future?
This map purports to be from Majestic 12 showing the US governments underground bunker and tunnel system on the Western half of America. Is this real or some kind of a hoax?
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