Elite Underground Tunnels & Cities Completely Stocked As Of March 2013


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Elite Underground Tunnels & Cities Completely Stocked As Of March 2013



Back in March of 2013, Beforeitsnews carried this story confirming that there are indeed underground cities beneath America and that they were being ‘stocked up’, as confirmed by a truck driver, also in this video. These tunnels and cities stretch from Area 51 to the Denver International Airport (NWO home base), from Maine to Washington DC (now we know what they were ‘building’ under the White House). This compilation video explores all the proof that we now have that the ‘elite’ are preparing for ‘something big’ and that their ‘underground bunker systems’ were completely stocked up as of March 2013. With talk of impending ‘doom’ ranging from economic collapse to an approaching 2nd Sun and a pole shift on our sun, there’s a wide range of disasters they might be preparing for.

Are these machines causing all of the sinkholes and unexplained loud ‘booms’ across the country as the Earth beneath our surface is displaced?

How does the Denver International Airport fit into all of this? Will the DIA really be the next capitol of the United States and if so, what does that mean for our collective future?

This map purports to be from Majestic 12 showing the US governments underground bunker and tunnel system on the Western half of America. Is this real or some kind of a hoax?

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Sinkholes are appearing all around the world, even in isolated regions, not just in America. So it's a completely natural phenomena. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that they are caused by imperceptibly small slow down on the Earth's spinning. It is part of the coming Earth changes.
Icedesert said:
Are these machines causing all of the sinkholes and unexplained loud ‘booms’ across the country as the Earth beneath our surface is displaced?

I think that's unlikely, or at least it's not the only cause. It has been suggested instead that the earth itself is "opening up" due to an increase in incoming cosmic energy and the ever-so-slight slowing of the rotation of the earth.
Perceval said:
Icedesert said:
Are these machines causing all of the sinkholes and unexplained loud ‘booms’ across the country as the Earth beneath our surface is displaced?

I think that's unlikely, or at least it's not the only cause. It has been suggested instead that the earth itself is "opening up" due to an increase in incoming cosmic energy and the ever-so-slight slowing of the rotation of the earth.

I wonder if the elite have ever thought about the risk of their underground cities "opening up". :rolleyes:
Eboard10 said:
I wonder if the elite have ever thought about the risk of their underground cities "opening up". :rolleyes:

Heh. Well, we can only speculate if their bases are fortified enough for any of the possible scenarios. But what is for sure, that since psychopaths lack insight, they are unable to accurately predict the ramifications of their actions.

Here is what Andrew Lobaczewski said about it:

The following question thus suggests itself: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon. Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest… They do not understand that a catastrophe would ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

It seems that they are also unable to understand that "little people" aren't going to be the only one's to face the "climate changes" and the cosmic threat. And if we take into account the theory that meteorites appear to hit in specific locations, then PTB may have a hard time of outrunning their karma. ;)
Uhmm is the video for real?

I am wary of the data underneath as possible psy-ops.

Not to mention they came out with a new date. September 21st.
Well, if they do go underground, I'm thinking we could solve this country's psychopath problem with a small fleet of cement trucks?
Well, if they do go underground, I'm thinking we could solve this country's psychopath problem with a small fleet of cement trucks?

Guardian that is just too funny!!! :lol:
Quote from: Eboard10 on Yesterday at 11:39:23 AM
I wonder if the elite have ever thought about the risk of their underground cities "opening up".

I have oftened wondered, if the sudden rash of gas fracking in the Northeastern United States, with thousands of wells being drilled - hundred's of feet deep within miles of each other, might be a power-play by one fraction against another (the underground consortum) in trying to dis-stablize the underground bunkers? By weakening the top surface of the tunnels, in trying to hammer and chip the upper surface foundation, by forced chemicals and pressure? The chemicals seem to be a trade secret and there might be more than "gas-fracking" involved?
Guardian said:
Well, if they do go underground, I'm thinking we could solve this country's psychopath problem with a small fleet of cement trucks?

You have forgotten or at least underestimated the true nature of theses B-holes. They will no doubt have a scorched Earth policy in place should anyone consider your proposal. Hilarious as it was. Kudos.

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