The Living Force
Hey all
I had another weird/interesting dream I’d like to share.
So in the dream I was living with my bf (neema) and my mom in an apartment in the city (not where we live now- the town I grew up in) And we were all pretty happy with each other. One day we decided to take a drive and go to some restaurant. So it seemed as if the dream was set in a little bit of a future time where the first auto-drive cars were out and we had one. So I was in the driver’s seat but I was testing out the auto-drive, which I was really uncomfortable with and wanted to take the wheel. But we were all laughing pretending it was like a theme park ride.
Another interesting thing was that the car’s navigation system had some sort of recognition software, where it would show you all the cars on the road with a picture of the owner/license #. So as we were driving, I saw this car on the on-coming traffic side, going the opposite way and it was Laura! So I said to neema, “woah Laura is here!” and we were talking about how we should try and find out where she’s staying and go out for tea or something with her.
So we get to a red-light. And as we are waiting there, neema rolls down the window because it was a really nice day. And we see this pretty out of place looking guy, with a horse. He was taking the horse across the street on foot, and on the sidewalk he stopped, put his hand on his ear and said something really strange. “Begin operation block the sun”.
At that moment the light turned green and we started moving, and I turned to neema and asked if he heard what the man had said. He replied that he had, and he thought it was really strange. All of a sudden we look at the sun and it’s starting to become eclipse. We keep driving forward and we see there is a tornado up a head! So I took full control of the car, and turned it around. On the other side, there was a huge tidal wave coming towards us. We got out of the car, and neema yelled get under a car or something to shield you from the on-coming wave. So we did that. We were under the car, and this huge wave comes and the streets are filled with water now, and we are all gasping for air.
Then I see a little bit of a dry spot and point everyone o get to it, so we go there and the water seemed to be leaving slowly, leaving a bit of a wreckage and everything soaked. Then I make a comment like “we really should try and find Laura”, to neema. My mom was all “who is Laura? What’s happening?” a bit hysterical.. I told her to calm down. And that we would figure out what’s going on soon enough.
There was lots of people around, all scattered, mostly like my mom trying to figure out what had just occurred. So then, I see the same guy with the horse and I started walking towards him. I was like “HEY YOU! This is your doing isn’t it? What did you do?” Some people notice this and begin to surround us. The guy starts being all coy, saying, “Everyone! May I have your attention please? This was a test of your abilities to see how you will react in these kinds of situations."
I got all angry and said, “A test??!? Who the HELL do you think you are?? People could have been injured OR WORSE!” The man answered, “Yes it was possible, but this was something we needed to test.”
I answered back, “WE? Who the F** * is WE? WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU DO ALL THIS?” People were starting to get angry at him too, and yelling things like “YEAH!?! Who are you? Answer her!”
At this point he took out a pen out of his pocket and grabbed a nearby bicycle and looked at an old man putting the pen on the bike and pushing very gently- the bike’s metal overturned. The old man was shocked by this, and the guy with the pen asked the old man “You know how I did that?” I stepped in and said “YEAH WITH A MAGNET! Obviously that pen was magnetized!” He got all Shocked at my answer.. began to stutter a bit. “Yeah, well! We used similar technology to understand your level of preparedness”
I was starting to get really angry, yelling, "WHO? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE A**H***??" So he steps up like, “LISTEN UP YOU LITTLE B***” When all of a sudden all the people go super angry and began yelling even louder at the guy. The old man he spoke to stepped up being like “DON’T YOU TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!” And everyone started to surround him… and I woke up.
It was a really strange dream… I couldn’t really make anything out of it though so I thought I’d share it. I had a feeling in the dream that the guy was some sort of government agent- even though I didn’t ever speak my feeling, I kind of wanted him to say it- that’s why I kept asking who he was. But he wouldn’t say it, so I kept getting more angry and louder.
Anyway thanks for reading
Edit: Grammar
I had another weird/interesting dream I’d like to share.
So in the dream I was living with my bf (neema) and my mom in an apartment in the city (not where we live now- the town I grew up in) And we were all pretty happy with each other. One day we decided to take a drive and go to some restaurant. So it seemed as if the dream was set in a little bit of a future time where the first auto-drive cars were out and we had one. So I was in the driver’s seat but I was testing out the auto-drive, which I was really uncomfortable with and wanted to take the wheel. But we were all laughing pretending it was like a theme park ride.
Another interesting thing was that the car’s navigation system had some sort of recognition software, where it would show you all the cars on the road with a picture of the owner/license #. So as we were driving, I saw this car on the on-coming traffic side, going the opposite way and it was Laura! So I said to neema, “woah Laura is here!” and we were talking about how we should try and find out where she’s staying and go out for tea or something with her.
So we get to a red-light. And as we are waiting there, neema rolls down the window because it was a really nice day. And we see this pretty out of place looking guy, with a horse. He was taking the horse across the street on foot, and on the sidewalk he stopped, put his hand on his ear and said something really strange. “Begin operation block the sun”.
At that moment the light turned green and we started moving, and I turned to neema and asked if he heard what the man had said. He replied that he had, and he thought it was really strange. All of a sudden we look at the sun and it’s starting to become eclipse. We keep driving forward and we see there is a tornado up a head! So I took full control of the car, and turned it around. On the other side, there was a huge tidal wave coming towards us. We got out of the car, and neema yelled get under a car or something to shield you from the on-coming wave. So we did that. We were under the car, and this huge wave comes and the streets are filled with water now, and we are all gasping for air.
Then I see a little bit of a dry spot and point everyone o get to it, so we go there and the water seemed to be leaving slowly, leaving a bit of a wreckage and everything soaked. Then I make a comment like “we really should try and find Laura”, to neema. My mom was all “who is Laura? What’s happening?” a bit hysterical.. I told her to calm down. And that we would figure out what’s going on soon enough.
There was lots of people around, all scattered, mostly like my mom trying to figure out what had just occurred. So then, I see the same guy with the horse and I started walking towards him. I was like “HEY YOU! This is your doing isn’t it? What did you do?” Some people notice this and begin to surround us. The guy starts being all coy, saying, “Everyone! May I have your attention please? This was a test of your abilities to see how you will react in these kinds of situations."
I got all angry and said, “A test??!? Who the HELL do you think you are?? People could have been injured OR WORSE!” The man answered, “Yes it was possible, but this was something we needed to test.”
I answered back, “WE? Who the F** * is WE? WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU DO ALL THIS?” People were starting to get angry at him too, and yelling things like “YEAH!?! Who are you? Answer her!”
At this point he took out a pen out of his pocket and grabbed a nearby bicycle and looked at an old man putting the pen on the bike and pushing very gently- the bike’s metal overturned. The old man was shocked by this, and the guy with the pen asked the old man “You know how I did that?” I stepped in and said “YEAH WITH A MAGNET! Obviously that pen was magnetized!” He got all Shocked at my answer.. began to stutter a bit. “Yeah, well! We used similar technology to understand your level of preparedness”
I was starting to get really angry, yelling, "WHO? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE A**H***??" So he steps up like, “LISTEN UP YOU LITTLE B***” When all of a sudden all the people go super angry and began yelling even louder at the guy. The old man he spoke to stepped up being like “DON’T YOU TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!” And everyone started to surround him… and I woke up.
It was a really strange dream… I couldn’t really make anything out of it though so I thought I’d share it. I had a feeling in the dream that the guy was some sort of government agent- even though I didn’t ever speak my feeling, I kind of wanted him to say it- that’s why I kept asking who he was. But he wouldn’t say it, so I kept getting more angry and louder.
Anyway thanks for reading

Edit: Grammar