Energetic Bleedthrough on Radar

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Energetic Bleedthrough on Radar

By Alex Putney


The world is waking to the signs of the onset of a new resonance on planet Earth. While human perception is broadening and our awareness with it, the technological tools at our disposal are of crucial importance as well. Doppler radar systems around the world have been recording the anomalous bleedthrough of an energy not yet known to science. Anomalous concentric rings of low frequency resonance are being observed now daily all over the world - a flow of events unparalleled in the history of scientific observation (www.radaranomalies.com).

My work has involved a synthesis of nonlinear acoustics and quantum mechanics to produce the model of Magnetic Resonance pictured above. This multi-frequency standing wave energy pattern is based on the sacred Sanskrit mandala and the Octagonal Quantum Fractal of Dr. Jadczyk - synchronous patterns encoding the refraction of energy through Calcite crystal, found in the limestone of the bedrock and pyramids of the world. This complex array of resonant sites is clearly seen during peak events observed by radar, which I have used to confirm my theory and extrapolate the global projection of this matrix (which I present here: www.humanresonance.org)

Here's a wave of resonance moving through the US on April 27th, 2001:


Here's a wave of resonance moving through the US on April 29th, 2002:


Here is another resonant bleedthrough event that occurred on Sept 10-11, 2002.


Note that the rings of resonant standing waves are focused on the exact same sites, which is in fact true of ALL of these energetic anomalies. Energetic relationships with world events have not yet been thoroughly investigated, but a keen author has been writing about these synchronocities for a few years (http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/text/newz69x.htm):

It has been almost 3 years since we came across an anomaly that appears on NEXRAD and Doppler radar servers over the internet. We were searching for information on weather control. These images appear as perfect symmetrical circles --- or parts thereof.

What categorizes this as an anomaly is the energy increases as it heads out toward the outer circumference of the circle. We have documented
numerous activities associated with this phenomena. Here are a few examples...

+ On October 15, 1999 as Hurricane Floyd sat off the coast of Florida a radar ring anomaly emitting a signal from Birmingham, Alabama pushed
Floyd away from Florida and up the east coast.

+ On the night of JFK Jr's plane crash, a radar ring anomaly appeared in the flight path where his plane went down.

+ Pine Ridge, S Dakota during the events in question had this anomaly present for 3 weeks, sometimes three times a day...interrupting communications and possibly causing physiological alterations, for thediscussions turned ugly.

+ On October 16, 1999 a 7.0 quake occurred at Joshua Tree after a ring anomaly had appeared daily for about 6 days.

+ On March 28, 2000 an F2 (a75+mph) tornado hit Ft Worth after a ring anomaly had appeared at Cannon AFB for 3 days prior and during a storm passage through west Texas, having been strengthened by it...

After researching locations of the epicenters of these anomalies, we have found that at least 80% can be pinpointed on USAF bases. Upon
further research we have also discovered that GWEN is also located on the very same USAF bases.

NEXRAD radar sites also share many of the same locations.

CORS - a GPS / GWEN/ NEXRAD triangulation system, that is never turned off, is also located in most of these locations!

If you overlay maps of CORS, GWEN, NEXRAD, USAF and other military bases, you will find that 90% of all sites listed are the same.

It has been reported that HAARP and GWEN may have the potential for weather control. It is no coincidence that the USAF has their "Owning
The Weather By 2025" idea out for public consumption.

Recently, a system dubbed HIPAS - working side by side with HAARP speaks of back beating VHF and ELF waves together. The process of back beating was explained to me by a former Navy / CG electronics expert. It was used by HAM operators by sending a signal then shortly after sending that same signal on top of the previous signal thereby extending the range and strengthening it the further it goes out. In the beginning of this post, I explained that the radar anomalies have this property.

We have not been able to determine what technology this is or what the signal is, although going by NEXRAD and Doppler we know the decibel
strength of many we have documented. We also have a theory that HAARP, CORS / GPS, GWEN, NEXRAD (either one or all) and a satellite in orbit is causing this phenomena.

Noted and documented physiological effects... Several people we have spoken with seem to have these effects: Headaches, emotional changes
(sudden anger or depression), sleep pattern changes (sudden onset,extended periods of...) nausea, stomach upsets, etc.

In conclusion, we can safely say - based upon this evidence- these anomalies can and have altered the weather, electronics, people & caused
earth quakes. There is more than enough information on weather & mind control and electronics interference and man made earthquakes. Could
this be our culprit? We think so.
A beginners guide to Scalar Electromagnetics.


(Same as above but in wordformat)
I have just been re-reading the adventure series with the C's and seen a thin thread of connection with these energetic anomalies on the radar, the military bases and the use of the HAAPR technology. I seem to remember that the C's say one of the primary uses of HAARP is to hide the coming and goings of those transitioning from 4th ensity to 3rd or vice-versa...and realised that it would make sense to be using such equipment in and around the area of military bases.

I say this due to the fact that military bases are shrouded in secrecy, and what better way to make thing even more secret than to use HAARP tech to activeley hide many of the comings and going around these sites(especially hyperdimensional craft and the like). Im not scientist (in fact barely an engineer) but this seemed like a plausible reason/connection to me...does anyone have any futher thoughts?

Also has anyone been monitoring the radar images for any other countries whitch may also correlate to the position of military bases?
Hmmmm.... so over a thousand people have read this thread. Only 3 replies... perhaps people are so taken aback by this stunning and freely available data that they don't know what to make of it. (If so, visit my site: www.humanresonance.org)

The ONLY replies come from Grim, Apollynon and Wile Coyote.

1. Grim links us up to disinformation from the foul mouth of the military itself - Col. Tom Bearden's Scalar EM psuedo-science nonsense.

2. Is the extra 'n' in Appollynon supposed to convince us that you are not 'The Destroyer' (originally from a Hebrew-based word - "abbadon", interesting), a.k.a. STS sucker?

3. Wile Coyote is always trying to kill the roadrunner with bombs made by Acme (military industrial complex anyone), while he's not patting the Destroyer on the back for adding confusion.

The profound truth behind these COINTELPRO agents names is just a little too funny, no? Any genuine comments about this data and the extensive explanatory research presented on my website is very welcome.

in lak'ech,

Alex Putney
Hi eightfold,

Why are you cross-posting in several forum topics?
1) Outer Space and "Inner Space" Sciences: "Session 981114, Prime Numbers, the Pyramid, Dwelling of the mystics"
2) COINTELPRO and Disinformation: "COINTELPRO in the Earth Changes Forum"

I wonder, why SOTT team, Ark/Laura has not yet commented on this thread?

I was convinced by Ark and others that Bearden is very likely a disinfo agent. Ark
said that the C's wanted him to check out Bearden, he did, and part of his lesson was
to discover how disinformation agents operate. Bearden has made too many claims
that has been easily debunked and you can find these in "free energy" and
"antigravity" groups and forums.

The Radar-data/pictures maps out "resonance centers", but what about the EM
fields or "magnetic ley lines"? Is it possible to overly the two and see if there are
any correlations? After all, the HAARP is a EM based generator that is pulsed or
resonating the ionosphere, so can these EM signals be seen by radar/doppler systems?

With my limited understanding of radar, that it sends a pulse and detects backscatter,
I fail to see how radar is capable of detecting ranges of EM fields, so that is why I am
asking this question. Radar is not capable of being an infinite wideband EM generator
so as to capture all backscatter frequencies for data analysis, or can it?

I would also be curious to ask, what about magnetic vortexes (posted in another
thread), and if it were possible to detect these?
I never posted on your thread, eightfold, because I dont understand what you are presenting.
I would like to formulate a couple of questions:
- The image of the planet earth showing this waves running across it, how was it obtained? And I also mean: How the radar operates to bounce on electromagnetic waves? And to this, since it is a image of the planet earth as a whole, as seeing from the space, could you mention the satellite from which it was taken? Or it is just a superimposition of two images, the fractal by Ark, and a regular image of the earth?
- On the squeme of the pyramid overimposed on the lines of what I understand being electromagnetic wave trails (am i correct?), how was the procedure to obtain this convergence positions? Where they drawed starting by the centr of the base of the pyramid, or where they obtained by meassurements in situ, there, in Egypt? In this case, could you please comments on the procedure to obtain this meassures and a few details of the expedittion/travel made by.... who? Yourself?
- I also have the same worry dant expreses: How to detect magnetic vortexes? How does a radar (it is a radar, right?) detects Electro Magnetic fluids?
- Regarding the Doppler phenomena you comment, as I understand it, Doppler is a detection of sound or heat. How do you detect this patterns? By the use of what kind of Radar? Or do you actually use a microphone? Or is it like a detection of magnetic resonance? What device is being used to articulate this patterns?
Thank you.
eightfold said:
The profound truth behind these COINTELPRO agents names is just a little too funny, no? Any genuine comments about this data and the extensive explanatory research presented on my website is very welcome.
gee who can tell whats Cointelpro and what's not these days ( smiley that scratches his head)

I was going to ask some questions and then I saw Art was faster...
Hello Dant, Art and Deckard,

Wonderful! Your thoughtful comments and questions are why I am posting in this forum. I would say that (unlike your questions) the comments of those who are trying to quench the thread tend to take on a very different tone. While these last three postings include completely coherent questions that can be answered clearly, the postings of Grim, the Destroyer and Wile Coyote just serve to muddy the waters. Yes, perhaps their screen names are just poorly chosen and not to be overly considered... but I find the irony just too much to resist pointing out. I'll try to answer your various questions, as is the purpose of my entire website, complex as the situation is.

Firstly, Dant's Qs - I am posting my comments in whichever forum fits... is cross-posting relevant info a no-no? I too would like Ark's opinion of my research if he can find the time to delve into it on my site. A brief review of the research will NOT be fruitful if you do not already understand the physics concepts underlying standing waves, nonlinear acoustics or the piezoelectric properties of quartz and calcite crystal (comprising all of the world's pyramid stones and megaliths). The maps and sound diagrams on my site are fully supported by explanatory text and links to the actual physics papers available online which are the impetus for my hypothesis of Magnetic Resonance.

This page (www.humanresonance.org/sphere.html) describes the source data that I am correlating - from the US Naval Research Laboratory's GOES-10 satellite Infrared and Visible spectrum measurements taken overnight on December 7-8, 2001. Note that 2001 was the last Solar Maximum, and the next is Dec 22, 2012, of Mayan calendrical significance. On this page I show the synchronicity between the work on Standing Waves in a Cylindrical Resonator by Konicek et al. and the work of Gugg et al. on Standing Waves on a Sphere (and link to their online papers). The matrix of nonlinear concentric circles has an octagonal symmetry (just as the C's gave the clue "octagonal complexigram"), and the 8 lines which radiate from each focal point interconnects all of the focal points. These underlying lines are what have been called 'ley-lines', and if you connect any two focal points on my maps you will find that the extension of that line also passes directly through other centers as well.

Next issue - the piezoelectric property of crystals, water and other resonant materials converts mechanical (acoustic) energy into an EM field, as an amplifier. The angles of Stealth planes do not absorb the radar signals they evade - in fact they transduce the signals into a local EM field around the aircraft that cannot be detected remotely. How does it work? If you look at the price of aquamarine mineral about 20 years ago, one finds that the US gov bought so much of the crystal that the price soared due to scarcity! If you paint the planes with crystals then even the micro-faces of the plane's surfaces would share the same hard angularity that the macro-geometry presents. Stealth bombers are flying pyramids covered in aquamarine crystals!

Ark, am I wrong here? Any holes in my logic? I'll get on to Art's 4 questions...

1. Data source - answered above and here (www.humanresonance.org/sphere.html).

2. All of the radar data above comes from online sources like www.cheniere.org and www.radaranomalies.com. If you are asking about the GPS relationships which show the alignments, I calculated them using online software which gives straight line distances between any two GPS points, using Giza, Egypt as the centerpoint. I myself have been throughout the Andes doing my research, but have yet to get to the Great Pyramid in Egypt. My work has been in association with the Unsolved Mysteries Exhibition (www.unsolved-mysteries.net/) and was supported by a fellowship from Brandeis University and grants from the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation. If I didn't understand the question please clarify for me.

3. No, radar cannot detect EM fields (nor EM fluids for that matter?!?), but they can detect low-frequency sound that emanates from the strong EM fields transduced by megaliths and pyramids.

4. Doppler radar for weather can be sending out 94 GHz frequency, normally used to reflect off cloud cover and show precipitation, etc... The concentric Doppler radar rings are obviously not cloud reflections, as they are stationary and the amplitude of the sound (loudness) increases with distance from the center. My hypothesis is that these rings are formed by extra-low-frequency (ELF) soundwaves which propagate energy much more coherently over distance, and can even be heard by a small percentage of humans who report the sound as a low throbbing humm (ie. the taos humm, the camano hum, the indiana humm are being discussed all over the web).

Thanks for your feedback and I hope Ark can review my research and comment when he has the time.

Hi there eightfold,

I read your comment on this thread and felt after the way you had reacted to my post that an pology was neccesary as I seem to have offended you in some way. My original posting wasn't meant to quash this thread as you have suggested, but mereley to ask if the same phenomena had been observed in other countries as well as the US. I was not consiously trying to Quash your thread, however I did want to make a comment on the things you said in correlation to the positions of these anomalies and military bases, if this has offended you again I apologise, it was not meant to offend. I didn't ask anymore questions as you had posted this info without asking any questions or asking for answers originally.

This is how you ended your post
There is more than enough information on weather & mind control and electronics interference and man made earthquakes. Could
this be our culprit? We think so.
To me it seemed you had already made up your mind about the subject you cover and what its about, and just wanted peope to ask questions, so I did. I gather like you I have made an ass-of-u & me by assuming you meant something you didnt. My apologies.

I do however dislike your accusatory tone that Im a COINTELPRO agent based upon the assumtion you have made upon the reason I have chosen my avatar name. You assumption is quite wrong about why I have that name as I will explain below (and have already explained elsewhere on this forum already). I do think this forum is about asking questions of each other and I find it a little rude that you attack me and accuse me of being COINTELPRO because I didn't form the reply to your post that you wanted to see, thats a little scary IMHO.

May I ask what makes you think Im COINTELPRO other than the avatar name I use? What brought you to this conclusion? Usually I back up an accusation like that with some background as to my reasoning and try not to base it on false assumptions as you have.

I got a real giggle out of that assumption after I re-read your post. Unfortunately I chose the name Appolynon for a different reason to the one you assumed. I chose it beacause I always like the name Appolyon form the bible, it kinda stuck with me since I was a kid. Now I know what the bible says about "the Destroyer", but here is a different opinion from the C's transcripts I have copied below for you. Now my reason for keeping the name with a corruption of the spelling is because everytime I see the corrupted spelling, it reminds me of this stetment by the C's that even the bible is corruptible, and it reminds me about the level of disinformation in the world. This is my reason for my avatar name, and Im sorry that it offends you enough to write a few lines accusing me of being COINTELPRO because of this, but I think that says more about you than it does about me.

Q: (L) What is the origin of the name Appolyon?
A: Light being?
Q: (L) Why is Appolyon called the "destroyer" in Revelation?
A: Backward for sake of deception. Bible corrupted.
Q: (L) You have often stated that the Bible is corrupted, I would like
to know who, exactly, corrupted the Bible and when and how they
did this?
A: Illuminati brotherhood for a thousand earth years.
Good luck with your research. If the moderators here agree with you and think I'm COINTELPRO (which Im definetley not consiously, though I could be an unconsious COINTELPRO agent and just not realise it) then Im sure I will be dealt with accordingly.

Good luck with your theories :P
eightfold said:
4. Doppler radar for weather can be sending out 94 GHz frequency, normally used to reflect off cloud cover and show precipitation, etc... The concentric Doppler radar rings are obviously not cloud reflections, as they are stationary and the amplitude of the sound (loudness) increases with distance from the center. My hypothesis is that these rings are formed by extra-low-frequency (ELF) soundwaves which propagate energy much more coherently over distance, and can even be heard by a small percentage of humans who report the sound as a low throbbing humm (ie. the taos humm, the camano hum, the indiana humm are being discussed all over the web).
If this hypothesis is right, it might be linked to the amount of calcite microcrystals in our pineal gland, which consist of calcium, carbon, and oxygen. In the study preformed (1), they find it plausable that there could be a nonthermal interaction between external electromagnetic fields and this crystal embedded in the brain.

Bioelectromagnetics 2002 Oct;23(7):pp. 488-495
I knew what the rings were, but I needed to do some searching to find proof...it's not exactly common knowledge. :/

http://www.sott.net/articles/show/228933#comment48748 said:
There is no one radar that sweeps the country and provides us with an image of the weather. It is a mosaic of several radar sites working in conjunction, piecing together the information into a mosaic that's provided on the weather websites. As a technician, I'm familiar with AGC (automatic gain control) and how it is used in radar systems. Sometimes, when there's just too much radar return signal, the radar will switch into a different mode, attenuating the received signal to try to distinguish features out of the massive amount of RF coming back from a strong weather system. This appears as a ring. When this information is patched into the nationwide mosaic, it looks just like what dutchsinse is pointing out as "HAARP rings". He's saying that when those rings happen, bad things will happen in the next 24-48 hours there, and guess what, he's probably right, but not because of HAARP. Tornadoes form in strong weather systems, usually at the trailing edge of the system, where all the "red cells" are. The red cells are there because that's where the pressure differential between high and low cells is the greatest, causing the most precipitation and providing the motion to the entire system. When a strong system comes in and saturates a radar, causing it to switch modes and make a ring, depending on the speed of the storm, sure enough, between 24 and 48 hours, the trailing edge of that storm comes through and voila!, tornadoes, which feeds the disinformation about HAARP even more.

Here's a link to some basic weather radar AGC info, with links to rings formed by AGC acting on radar return. Compare them to the "HAARP rings" http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/ylin/pcpanl/QandA/#RADARRING

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