In 3 weeks, I have the impression that I changed a lot. I actually have the feeling that I grew up more in 3 weeks than in my 27 years of life.
I would like to share a certain way of living through some examples. I totally respect other’s way of thinking, and here is mine.
I present my sincere apologizes to this whole community. What I am currently living is so weird that I maybe would like to cut through the haze.
This is maybe a long post. Cool. No one knows me. Supacool. I did it because I wanted to. If it can help, it is good. Otherwise, I do not really care, because I am not asking people to do anything. Even when I use a peternalist or ‘absolute’ tone. I announce it…You read a post because you decide it too, and the way you act or think has NOTHING to do with me.
This being said, let me start. No big deal…
At home, when I want a hot coffe, I turn on the microwave, after having set the timer, then I come and go in my kitchen like an idiot. I usually start to think about plenty other things, while waiting for my coffee to be hot. I even start doing other actions, meanwhile.
But not the other day.
After having set the timer and launched the microwave, I just sat down and… DID NOTHING AT ALL.
I just let things happen for about 20 seconds.
It took a lot of pressure away from me. Damn, this was GOOD…
I just stopped thinking about things
I expelled the ‘need of doing something’
I just let myself go – completely.
What I felt was different than an feeling – it was more a ‘STATE OF BEEING’
I would describe it more accurately as following :
The state where you ‘let things be as they really are’ while ‘understanding and knowing that this is a particular state of beeing’… very particular !
I then realized that what kept me out of this state was my concern about myself regarding things as they happen. The problem was my position towards things – my participation had to be reviewed.
By applying this idea to other events, I realized how I was dealing with ‘things’, generally speaking : by positionning myself – with the use of my imagination, my thoughts, or my way of ‘understanding’, my way of explaining things.
While going to buy some bread the other day, I realized that I was NOT aligned with the only ‘more-or-less’ genuine information I would be certain of : walking.
Nothing more. And it will never be ‘going to buy some bread’ !
Because this is an idea, a concept ! It does not really exist.
At the moment where I will provide money and get some bread, I will be in position to identify the action ‘buying some bread’.
Otherwise, other action names would be appropriated. Like ‘walking’.
So I realized that there were basically two ways for me to do an action :
1) Do it, letting things as they really are – at maximum
2) Bring on a new step, an additionnal structure to my action
ÿ Thinking that I am doing it – Thinking how I am doing it <
It was like I was using an additionnal, unnecessary tool…
This tool is the consciousness, the consciousness of doing something, by identifying myself, by positionning myself.
When we walk on the street, why do we need to recall ourselves that we are walking ?!? What benefit are we going to get by doing this ? If we are completely honest, the ONLY things that we are going to bring on are… IDEAS, CONCEPTS.
So… instead of doing our action FULLY, appreciating all qualities relatives to being walking, without carrying in other erroneous ones, we prefer start THINKING. We prefer ‘realizing that we are walking’.
But mentalizing the fact of walking will NOT improve it in any way.
This is actually the opposite, because we split ourselves off the real way of perceiving the act of walking. Some would speak about ‘using one’s energy in the correct way’.
We change the shape of the real situation, and we miss its real essence. This thing already exist and we change it totally by wanting to see it in our way.
The worse is that the main essence is happening, is actually there – but we do not perceive it. We miss it. We do not grap it either. Because we decided to call in our ‘analyse’, or our ‘critical sense’. This way, we set up ourselves in the way of DOING and not LET BE.
In LETTING BE, there is a certain amount of activity in passivity. It is not ‘staying under a tree, waiting for the fruit to fall in your hand’.
A good way of realizing fully an action is to do one thing after another, keeping the focus on the current one, without considering the following ones. This way, we understand the continous speech that we have with ourselves, as well as our most fugitive attention…
Try to do things perfectly, with slow gesture, precision, accuracy, but without constricting anything. No need to think. Just do. Just let ourselves be. Because we already know how to do things.
We have to realize that from our past experiences, only ideas remain.
They are heavy, embarrasing. Most of them are very negative.
If you are able to identify and realize that you gave away your power to IDEAS, you will understand how heavy and unuseful your ‘life bag’ currently is.
Because things will always happen and be what they are, you are still free to adjust them with your LIMITATING FILTER.
Please consider all your thoughts, ideas, beliefs : it is empty matter.
I would like you to REALIZE them…
By ‘realizing’, I know mean something very particular : to see them as they really are – giving them a chance to live on their own, by themselves.
Well, no chance of this happening at all, because they do not exist. If you really adopt a SPECTATOR POINT OF VIEW towards an idea, you put yourself and the idea in the situation where you are actually realizing it. You realize its existence. And because REALIZING means LET BE, you may only watch the instantaneous combustion of the idea.
It was a virtual stone, meant for a virtual life bag.
You may represent yourself an idea if it helps you. Think about a tension, related to an event in your life, whose memory still resides inside you. Please consider it as it really is today : an idea, located somewhere.
Well, the action already took place, but there is a remaining idea or assiociated feelings. It is so because you decided to let an imprint somewhere ; this imprint is an idea, a belief, a concept.
You have to understand that this does NOT help you at all ; it is actually the opposite ! Most of the time, it is like a ‘malus’ that you ‘consciously’ decided to take on with you – it follows you, fully integrated in your belief system. You even apply it to other unrelated situations or events !
No doubt that this idea has been empowered by other ideas
No doubt that pain may grow from such a corrupted situation
So, picture yourself this idea, please see it as it really is, and make the choice to let it go, if you want it to. Choose to let your pain go away. No need for this kind of unecessary pain.
Send it a burst, a wave.. Destress it, unnerve it, relax it, wipe it out, dissipate it.
-but they still remain ideas.
The problem with thinking is that there is no limitation. There is no end, and it is easy to follow a train of thoughts without really interrupting it. It is not a bad thing –per se – but we have to observe it and control our imagination someway.
We have to identify imagination as it really is for us today, and its misused use.
These days, it seems to be a good point to have ‘imagination’. But the problem is that we do not control its flow, when it starts, where we put it, and what to do with it. We just let our imagination freely flow in any lambda situation ; the result ? False beliefs that stay in yourself. You have freewill…here it is..
Please think about the damages done by our imagination. Please consider that if we are doing things by letting our imagination spread in – it may be a corrupted way of perceiving/creating reality.
Then, add the following sentence : ‘our imagination has no limit’..
What kind of TRUTH may come out ?
We may understand that a big big problem is our wish/need to identify ourselves toward things. Because things are happening, et we are uncapable of grasping them with the limitated skills that we developped through education, family, history.
We tend to ‘constrict the channel’ in such a particular way that at the end, there is no fiability or valid truth regarding the stimulus that came to us.
It seems that i do not know myself as best as I thought to…Hmmm..
Because I am interferring with stimuli I do not really know much about in a particular way : I limit them with imagination…
When I walk for example..
There seems that there could possibly be an other way of ‘walking’ !!!
There seems to be another way of perceiving that I am walking ?!
Strange… But I now understand this…
And this other way is to put our thoughts, our wishes, our identification apart, at maximum from what is happening. LET BE. LET THINGS BE AS THEY REALLY ARE. Without wishing them to be different.
You have to understand that you have the same attitude towards action or events :
You try to remember all similary circonstances and you then try to apply the lessons you previously got : ideas, concepts, beliefs. RULES. PRINCIPLES.
In a normal situation, nothing would be here. You would have nothing to ‘bring on the table’, and even more, you would not even ‘think of doing it in a particular way’, you should not even think while doing it.
Even worse, the referring point is corrupted too. What you take as a reference is corrupted, because at that time, you did not FULLY REALIZED the action. The lessons made are false. What remains are IDEAS. FALSE BELIEFS. WRONG IDEAS.
And what do you do ? You decide to cultivate them, and eventually bring them back when you feel that there is a need for justifying yourelf, for example. In this particular case, you create a new corrupted event, based on corrupted ideas, that you are going to hold on as ‘valid’, and integrate it in yourself, because you think it is right.
Bravo. You have a ‘personality’. I have it too.. (I am actually trying to SMASH IT).
Hey, here I come ! This is ME ! I went through all the emotions in life, so I now know how to deal with them easily ! Whouahou !
This ‘ME’ depends on the way you realized various events in your life, and the way you IMPRINTED them in your being. Trust me, if you think about it, it is still there…It had no existence at all but you decided differently.. what you did is that you avoided the essence of the situation, because you did not know that it was not up to you to consider it.
I know decide to let things be at their maximum, STARTING BY MYSELF. What am I really ?
We already have an existence without our conscience. Why don’t we let the following simply be what it is ?!?
- conciouness of thinking
- conciousness of acting
We do not need them. We do not need to continuously ask ourselves if what we do is right or wrong, because instead of focusing on the thing as it really is, we provide it additionnal unnecessary attributes. BUT, these attributes are still BELIEFS. Virtual weights. We do not need to be conscious that we are thinking. We do not need a ‘permanent thinking’. We do not need any ‘permanent speech’. We need to stop speaking sometimes. WITH OURSELVES TOOO. NO INTERIOR SPEECH IF NOT CONTROLLED.
Moreover, we do not have to keep the ‘urge of doing something’, the ‘need of doing something’. Because we may simply DO NOTHING.
REALIZE THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ACTING - > there is no need to act right now, because you are lying in bed, letting your unneeded concepts and beliefs go away. You feel them go away, you do not even help them go away. You understand that the process accelerates when you TRULY and SINCERELY let yourself go…
It will not help you in any way to understand that you are thinking. It will take your attention away of your reel work. By thinking too much, by letting ourselves go with our train of thoughts, we simply miss the real essence of the action. Oh yeah, the action has been realized seconds ago, and you just undertand it now. We did not graps any truth.
Let us keep the focus on what we are doing, it is much valuable. Let us NOT be distracted, because otherwise, we will ‘not see the craft’…
For those interested by some concepts presented here, let me direct you towards :
- cassiopaean experiment (look for ‘choices follow desire-imbalanced action, look for ‘strobes of light’)
- Gurdjieff – the 5 conferences of Ouspensky
- What IS
In 3 weeks, I have the impression that I changed a lot. I actually have the feeling that I grew up more in 3 weeks than in my 27 years of life.
I would like to share a certain way of living through some examples. I totally respect other’s way of thinking, and here is mine.
I present my sincere apologizes to this whole community. What I am currently living is so weird that I maybe would like to cut through the haze.
This is maybe a long post. Cool. No one knows me. Supacool. I did it because I wanted to. If it can help, it is good. Otherwise, I do not really care, because I am not asking people to do anything. Even when I use a peternalist or ‘absolute’ tone. I announce it…You read a post because you decide it too, and the way you act or think has NOTHING to do with me.
This being said, let me start. No big deal…
At home, when I want a hot coffe, I turn on the microwave, after having set the timer, then I come and go in my kitchen like an idiot. I usually start to think about plenty other things, while waiting for my coffee to be hot. I even start doing other actions, meanwhile.
But not the other day.
After having set the timer and launched the microwave, I just sat down and… DID NOTHING AT ALL.
I just let things happen for about 20 seconds.
It took a lot of pressure away from me. Damn, this was GOOD…
I just stopped thinking about things
I expelled the ‘need of doing something’
I just let myself go – completely.
What I felt was different than an feeling – it was more a ‘STATE OF BEEING’
I would describe it more accurately as following :
The state where you ‘let things be as they really are’ while ‘understanding and knowing that this is a particular state of beeing’… very particular !
I then realized that what kept me out of this state was my concern about myself regarding things as they happen. The problem was my position towards things – my participation had to be reviewed.
By applying this idea to other events, I realized how I was dealing with ‘things’, generally speaking : by positionning myself – with the use of my imagination, my thoughts, or my way of ‘understanding’, my way of explaining things.
While going to buy some bread the other day, I realized that I was NOT aligned with the only ‘more-or-less’ genuine information I would be certain of : walking.
Nothing more. And it will never be ‘going to buy some bread’ !
Because this is an idea, a concept ! It does not really exist.
At the moment where I will provide money and get some bread, I will be in position to identify the action ‘buying some bread’.
Otherwise, other action names would be appropriated. Like ‘walking’.
So I realized that there were basically two ways for me to do an action :
1) Do it, letting things as they really are – at maximum
2) Bring on a new step, an additionnal structure to my action
ÿ Thinking that I am doing it – Thinking how I am doing it <
It was like I was using an additionnal, unnecessary tool…
This tool is the consciousness, the consciousness of doing something, by identifying myself, by positionning myself.
When we walk on the street, why do we need to recall ourselves that we are walking ?!? What benefit are we going to get by doing this ? If we are completely honest, the ONLY things that we are going to bring on are… IDEAS, CONCEPTS.
So… instead of doing our action FULLY, appreciating all qualities relatives to being walking, without carrying in other erroneous ones, we prefer start THINKING. We prefer ‘realizing that we are walking’.
But mentalizing the fact of walking will NOT improve it in any way.
This is actually the opposite, because we split ourselves off the real way of perceiving the act of walking. Some would speak about ‘using one’s energy in the correct way’.
We change the shape of the real situation, and we miss its real essence. This thing already exist and we change it totally by wanting to see it in our way.
The worse is that the main essence is happening, is actually there – but we do not perceive it. We miss it. We do not grap it either. Because we decided to call in our ‘analyse’, or our ‘critical sense’. This way, we set up ourselves in the way of DOING and not LET BE.
In LETTING BE, there is a certain amount of activity in passivity. It is not ‘staying under a tree, waiting for the fruit to fall in your hand’.
A good way of realizing fully an action is to do one thing after another, keeping the focus on the current one, without considering the following ones. This way, we understand the continous speech that we have with ourselves, as well as our most fugitive attention…
Try to do things perfectly, with slow gesture, precision, accuracy, but without constricting anything. No need to think. Just do. Just let ourselves be. Because we already know how to do things.
We have to realize that from our past experiences, only ideas remain.
They are heavy, embarrasing. Most of them are very negative.
If you are able to identify and realize that you gave away your power to IDEAS, you will understand how heavy and unuseful your ‘life bag’ currently is.
Because things will always happen and be what they are, you are still free to adjust them with your LIMITATING FILTER.
Please consider all your thoughts, ideas, beliefs : it is empty matter.
I would like you to REALIZE them…
By ‘realizing’, I know mean something very particular : to see them as they really are – giving them a chance to live on their own, by themselves.
Well, no chance of this happening at all, because they do not exist. If you really adopt a SPECTATOR POINT OF VIEW towards an idea, you put yourself and the idea in the situation where you are actually realizing it. You realize its existence. And because REALIZING means LET BE, you may only watch the instantaneous combustion of the idea.
It was a virtual stone, meant for a virtual life bag.
You may represent yourself an idea if it helps you. Think about a tension, related to an event in your life, whose memory still resides inside you. Please consider it as it really is today : an idea, located somewhere.
Well, the action already took place, but there is a remaining idea or assiociated feelings. It is so because you decided to let an imprint somewhere ; this imprint is an idea, a belief, a concept.
You have to understand that this does NOT help you at all ; it is actually the opposite ! Most of the time, it is like a ‘malus’ that you ‘consciously’ decided to take on with you – it follows you, fully integrated in your belief system. You even apply it to other unrelated situations or events !
No doubt that this idea has been empowered by other ideas
No doubt that pain may grow from such a corrupted situation
So, picture yourself this idea, please see it as it really is, and make the choice to let it go, if you want it to. Choose to let your pain go away. No need for this kind of unecessary pain.
Send it a burst, a wave.. Destress it, unnerve it, relax it, wipe it out, dissipate it.
-but they still remain ideas.
The problem with thinking is that there is no limitation. There is no end, and it is easy to follow a train of thoughts without really interrupting it. It is not a bad thing –per se – but we have to observe it and control our imagination someway.
We have to identify imagination as it really is for us today, and its misused use.
These days, it seems to be a good point to have ‘imagination’. But the problem is that we do not control its flow, when it starts, where we put it, and what to do with it. We just let our imagination freely flow in any lambda situation ; the result ? False beliefs that stay in yourself. You have freewill…here it is..
Please think about the damages done by our imagination. Please consider that if we are doing things by letting our imagination spread in – it may be a corrupted way of perceiving/creating reality.
Then, add the following sentence : ‘our imagination has no limit’..
What kind of TRUTH may come out ?
We may understand that a big big problem is our wish/need to identify ourselves toward things. Because things are happening, et we are uncapable of grasping them with the limitated skills that we developped through education, family, history.
We tend to ‘constrict the channel’ in such a particular way that at the end, there is no fiability or valid truth regarding the stimulus that came to us.
It seems that i do not know myself as best as I thought to…Hmmm..
Because I am interferring with stimuli I do not really know much about in a particular way : I limit them with imagination…
When I walk for example..
There seems that there could possibly be an other way of ‘walking’ !!!
There seems to be another way of perceiving that I am walking ?!
Strange… But I now understand this…
And this other way is to put our thoughts, our wishes, our identification apart, at maximum from what is happening. LET BE. LET THINGS BE AS THEY REALLY ARE. Without wishing them to be different.
You have to understand that you have the same attitude towards action or events :
You try to remember all similary circonstances and you then try to apply the lessons you previously got : ideas, concepts, beliefs. RULES. PRINCIPLES.
In a normal situation, nothing would be here. You would have nothing to ‘bring on the table’, and even more, you would not even ‘think of doing it in a particular way’, you should not even think while doing it.
Even worse, the referring point is corrupted too. What you take as a reference is corrupted, because at that time, you did not FULLY REALIZED the action. The lessons made are false. What remains are IDEAS. FALSE BELIEFS. WRONG IDEAS.
And what do you do ? You decide to cultivate them, and eventually bring them back when you feel that there is a need for justifying yourelf, for example. In this particular case, you create a new corrupted event, based on corrupted ideas, that you are going to hold on as ‘valid’, and integrate it in yourself, because you think it is right.
Bravo. You have a ‘personality’. I have it too.. (I am actually trying to SMASH IT).
Hey, here I come ! This is ME ! I went through all the emotions in life, so I now know how to deal with them easily ! Whouahou !
This ‘ME’ depends on the way you realized various events in your life, and the way you IMPRINTED them in your being. Trust me, if you think about it, it is still there…It had no existence at all but you decided differently.. what you did is that you avoided the essence of the situation, because you did not know that it was not up to you to consider it.
I know decide to let things be at their maximum, STARTING BY MYSELF. What am I really ?
We already have an existence without our conscience. Why don’t we let the following simply be what it is ?!?
- conciouness of thinking
- conciousness of acting
We do not need them. We do not need to continuously ask ourselves if what we do is right or wrong, because instead of focusing on the thing as it really is, we provide it additionnal unnecessary attributes. BUT, these attributes are still BELIEFS. Virtual weights. We do not need to be conscious that we are thinking. We do not need a ‘permanent thinking’. We do not need any ‘permanent speech’. We need to stop speaking sometimes. WITH OURSELVES TOOO. NO INTERIOR SPEECH IF NOT CONTROLLED.
Moreover, we do not have to keep the ‘urge of doing something’, the ‘need of doing something’. Because we may simply DO NOTHING.
REALIZE THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ACTING - > there is no need to act right now, because you are lying in bed, letting your unneeded concepts and beliefs go away. You feel them go away, you do not even help them go away. You understand that the process accelerates when you TRULY and SINCERELY let yourself go…
It will not help you in any way to understand that you are thinking. It will take your attention away of your reel work. By thinking too much, by letting ourselves go with our train of thoughts, we simply miss the real essence of the action. Oh yeah, the action has been realized seconds ago, and you just undertand it now. We did not graps any truth.
Let us keep the focus on what we are doing, it is much valuable. Let us NOT be distracted, because otherwise, we will ‘not see the craft’…
For those interested by some concepts presented here, let me direct you towards :
- cassiopaean experiment (look for ‘choices follow desire-imbalanced action, look for ‘strobes of light’)
- Gurdjieff – the 5 conferences of Ouspensky
- What IS