Evaluating Al-Qaida's Nuclear Strategy


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I heard this article on NPR the other day while riding home from work. Found it hard to keep the heat below the neck on this piece of propaganda. Maybe priming the public mind for some future event.


Evaluating Al-Qaida's Nuclear Strategy

Of all the terrorist threats facing the United States, one stands in a category by itself. If al-Qaida set off a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city, there would be hundreds of thousands of casualties and a landscape uninhabitable for years to come.

A nuclear bomb is the one true weapon of mass destruction.

The likelihood of al-Qaida carrying out a nuclear attack involves two questions: First, does the group have the technical capability? And second, would it really want to use it?

As the top intelligence official at the Department of Energy, Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is the man in the U.S. government whose job it is to worry about nuclear terrorism.

He does not think al-Qaida has a nuclear bomb in its arsenal yet. Acquiring one would be a challenge.[...]

Mowatt-Larssen says he is operating on the assumption that al-Qaida still intends to acquire a nuclear weapon — and to use it against the U.S.

"I personally think that even a terrorist group using a nuclear weapon would not be able to accomplish any objectives if they think through the problem properly," Mowatt-Larssen says. "It would plunge the world into a place that I believe ultimately would not serve al-Qaida's interests any more than it would serve a state who would use a nuclear weapon, but I'll to leave that up to al-Qaida. I do feel confident they have that intent, and that is the intent we worry about."

The story reminded me of video with Ritter that discusses picking an American city getting nuked if the US attacks Iran. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/161929-War-With-Iran-Pick-Which-American-City-You-Want-Obliterated
Sounds like more 'set up' for the false flag attack - and on NPR - have to get those liberal intellectuals exposed to the propaganda as well. Actually NPR has been doing quite the efficient job of that for quite a few years now...
Well, thank God for the 'Space Rocks'!! I wonder if they'll blame any meteor impact on Al-Qaida too? It seems like the direction they're heading in. :scared:
Mike said:
I heard this article on NPR the other day while riding home from work. Found it hard to keep the heat below the neck on this piece of propaganda. Maybe priming the public mind for some future event.

My experience with NPR news is very very bad. I feel like it as a "White House Radio" rather than a independent non profit organisation's radio. I am not sure where you are located, but if you are in NY/NJ/Connecticut. Try NJ 99.5 FM (WBAI). This is very good. Recently I started car pooling with a guy who is a regular listener of NPR news, he feels completely shocked to see the truth.

Regarding using Al-Qaida as a cause for nuclear attacking, any thing is possible. If the same trend of exposing the lies goes on from independent motivated truth seeking journalists and bloggers, this propaganda will also will flop, like the way two plus years of Iran war propaganda .
Yeah... NPR has pissed me off for years by being so willing to broadcast total propaganda and then act like they are liberal. They should get a new slogan or something... NPR: Feel Left Without Helping Anyone!!!

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