The Living Force
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German pensioner evicted from home of 40 years for smoking
Friedhelm Adolfs, a German pensioner evicted for smoking after neighbours filed complaints, has become the focus of intense national debate
Friedhelm Adolfs on his arrival at the regional court in Duesseldorf, Germany Photo: EPA
By Justin Huggler, Berlin
2:43PM BST 26 Jun 2014
A 75-year-old man is being thrown out of his home of 40 years in Germany after neighbours complained he was disturbing them by smoking.
In a case which has attracted national interested and divided opinion in Germany, a court in Düsseldorf has ruled that Friedhelm Adolfs, a retired caretaker, must vacate his flat by the end of the year.
Mr Adolfs, who has become known as “Smoker Adolfs” in the German press, has been fighting an eviction notice from his landlady in the courts for a year and a half.
In many countries, he would have been forced to leave long before now. But tenants’ rights are strictly protected in Germany, and Mr Adolfs’ lawyers successfully argued that he could not legally be evicted simply for smoking.
But the court upheld the eviction because the pensioner had not taken sufficient steps to ventilate his flat or prevent smoke passing into the communal hall. He had not even emptied his ashtrays, the court said, and his neighbours had been forced to endure an “unacceptable and intolerable odour”.
His neighbours’ right to live free from smoke outweighed Mr Adolfs’ right to smoke inside his own home, the court ruled.
True to character, after the verdict Mr Adolfs immediately lit up a cigarette outside the court room.
The pensioner’s lawyers say the case has made him the second most famous smoker in Germany, after former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who famously chain-smoked on television.
Germany has a relatively liberal attitude to smoking, compared to its European neighbours. While smoking bans are in force in all of Germany’s states, there are numerous exemptions, and it’s still common to find smoke-filled bars in Berlin and other cities.
Small privately run bars that don’t serve food are exempt from the ban in many states, and larger establishments can set aside a room for smokers.