evidence of alien abduction?


A Disturbance in the Force
Hi All,
I'd like to ask you about your opinion about strange information which i have read some years ago. As I have written in my introduction at the beginnig I read everything about ufo, without selecting information. I just hadn't enough knowledge to do that. At this time I wasn't enough critical to the information as I should be. Most of the informations were just a rubbish. As all we know everthing is a lessons, and all of this lead me to this place, but I remamber some information, about how you can find evidence that, you were abducted by aliens and you have an implant. Yes, i know It's even doesn't sound seriously :) But i'm just wondering... I will try to describe this "evidence". ;)
So those guys are telling that most of abducted has an implants, and you can easily find the place where they put an inplant. As far as I remeber they said that after some hipnossis session they learned that many of implants are put in legs. after implanting operation on legs remains a scar. the scar is very characteristic and is located between an ankle and knee on outside part of leg. As they said the scar is located at a height of 27.5 cm from the floor. usually woman has the scar on left leg, and man on right leg. The scar is not big, about 2mm. Under skin you can feel that some little part of muscle is missing. It's like a little hole. I'm sorry I can't describe it better in english. I attached an image and you can see how it's looks. (no, It's not may leg :) )

When i read this i decided to check it. At first time I didn't notice anything like this, but after few minutes i checked once again and when i look closer i found the scar, exactly like in the description. I know you can't take this information seriously, there is many possibilities, and this is not any evidence but time to time I wonder how I got this scar and why it's looks like in the description. Few years ago I have asked Ark about opinion on his blog. He told that is a nonsens, and I had to agree with Ark. Most information becomming from their website is a nonsens. But If i can I'd like to know your opinion about this :cool2:
Just for what it's worth. I've seen something similar on the shoulders of some people of a certain age. I 'think' the ones I've seen were from some type of vaccination done when they were children (?). Just thinking that perhaps this is what it is?
yes, it's looks quite simmilar like the scar on shoulder. the difference is that usualy, as far as i know, you don't get vaccination on this place, but maybe this is it, and in my case it's just coincidence. thank for your response :)
The scars you are referring to are the small pox vaccine (actually a cow pox infection). They stopped giving them sometime in the 1970s. If this is relevant, I can't say.
This is called ''scoop mark''
and I have it on my left leg (but I'm a male).

On the October 18th (this year 2012) I woke up with a strange ''hole'' in the anterior part of my lower left leg. It looked (still looks) as if the interior part of the skin (dermis and subcutis/hypodermis) had been removed...The outer layer (epidermis) looks smooth, intact, almost like an 20 year old post-burn scar... The diameter is around 1 cm (0.4 inch).... I swear I had not had it before.

I think it was not an implant, but something like a punch biopsy (I did study about it while in medical school, but I have never performed it myself, or had it done on myself!)

I have put it on youtube and flikr:

I have highlighted it with a square:

From this angle, it looks like it has a square-shaped Scotch tape on it, very weird :huh:

On the day of October 17th, I got home from work at 5 pm.
At 6 pm, I got a sudden ''sleep attack'', I felt ''I'm gonna die if I don't go to sleep right away'',
I had never experienced anything like this in my life.
I got up at 2 o'clock in the early morning, because I needed to go to the bathroom.
I was feeling very hot and thirsty. I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to check my emails, go to Facebook etc...
I decided to take a look at my leg (because I had some pain due to jogging from a few days before, although I did not fall,
just over-exercised), and I saw this strange thing .

In the 1st week I felt no fear, but in the next week an overwhelming fear kicked in, and I haven't been able to sleep without lights off
ever since. The only good thing about it: I started gathering information and knowledge, found about Laura and her work,
bought ''High strangeness'' and started reading it...

And my whole vision of life changed upside down from a totally biologically perspective to a more spiritual one.

I still have many questions left unanswered...
Is fear a good sensation or a bad sensation?

Five years ago, I had a surge of paralyzing fear...
It was 2 or 3 o' in the morning, I was doing something on the internet,
and all of a sudden I get an attack of paralyzing fear
(which is strange, since I hadn't been doing anything that would induce fear, such as
watching a horror movie or anything like that).
I felt as if something wanted to get inside of me, and I had to fight it back.

Hi Medulin,

Although I can't speak to what caused the 'scoop mark' on your leg, I will say that diet and ee meditation can go a long way towards helping to change your emotional and thinking states if you're willing to try it. Have you had an opportunity to look at the diet threads (specifically Life Without Bread)? :)
If I recall correctly - the scar on the upper arm of people is from the TB vaccination (if that's what you're referring to by shoulder scars). I have one myself, and I recall the process involving some sort of 'stamp' skin test, and then the vaccination required forming some sort of bubble under the skin which produced the scar - I must have been around 13-15 at school when we had these done (around 14 years ago then).
Soluna said:
If I recall correctly - the scar on the upper arm of people is from the TB vaccination (if that's what you're referring to by shoulder scars).

Yeah, I have the same one, even two, on my left shoulder. Have no idea if such vaccines were done on legs as well, but it's possible.

Anyways, and even if there was any high strangeness involved, it's important to remember that personal awareness and susceptibility play a major part in such cases. For example, at any given moment, a human being is being "bombarded" and/or populated by billions of various bacteria (like E.coli). But, for the most part, it goes without incident, unless immune system is jeopardized or is in a weakened state. If so, it provides and opens a door to an infection. And I am sure that the same can be applied to hyperdimentional influences and "tamperings".

What it means, that in our reality it's impossible to completely avoid harmful influences and bad things potentially or actually happening to someone. It IS a jungle after all. What we can try to do, is to minimize the potential harm and strengthen our mental and psychic immune system. And proper diet and EE meditation can do just that.
I agree with Truth Seeker and Keit. A good diet and doing EE will definitely help.

Medulin said:
This is called ''scoop mark''
and I have it on my left leg (but I'm a male).

I'm not sure if that information in Mariusz's post should be taken at face value. As he stated, at the time of acquiring much of this info, he '..read everything about ufo, without selecting information. I just hadn't enough knowledge to do that.' fwiw.

Medulin said:
I still have many questions left unanswered...
Is fear a good sensation or a bad sensation?

Fear is a natural response to events and other things - even persons - that we have no explanation for or that we feel threatened by. It's ok to have that reaction but 'Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers', so the more knowledge you have, the less you have to fear. Rather, be aware of such things and then one can observe, research and study them without fear, looking at them objectively.

Medulin said:
In the 1st week I felt no fear, but in the next week an overwhelming fear kicked in, and I haven't been able to sleep without lights off
ever since.
The only good thing about it: I started gathering information and knowledge, found about Laura and her work,
bought ''High strangeness'' and started reading it...

In addition to a proper diet and doing EE, you could also benefit from sleeping in total darkness which is discussed in detail in one of the recommended books, Lights Out discussed in this thread. :)

P.S.: I also have one of these 'things' on my right leg in addition to some other strange experiences that point to the same conclusion, I tend to try and not worry about them too much - or promote fear in myself - as I can't change what has already happened. And I try to do everything I can to prevent them and to heal and protect myself.
Since I work from 1 PM till 9 PM, I tend to go to bed late (at 4 AM).
I take my melatonin (12 mg) and go to sleep. I usually sleep for 7 hours.

On some days, I hear a high pitched sound in my head, and I wake up.
I find this very strange.

I don't eat bread and rice anymore.
But I'm still not on 100% keto diet (since I eat yogurt and lattice).

I remember having (had) strange episodes of sleep paralysis a few years ago.
Many times, I was ''struggling'' with some force that was preventing me from waking up.
Even more strange was my reaction...I was saying: ''Y'all so mean, stop doing this to me, I'm going to make an effort to remember this''. (1)
I decided to make a symbolic gesture with my hand, in order to remember it when I'm awaken. It worked.
Why I were saying things like (1) is beyond me.

On some occasions, during weekend daytime naps, I just had a strong sensation of something trying to get into my own body.
I had to fight it to wake up.

One time I was awake, doing something on my PC, and suddenly got a paralyzing fear.
It was 2 or 4 AM, and I remember I wasn't doing anything fear-inducing (watching horrors, reading on UFOs etc).

Starting from the last summer, I've been having strange dreams:
a) on Holocaust :huh:
b) about (post)Apocalypse
c) major sea-flood (the house I live in is on a hill, elevation: 330 ft/100m; 500m from the sea; yet in a dream sea level is just outside my garden;
My father has also had this dream! :/
d) one UFO dream...my family was on the city beach, a UFO landed right in the harbor; and we and all other people rushed to see it!
[this is exactly the opposite from what I would do: I would run away and hide!]
e) I had dreams in which my late grandparents were so mean to me! [this might have been a manipulation, since we got along really well]
f) in some dreams, I want to wake up, but some force does not want me to wake up, I have to struggle, I think I'm waking up for hours,
when I finally wake up, I realize that I'm not in the same room I struggled in, in a dream. :shock:

Melatonin always puts me in a deep sleep, so I have less wild dreams and sleep problems than before.
I know Cs say melatonin is not the way aliens put us into deep sleep, but it still is kinda creepy to be put into a deep sleep from which I cannot so easily awake.
Thinking about it,
it seems that our brain/mind is susceptible to 4D STS influences during the REM phase of our sleep.
Both melatonin and ketogenic diet* promote NREM (also known as delta-sleep or deep dreamless sleep).
According to Vedanta (Indian philosophy), deep dreamless sleep is the best state to search consciousness.

I know it's a bit of a paradox (deep dreamless sleep ~ consciousness),
but in this stage it is our brain cortex what is active (and emits delta-brainwave).

During REM sleep, the part of brain called ''reptilian complex'' is active.


Acute effects of the very low carbohydrate diet on sleep indices

Results: The proportion of rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep to total sleep time was significantly reduced at the VLC acute and VLC ketosis when compared to the control night (P = 0.006; n = 11 and P = 0.05; n = 14, respectively). The percentage of slow wave sleep (SWS) significantly increased for both the VLC acute (17.7 ? 6.7) and ketosis (17.8 ? 6.1) phases compared to control (13.9 ? 6.3), P = 0.02 for both phases.

Conclusions: In healthy, good sleepers, the VLC diet over the short-term promotes increases in the percentage of SWS (deep sleep stage 4) and a reduction in the percentage of REM sleep ('dreaming' sleep) compared to the control mixed diet. The sleep changes may be linked to the metabolism of the fat content of the VLC diet.
Medulin said:
Thinking about it,
it seems that our brain/mind is susceptible to 4D STS influences during the REM phase of our sleep.

To my understanding our brains/minds are susceptible to 4D STS influences all of the time.

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