"Evidence: The Case For NASA UFOs" & "Out of the Blue" (Videos)


Jedi Master
Evidence: The Case For NASA UFOs
Running Time: 180 minutes
Presented by David Sereda

Part 1: http://video(dot)google.com/videoplay?docid=-5070476612863849446
Part 2: http://video(dot)google.com/videoplay?docid=8524267568796529301

Part one is David Sereda presenting videos from NASA space missions which contain "UFOs". In part two he presents some of his own theorys on how the UFOs operate, although its not a very in depth explanation. However I still think this video is interesting and worth watching, even though I think there is a fair amount of misinfo/disinfo in there. It does have its "plus" points, as long as you are discerning. One thing I did like was the blackboard approach, although some people say that this shows "low budget" I actually prefer it to computer animations. I do wish DS had done some better experiments with the camera though - I think he could have done better, actually it seems that he is biased and *wants* people to believe the videos are of UFOs. Although I think there is definately something about the tether video, there are things which don't make sense when you are trying to call them space craft - such as, why are they always "facing" the camera, and if they are spheres, why does the notch appear in all of them in pretty much the same place? He doesn't investigate pertinent details like this very deeply. Still, I feel there is some information in here which is interesting, maybe its kind of like David Icke, theres a mixture of good and bad in it.

Out of the Blue
Running Time: 90 minutes

Link: http://video(dot)google.com/videoplay?docid=-5594744703753734741

I haven't actually watched this video yet, but I read on amazon a review which recommended this video over the above, saying it was much better etc. I'll give it a try soon, though.
"Out of the Blue" is definitely worth a viewing IMO. The interview with the ex-Soviet General(?) in particular is interesting.

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