Jedi Master
Sédir (Yvon Le Loup, 1871-1926) was a well-known esotericist, a friend of Papus. He was very active in different esoteric groups (masons, alchemy, ...)
But in 1897 he encountered 'Maître Philippe de Lyon' and changed a lot. He saw that secret societies were futile. He became more like an christian mystic.
This is from Sédir's book "Initiations" written maybe in 1897. In this book, Sédir talks about "Andréas", but it could be Maître Philippe.
But in 1897 he encountered 'Maître Philippe de Lyon' and changed a lot. He saw that secret societies were futile. He became more like an christian mystic.
This is from Sédir's book "Initiations" written maybe in 1897. In this book, Sédir talks about "Andréas", but it could be Maître Philippe.
I had a lot of other questions to ask regarding comets. But that morning followed
the usual course of previous ones. Frequently the conversation would deviate
according to Andreas, lead, yet he never opened a subject, he only answered my
queries. I forgot the questions I had prepared, or else an indefinable timidity kept
me from asking them. I found consolation in the thought that my teacher knew
better than I what I needed to know and which information would be of benefit or
useless to me.
That morning, however, as far as I can remember, I did ask some details on the
role and the utility of comets.
"When a man is ill and drugs do not take effect," Andréas answered, "another
method of ingestion for the therapeutical agents is sought, other than via the
stomach, the skin, the lungs, or the bloodstream. For instance, serum when
injected follows another trajectory than the usual one in the organism. The comet
is such a regenerator in the solar system; and is also a tonic for it. It brings into
our zodiac something quite new therefore of a tremendous dynamic quality which
comes from another zodiac; a comet also restores perturbed functions.
"As far as the comet itself is concerned, the voyages are for study purposes. It
brings something to the worlds it crosses but it also receives something from them.
Then after its tour of the world, its speed diminishes and thus feeling the reactions
of the other celestial bodies, its trajectory changes course little by little, it slows
up and finally the comet becomes the core of another system. A similar processus
takes place in embryology in the first hours following the fecundation of an ovule."
"I remember reading something like that in the Hindu DJATAKA."
"Doubtless; these are simple matters. A comet still has a third function, not in a
kinetic category but in the individual order."
"How's that? A comet is not a person like you and me!"
"No, it is the garment of a person, just as our body is the garment of our
individuality. All celestial bodies are garments for beings, that they clothe, whom
we do not know and whom we can see only after long and painful preparatory
labors; yet each of them fills a function. The comets clothe prophets whether for
good or evil; they clothe artists who distribute joy, hope, enthusiasm and news
"If you told those things publicly, you would be taken for an anthropomorphist."
"And so, I keep still. Anyhow, it is man who is built and acts in the image of Nature
and not Nature in the image of man. But we are so imbued with our own
importance that we think ourselves to be indispensable to the march of the worlds.
How much would we know were we really humble!"
We had walked as far as Fonceaux. There, we stopped for a country breakfast to
which we did honor, and the conversation deviated.
This was the epoch when the rising of the waters caused such a tremendous
damage in the basin of the Seine. It was absolutely impossible for me to call on
Andréas for two weeks. I had had to leave my laboratory to help with consultations
at the hospital. All beds were occupied, stretchers everywhere, even on the
landings; the staff was overworked and the stewards disorganized. Our old building
had never had such commotion since the year of the influenza. Finally I had a cot
set up in the interns' room for myself, because so many patients were coming in at
all hours. So, on my first free morning, though I was behind in my sleep, I slipped
out as fast as could be to the little house in Menilmontant.
Andréas was worried that day. Usually so active, he was stretched out on a long
wicker chair, slowly smoking a long earthen pipe, which was as brown and polished
as the bamboo becomes after fifty years of use from opium smoking.
"Beautiful pipe!" I greeted him.
"It was all white last night," he answered unconcernedly.
"You must have smoked all night?"
"Yes.... I haven't any tobacco left."
I offered him some of mine. A few minutes later, Stella came in bringing some
café-au-lait, and we commented on the disaster which was ruining Paris and had
ravaged the suburbs for the past two weeks.
"Where does all that water come from?" she asked her husband. "It is not just due
to rain nor to the melting of snows!"
"Nor to the clearing of trees!" I added.
"I do not think it is necessary to try to find the cause of these water-risings. What
would we gain?"
"To prevent its recurrence""
Ah! And if these are subterranean sheets of water which have changed their level?
Will engineers drill wells of two, three or more kilometers in depth?"
"Is there water so deeply buried? Of course all Parisians know of the little pond
which was under the Opera and about the one which is to be found below the
Butte des Moulins which are the last vestiges of the Grange-Bateliëre stream. Of
course, it is also true that the Savoyards speak of a subterranean lake where the
Rhone disappears, and the Vaudois say that another exits at the extremity of the
Lake de Joux."
"There are many others, Doctor; I know in France alone, four sheets of water
which vary between two and four thousand meters in depth; several of them
extend below one or two departments (states)."
"Which means that if any of them do reach and communicate with any of these
holes, such as the ones in the Côte-d'Or in which the peasants throw their dead
cattle, and that should there be a rise of water, the rivers could overflow
"Yes, Doctor; but that can only happen in case of a ruptured equilibrium in the
mineral mass. These modifications can only result from the precessions of
Equinoxes or from a subterranean eruption, or still, from the birth of a new
magnetic center such as the proximity of a comet could bring about. But such
phenomena are not due to a hazard: They are willed by cosmic intelligences or
else brought about as reactions to social or ethnic diseases, you might say. Hence,
wisdom is a-priori to let them alone."
"What about, perchance, if it were the act of an evil power?"
"There are no absolutely evil beings. That which seems so to us is only temporarily
or relatively so, and in any case, nothing happens without the tacit consent of the
Father. However if there were a need to modify the march of phenomena of this
caliber, the operator would have to converse face to face with the prince, the lord
and the spiritual entity of this earth. He would have to have an exact knowledge of
the state of the entire solar system; also be conscious of the plan of the cosmic
"And is there such a man here on earth?"
"You must surely guess that there is, dear Doctor," Andréas told me with that
wonderful smile of his which lit and transformed his usual severe and immobile
"What about us; can't we do anything against such cataclysms?"
"It is a little late. There should have been a few courageous men fifty or one
hundred years ago. Unless an innocent being, hidden somewhere is willing to
sacrifice himself, there is nothing else but to submit to it."
"What do you mean by innocent?"
"Oh! Someone whose spirit does not yet know evil...."
"How could he prevent a catastrophe?"
"There would have to be a pact between his spirit and the gods. We would know
nothing of it and probably neither would the intelligence of that man be conscious
of it either. We would only witness his sorrows, enmities, moral suffering,
betrayals and ruin!"
"Another question. How is it that this catastrophe was not even foretold by seers or
"Heaven does not like soothsayers. Through Its friends, It has told all that is
necessary for men to know. The rest is wrought by curiosity, confusion, fortuitous
insight of the intellect or through fallacious sparks from the dark forces, (powers
of darkness). As far as I am concerned, were I aware of the future I would not have
the right of divulging it. We always imagine that our fate is of interest to the
Universe; as you well know, we are such puny little things."
I made a gesture of discouragement and remained silent, thinking about the
thousands of poor devils, about the anemiated women, ill fed and ill clothed
children, without fire, without bread. Stella had left us. Andréas became lost in a
reverie. The rain came beating down against the windowpanes. I must have dozed
off for quite a long time. It seemed to me that a man had entered the room.
Rather tall –though I could not really see his features nor his costume, yet I saw
that he radiated light. Then all became dark again. I opened my eyes. Andreas was
standing before me. Head held high and his chest forward as if he were going to
propel himself from the earth; his eyes were focused on mine. From him emanated
a fluidic, fresh and powerful aura .... A mystery bound us together and I thought:
Here we are gathered in the "Name of Someone."
He spoke in a toneless voice:
"You are going to call upon so and so...." and he named a carpenter from the
Batignolles district and a great lady known in the social whirl of Paris for her
elegance and her grand receptions. "You will ask them both, in my name, to pledge
to three things: Not to slander anyone; not to defend themselves, no matter who
attacks them; to pray for everything they think is needed, until their demands are
heard, should they even have to spend entire nights doing so; and you, you will
pledge yourself along with them. And if you three hold steady from now until the
feast of St. John, your country will be spared some calamities -It is Heaven that
promises it.