Extract on cataclysms and consciousness (Sédir)


Jedi Master
Sédir (Yvon Le Loup, 1871-1926) was a well-known esotericist, a friend of Papus. He was very active in different esoteric groups (masons, alchemy, ...)

But in 1897 he encountered 'Maître Philippe de Lyon' and changed a lot. He saw that secret societies were futile. He became more like an christian mystic.

This is from Sédir's book "Initiations" written maybe in 1897. In this book, Sédir talks about "Andréas", but it could be Maître Philippe.



I had a lot of other questions to ask regarding comets. But that morning followed
the usual course of previous ones. Frequently the conversation would deviate
according to Andreas, lead, yet he never opened a subject, he only answered my
queries. I forgot the questions I had prepared, or else an indefinable timidity kept
me from asking them. I found consolation in the thought that my teacher knew
better than I what I needed to know and which information would be of benefit or
useless to me.

That morning, however, as far as I can remember, I did ask some details on the
role and the utility of comets.
"When a man is ill and drugs do not take effect," Andréas answered, "another
method of ingestion for the therapeutical agents is sought
, other than via the
stomach, the skin, the lungs, or the bloodstream. For instance, serum when
injected follows another trajectory than the usual one in the organism. The comet
is such a regenerator in the solar system; and is also a tonic for it. It brings into
our zodiac something quite new therefore of a tremendous dynamic quality which
comes from another zodiac; a comet also restores perturbed functions.

"As far as the comet itself is concerned, the voyages are for study purposes. It
brings something to the worlds it crosses but it also receives something from them.
Then after its tour of the world, its speed diminishes and thus feeling the reactions
of the other celestial bodies, its trajectory changes course little by little, it slows
up and finally the comet becomes the core of another system. A similar processus
takes place in embryology in the first hours following the fecundation of an ovule."
"I remember reading something like that in the Hindu DJATAKA."
"Doubtless; these are simple matters. A comet still has a third function, not in a
kinetic category but in the individual order."
"How's that? A comet is not a person like you and me!"
"No, it is the garment of a person, just as our body is the garment of our
individuality. All celestial bodies are garments for beings, that they clothe, whom
we do not know and whom we can see only after long and painful preparatory
labors; yet each of them fills a function. The comets clothe prophets whether for
good or evil; they clothe artists who distribute joy, hope, enthusiasm and news
"If you told those things publicly, you would be taken for an anthropomorphist."
"And so, I keep still. Anyhow, it is man who is built and acts in the image of Nature
and not Nature in the image of man. But we are so imbued with our own
importance that we think ourselves to be indispensable to the march of the worlds.
How much would we know were we really humble!"
We had walked as far as Fonceaux. There, we stopped for a country breakfast to
which we did honor, and the conversation deviated.


This was the epoch when the rising of the waters caused such a tremendous
damage in the basin of the Seine. It was absolutely impossible for me to call on
Andréas for two weeks. I had had to leave my laboratory to help with consultations
at the hospital. All beds were occupied, stretchers everywhere, even on the
landings; the staff was overworked and the stewards disorganized. Our old building
had never had such commotion since the year of the influenza. Finally I had a cot
set up in the interns' room for myself, because so many patients were coming in at
all hours. So, on my first free morning, though I was behind in my sleep, I slipped
out as fast as could be to the little house in Menilmontant.

Andréas was worried that day. Usually so active, he was stretched out on a long
wicker chair, slowly smoking a long earthen pipe, which was as brown and polished
as the bamboo becomes after fifty years of use from opium smoking.

"Beautiful pipe!" I greeted him.
"It was all white last night," he answered unconcernedly.
"You must have smoked all night?"
"Yes.... I haven't any tobacco left."
I offered him some of mine. A few minutes later, Stella came in bringing some
café-au-lait, and we commented on the disaster which was ruining Paris and had
ravaged the suburbs for the past two weeks.
"Where does all that water come from?" she asked her husband. "It is not just due
to rain nor to the melting of snows!"
"Nor to the clearing of trees!" I added.
"I do not think it is necessary to try to find the cause of these water-risings. What
would we gain?"
"To prevent its recurrence""
Ah! And if these are subterranean sheets of water which have changed their level?
Will engineers drill wells of two, three or more kilometers in depth?"
"Is there water so deeply buried? Of course all Parisians know of the little pond
which was under the Opera and about the one which is to be found below the
Butte des Moulins which are the last vestiges of the Grange-Bateliëre stream. Of
course, it is also true that the Savoyards speak of a subterranean lake where the
Rhone disappears, and the Vaudois say that another exits at the extremity of the
Lake de Joux."
"There are many others, Doctor; I know in France alone, four sheets of water
which vary between two and four thousand meters in depth; several of them
extend below one or two departments (states)."
"Which means that if any of them do reach and communicate with any of these
holes, such as the ones in the Côte-d'Or in which the peasants throw their dead
cattle, and that should there be a rise of water, the rivers could overflow
"Yes, Doctor; but that can only happen in case of a ruptured equilibrium in the
mineral mass. These modifications can only result from the precessions of
Equinoxes or from a subterranean eruption, or still, from the birth of a new
magnetic center such as the proximity of a comet could bring about. But such
phenomena are not due to a hazard: They are willed by cosmic intelligences or
else brought about as reactions to social or ethnic diseases, you might say. Hence,
wisdom is a-priori to let them alone
"What about, perchance, if it were the act of an evil power?"
"There are no absolutely evil beings. That which seems so to us is only temporarily
or relatively so, and in any case, nothing happens without the tacit consent of the
Father. However if there were a need to modify the march of phenomena of this
caliber, the operator would have to converse face to face with the prince, the lord
and the spiritual entity of this earth. He would have to have an exact knowledge of
the state of the entire solar system; also be conscious of the plan of the cosmic
"And is there such a man here on earth?"
"You must surely guess that there is, dear Doctor," Andréas told me with that
wonderful smile of his which lit and transformed his usual severe and immobile
"What about us; can't we do anything against such cataclysms?"
"It is a little late. There should have been a few courageous men fifty or one
hundred years ago. Unless an innocent being, hidden somewhere is willing to
sacrifice himself, there is nothing else but to submit to it."

"What do you mean by innocent?"
"Oh! Someone whose spirit does not yet know evil...."
"How could he prevent a catastrophe?"
"There would have to be a pact between his spirit and the gods. We would know
nothing of it and probably neither would the intelligence of that man be conscious
of it either. We would only witness his sorrows, enmities, moral suffering,
betrayals and ruin!"
"Another question. How is it that this catastrophe was not even foretold by seers or
"Heaven does not like soothsayers. Through Its friends, It has told all that is
necessary for men to know. The rest is wrought by curiosity, confusion, fortuitous
insight of the intellect or through fallacious sparks from the dark forces, (powers
of darkness). As far as I am concerned, were I aware of the future I would not have
the right of divulging it. We always imagine that our fate is of interest to the
Universe; as you well know, we are such puny little things."
I made a gesture of discouragement and remained silent, thinking about the
thousands of poor devils, about the anemiated women, ill fed and ill clothed
children, without fire, without bread. Stella had left us. Andréas became lost in a
reverie. The rain came beating down against the windowpanes. I must have dozed
off for quite a long time. It seemed to me that a man had entered the room.
Rather tall –though I could not really see his features nor his costume, yet I saw
that he radiated light. Then all became dark again. I opened my eyes. Andreas was
standing before me. Head held high and his chest forward as if he were going to
propel himself from the earth; his eyes were focused on mine. From him emanated
a fluidic, fresh and powerful aura .... A mystery bound us together and I thought:
Here we are gathered in the "Name of Someone."
He spoke in a toneless voice:
"You are going to call upon so and so...." and he named a carpenter from the
Batignolles district and a great lady known in the social whirl of Paris for her
elegance and her grand receptions. "You will ask them both, in my name, to pledge
to three things: Not to slander anyone; not to defend themselves, no matter who
attacks them; to pray for everything they think is needed, until their demands are
heard, should they even have to spend entire nights doing so; and you, you will
pledge yourself along with them. And if you three hold steady from now until the
feast of St. John, your country will be spared some calamities -It is Heaven that
promises it.
Thanks jsf for the extracts and their translation. It is interesting that some knowledge, however fragmented or only partially revealed (sédir=sait dire=knows how to tell), may have survived here and there.
Good find jsf. That seems very interesting and colinear at the very least. Do you think it would be worth reading in its entirety? Although I guess anything would in the name of acquiring knowledge.
Yes, I think Sédir is very interesting. But maybe not his first works, before the change in his life.

The book was recommended to me by a friend who publishes Robert Wilton's book, "The Last days of the Romanovs"


Wilton was the associate of the Judge Sokoloff who investigated the murder of the Russian imperial family.

Robert Wilton's book is linked to Teddy Legrand : _http://maybelogic.blogspot.fr/2011/01/seven-heads-of-green-dragon.html

And Teddy Legrand wrote about an occult resistance against dark forces before WW1. It's all about powerful individuals like Basil Zaharoff who leaded Europe into chaos.

And the resistance seemed to come from Maitre Philippe and others. Maitre Philippe was linked (via Papus) to Nicholas II of Russia, who was murdered. And Papus died a few weeks before Rasputin. Rasputin was used to separate Russia from France.

It's also interesting that Sédir was linked to Théon and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. It seems that some interesting esoteric data about cosmic cycles were transmitted by these people.

Anyway, there is a lot of different topics in "Initiation", it's an interesting read. I still don't know if "Andréas" in the book is a pseudonym of Maitre Philippe.
Jsf said:
Sédir (Yvon Le Loup, 1871-1926) was a well-known esotericist, a friend of Papus. He was very active in different esoteric groups (masons, alchemy, ...)

But in 1897 he encountered 'Maître Philippe de Lyon' and changed a lot. He saw that secret societies were futile. He became more like an christian mystic.

This is from Sédir's book "Initiations" written maybe in 1897. In this book, Sédir talks about "Andréas", but it could be Maître Philippe.

It's indeed very interesting. In ancient times the link between the state of humanity and cosmic reactions was well acknowledged, but the emergence of the materialist / newtonian / uniformatirian paradigm claimed a total decorrelation between humanity and cosmos. So it's unusual to find some mention of this "link" in "modern" writings.

Did Sedir write anything else about this link between the state of humanity and cosmic reactions?
Results for "cataclsyms" and "catastrophs" (quick search) :

Sédir : 2 livres pour 1 bibliographie - Emile Besson et Max Camis, p.61

Septembre 1916
Vous avez dû remarquer, mes Amis, que, malgré les catastrophes soudaines, les élévations imprévues, les chutes innombrables, dont se compose la trame de l'époque actuelle, nous restons tous dans des situations obscures ; or, si le Ciel avait voulu nous mettre à des postes importants, Il nous aurait fourni les facultés nécessaires. Des exemples existent de telles élections.
Par suite, cette obscurité, que nos principes nous ordonnent de chérir, doit nous apparaître non seulement comme la conséquence juste de notre personnelle médiocrité, mais aussi comme le décret de Dieu à notre égard. C'est de cette obscurité-là, précisément, que germeront les semences surnaturelles reçues du Jardinier divin.
Ces ténèbres sont doubles ; vos coeurs, mes Amis, sont le point de tangence où votre nuit à vous touche la nuit du prochain. Creusez des galeries de mines en vous-mêmes; creusez-en aussi dans les coeurs de vos frères. Le devoir professionnel, tout en restant votre premier souci et votre meilleur moyen de propagande, peut vous laisser libres d'agir sur autrui d'une façon plus directe.
Je le répète, la meilleure propagande, c'est l'exemple ; un service rendu opère davantage qu'un discours : un bon sourire rassérène un front soucieux plus vite qu'un sermon. Mais, en outre, ne craignez pas de dire votre avis, même si on ne vous le demande pas. Il faut oser parler, même à ceux qu'on devine d'avance sourds à notre voix. Ils hausseront les épaules, peut-être : mais ils auront entendu.
Travaillez-vous : cherchez des expressions de votre pensée concises et frappantes : apprenez à prévoir les objections : faites toucher à votre interlocuteur le néant de ce qu'il croit être une réalité : car, si toute chose contient, en son centre, un point de vide, c'est à vous d'y faire descendre la Plénitude éternelle. Ne veuillez pas mener tout le monde vers le même sommet :
Dieu est assez vaste pour offrir à toutes les aspirations l'idéal qui les satisfait infiniment.
Vous avez tout à comprendre : vos esprits doivent être infatigablement hospitaliers ; que rien ne vous rebute, que rien ne vous paraisse négligeable. Mais ne vous imposez à personne ; je sais bien que, dès qu'un camarade vous a demandé un renseignement, dès que vous avez fait naître une curiosité, ou un intérêt, vous êtes responsables des modifications que votre lumière peut apporter à la vie de cet individu. Mais respectez le libre arbitre d'autrui ; gardez-vous de diriger les consciences ; soyez des vedettes, de loin en loin, postées dans les ténèbres ; ne soyez pas des gardiens.
N'imposez pas votre voix. Si votre auditeur d'hier ne vous écoute plus et se moque : laissez-le, mais priez pour lui ; implorez pour lui la Lumière du vrai ; n'abandonnez pas cette intercession secrète, jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait donné un fruit. Car Dieu, en vous autorisant à Le prier, vous donne le droit d'être importuns avec Lui, et vous assure un inviolable secret sur ce que vous Lui confiez. Le frère pour lequel vous priez, son esprit même ignorera, si vous le désirez, qu'il vous est redevable de quelque chose.
Ainsi, alternant l'effort manuel et l'effort spirituel, équilibrant la propagande verbale par la prédication silencieuse de la prière, vous satisferez aux devoirs doubles que le Ciel vous a fait l'honneur de vous confier.
La fatigue peut venir ; elle est inévitable : je dirai même qu'il est bon qu'elle vienne : car elle est l'aurore d'un renouvellement. Mais, pour en ressentir le poids le moins possible il faut l'accepter.
Rien ici-bas n'a d'importance définitive, puisque Dieu est là.
La seule catastrophe réelle, c'est la perte du désir de Dieu.

Sédir - Amitiés spirituelles

Le genre humain monte, lentement, sans doute, mais avec continuité, vers des cimes bien plus belles encore que ne le croient les réformateurs. Les guerres, les épidémies, les famines, les cataclysmes ne sont des reculs qu'en surface. Engendrées toujours par les fautes antérieures des peuples, ces immenses souffrances sont les immenses élans de la collectivité vers l'idéal. Prenez un homme passionné qui ne puisse atteindre l'objet de son amour; il gémit, il pleure, il s'étiole; voilà ce que l'on voit; ce que l'on ne voit pas, c'est l'énorme nombre de cellules qui, par la violence de son désir,
souffrent dans son corps et meurent. Les victimes des grandes catastrophes mondiales sont comme ces cellules; elles souffrent, elles meurent aussi; tout paraît perdu; mais, de même que le passionné voit plus tard, par sa passion précisément, des perspectives nouvelles s'ouvrir devant ses pas et des énergies inconnues se lever dans son être, le peuple décimé voit au siècle suivant sa grandeur croître ou sa richesse et des merveilles fleurir dans son sein.

Sédir - Choix d'anciens articles tirés de la revue "Le voile d'Isis"

Je ne veux pas dire qu'il ne faille pas aller de l'avant, mais l'explorateur ne court pas à l'aveuglette dans une forêt vierge; il se renseigne, il essaie d'éviter marécages et fondrières et tribus hostiles, le chercheur de mystères psychiques doit donc prendre certaines précautions. Il met le pied dans un domaine que toute la tradition dépeint comme foisonnant d'erreurs et de mirages; et il n'est pas bien sûr que la recherche absolument désintéressée du vrai, soit son seul mobile; chez presque tout le monde, il y a la curiosité et la satisfaction d'être expert en des choses qui ne sont pas à la portée de tout le monde.
Or, les effets du monde moral sont très importants. L'acte le plus commun peut acquérir une grande influence en bien ou en mal, suivant l'intention qui était au fond du cœur de son auteur. Le semblable appelle le semblable. Le manque de sincérité vis à vis de soi-même fait venir l'erreur; le manque de simplicité appelle la complication. Je dirai plus, celui qui se croit supérieur appelle involontairement et inconsciemment des esprits d'orgueil; et ainsi de suite pour tous les états de notre âme, et tous les modes de notre vie.
L'expérimentateur des choses psychiques devrait donc, pour diminuer eu principe toutes les chances d'erreur, devenir d'abord un saint. Mais comme ce travail là est terriblement long, celui qui l’entreprendrait à fond, n'aurait plus guère de temps pour cataloguer les fluides, bâtir de pompeuses théories et se donner la réputation d'un pionnier: ce retard apparent du progrès de la science ne serait pas mauvais, car l'homme se croit toujours plus avisé que les êtres qui le guident; il ne peux se mettre dans la tête l'idée que sa nourriture intellectuelle est assurée, malgré lui, pour ainsi dire et qu'il lui suffit d'obéir à la loi . Sans pousser aussi loin, la prudence, les chercheurs en psychisme doivent se rendre compte qu'ils manient des forces dangereuses; elles sont imprégnées de vie à une haute tension, c'est vrai; mais il ne s'ensuit, pas que cette vie soit assimilable dans l'état actuel de développement du genre humain. Tel phénomène qui va faire un pas énorme à la science, ne peut être obtenu qu'en violant plusieurs des lois cosmiques, qu'en sacrifiant un grand nombre d'existences, qui pour n'être pas visibles n'en sont pas moins réelles. Aucun homme n'est assez instruit pour établir la balance d'une telle comptabilité.

Sédir - La guerre de 1914 selon le point de vue mystique

Si donc, reconnaissant notre ignorance, nous comprenons que la racine de tout mal c'est dans notre coeur, nous devons nous abîmer dans l'humble repentir. Chacun d'entre nous soit comme individu, soit comme citoyen, de combien de malheurs ne fut-il pas l'ouvrier, par négligence ou par malice active? Vous rappellerai-je la théorie des existences antérieures? Ne savez-vous pas que le mal auquel nous consentons, même s'il reste dans la pensée, tend à prendre une forme matérielle? L homme est un centre transformateur par qui tout l'invisible passe pour devenir visible. En outre de ses suites physiologiques et psychiques, le vice tend à force d'années à revêtir un corps; un fruit vénéneux, un animal venimeux, un marais pestilentiel, sont les formes physiques des vices autrefois cultivés par des hommes ou des peuples disparus. Une pensée de vengeance à laquelle on s'abandonne, au bout de quelques générations, aboutit à un crime : le Christ montre ces choses à ceux de Ses amis dont Il ouvre les yeux. Or nous avons haï, nous avons été cyniques, impudents, calomniateurs, nous avons détruit des confiances, souillé des délicatesses, faussé des voies; maintenant, les soldats de l'antéchrist réalisent devant nos yeux l'horreur de la traîtrise, de la cruauté, de la bassesse. La justice des dieux passe en ce moment.


Voici un autre cas assez fréquent. Une nation heureuse s'endort, et devient improductive; le génie de la Terre qui est un maître intéressé, s'apprête à la rejeter, juste comme fait l'organisme humain des cellules qui ne travaillent plus. Le mauvais ange de ce peuple se réjouit alors, parce qu'il espère, à la faveur du trouble causé par cette expulsion, dévier le génie national. Le bon ange, lui, essaie d'attiser le lumignon qui fume encore »; si le génie ne l'écoute pas, il recherche une cellule - un des citoyens de ce pays - capable de ressentir son influence et de lui servir d'instrument.
S'il trouve, cela déclenche d'ordinaire une révolution.
S'il ne trouve pas, il use d'un autre stratagème - car tout vaut mieux que la Torpeur: l'inertie, c'est le fond de l'Abîme. Il va chercher un génie voisin, et l'invite à prendre contact avec le premier.
De ce rapport de génie à génie naissent toujours des heurts, car ces êtres-là quelque grands qu ils soient par rapport à nous, n'ont pas dépassé un certain stade de l'égoïsme. Ces mouvements spirituels, se matérialisant peu à peu, engendrent la guerre, mais la catastrophe ne se réalise que lorsque le cerveau du peuple, c'est-à-dire son gouvernement, a donné son adhésion.
Les gouvernements jouent dans les nations le rôle du système nerveux conscient dans l'individu. C'est à eux qu'aboutissent les courants de toute nature qui traversent leurs peuples; leur responsabilité est énorme. C'est pourquoi, outre les capacités intellectuelles spéciales, toujours limitées, ces personnages devraient posséder le caractère le plus intègre, la moralité la plus haute, la maîtrise de soi la plus absolue, et un coeur tout entier consumé par le zèle du Bien. Il faudrait qu'ils entendent parfaitement toutes les demandes montant du peuple vers eux; et qu'ils soient assez purs pour discerner, dans les intuitions reçues du Génie national, la mauvaise influence du mauvais ange, et l'inspiration vraie du bon ange. Tout homme d'Etat devrait être, dans son intimité, un homme de prière.
Cela, je vous l'ai dit depuis longtemps, et je puis le redire aujourd hui avec plus de force que jamais, maintenant que certains de nos chefs, après avoir constaté leur impuissance en des cas désespérés, ont recouru à la prière et ont vu le miracle leur répondre.
Le gouvernant incapable, obtus ou de mauvais vouloir, oblige l'ange, qui veut quand même sauver le pays, à se mettre en quête d'un instrument plus docile. Souvent, le Christ alors charge de cette recherche un envoyé spécial; celui-ci choisit dans la masse du peuple un être capable d'entendre sa voix, et possédant les propriétés physiques, fluidiques et mentales propres à la mission dont il va être chargé.
L'ambassadeur extraordinaire éduque ce sujet quelquefois pendant de longues années, quelquefois sans que celui-ci se doute de tout le travail mystérieux qui s'accomplit en lui. Puis le héros est lancé, il réalise son oeuvre, il en meurt; les historiens ensuite la dissèquent et n'en découvrent, comme l'anatomiste fait du cadavre, que les éléments inertes. Tout le côté miraculeux et vivant de cette épopée, l'intuition populaire seule s'en doute parfois, et l'exprime dans ses légendes.
Ceci eut lieu plusieurs fois en France: à l'époque de la Guerre de Cent Ans, à la fin de la Révolution, lors de l'Année Terrible. D'autres cas seraient à signaler; mais ils sont encore trop récents

Sédir - La vie invisible d'un peuple

Si la santé individuelle demande un équilibre de l'estomac, des poumons, du cœur et du cerveau, la santé sociale demande une harmonie analogue dans les rapports du peuple avec la bourgeoisie, les classes dirigeantes et les intellectuels. La suprématie de chacune de ces castes produit une forme particulière de gouvernement et une physiologie spéciale du pays tout entier.

Sédir - La voie mystique

Etendez à l'innombrable série des plans occultes de la Nature ces ramifications d'une seule cause, vous sentirez qu'un coup de bêche peut, çà et là, dans l'inconnu des espaces intérieurs, tuer, guérir, transformer, produire des sons, des couleurs, des catastrophes. Le prince qui signe en une demi-seconde un décret détermine peut-être des batailles; l'hécatombe et la signature ne sont que deux des formes de la même entité, du même cliché.
Souvenons-nous que tout s'interpénètre; que, si je puis employer cette image, l'univers est un milieu élastique; mais nous n'avons pas encore donné à la Nature des preuves suffisantes de notre sagesse pour qu'elle nous laisse voir ses rouages mystérieux. Contentons-nous de savoir que le visible et l'invisible s'influencent réciproquement.

Sédir - Le royaume de Dieu

Les jugements, en effet, ont bien lieu à des dates préfixées, mais nous ne les connaissons pas, non plus que les endroits où ils se tiendront. De sorte que nous, dont les yeux s'aveuglent aux clartés invisibles, ignorons si telle guerre mondiale, tel cataclysme, telle épidémie ne sont pas les effets physiques d'un travail occulte de réorganisation spirituelle et collective. Attila ne s'attribuait point sans raison le titre terrible de Fléau de Dieu.

Ou, plutôt, ce serviteur n'a pas besoin de cette présence extérieure; il en possède une, intérieure, constante par la foi. Ainsi, que par extraordinaire vous soyez témoins des catastrophes et des paniques qui annonceront les temps derniers, demeurez, tout en prodiguant vos secours aux malheureux, dans le calme immuable de vos certitudes spirituelles. Le Ciel fait bien ce qu'Il fait; et si vous êtes désignés pour prendre telle ou telle direction, Ses anges sauront bien vous trouver, dans quelque mansarde ou dans quelque hameau que vous demeuriez. Car ce jugement arrivera soudain en dépit de tous ses signes précurseurs; mais l'horreur surnaturelle des cataclysmes ne devra ni altérer notre sangfroid, ni ralentir notre travail; car tout sera prévu et réglé, dans les moindres détails; et cela aura lieu dans le pays le plus corrompu, car " les aigles s'assemblent là où est le cadavre "

Sédir - Les guérisons du Christ, p.97

Quand Jésus compare Ses contemporains à des enfants qui mènent grand tapage dans la rue et qui se dépitent de ne pas fixer l'attention des grandes personnes, Il trace du même coup le portrait de notre génération actuelle. Le XXe siècle ressemble étonnamment au premier : une grande civilisation politique et césarienne, des citoyens dont le seul souci est de tourner les lois, des chefs ou cyniques ou utopistes, un goût morbide de l'excessif, de l'artificiel, du non-connu, une incompréhension satisfaite de Dieu, des guerres effroyables, des catastrophes, puis, çà et là, perdus, ignorés, des îlots de Lumière, sur lesquels descend le rayon, invisible à la foule, de la certitude surnaturelle.
Il y a, entre telles périodes chronologiques, des corres-pondances que certains chercheurs ont signalées; ainsi, pour la philosophie, Barlet, dans son Évolution de l'Idée; pour l'histoire, les travaux du major Bruck. Et les sages chinois pensent que le schéma de l'évolution est une spirale enroulée autour d'un cône, dont la base comme le sommet dépassent nos moyens d'investigation; si l'on choisit une quelconque des génératrices de ce cône, les points où elle coupe la spirale offrent entre eux des ressemblances.
Oui, la vie cosmique est un perpétuel recommencement, mais avec des élévations de niveau; la connaissance du passé sert donc à nous guider dans le présent, et, plus l'individu vieillit, plus le corps social dure, plus ils devraient devenir sages. L'un comme l'autre s'améliorent sans doute, mais moins qu'ils ne pourraient le faire s'ils ne se laissaient pas indéfiniment séduire par " les jeux, les danses et les chants ", comme dit Jésus. C'est à cause de cette dissipation, de cette dispersion, que l'intelligence des choses divines se développe si peu. Aujourd'hui, comme il y a vingt siècles, quand un homme se repent et essaie, par des restitutions et des privations volontaires, d'atténuer le mal qu'il a commis, les gens disent qu'il est fou, que la religion est triste, qu'elle fanatise, qu'il ne faut pas suivre un Dieu vindicatif et dur.

Sédir - Lettres à Stella

Tous les hommes passent à un moment donné par la même épreuve; celui que vous aimez n'est pas loin de franchir ce tournant redoutable. Ah ! que les forces de votre amour s'exaltent pour émouvoir les anges qui le protègent. Faites-vous des amis, beaucoup d'amis, pour que vous trouviez des auxiliaires au moment du combat. Amassez un trésor où il vous sera facile de puiser dans quelque temps.
Vous savez que vous ne pouvez rien faire si la Nature ne vous prête des milliers de serviteurs; que de combinaisons, de rivalités, de protections ne faut-il pas pour que vous traversiez un carrefour sans qu'un cheval vous renverse. Aucun de vos actes n'est donc indifférent, et, comme la volonté qui les dirige est celle-là même qui, avant le cours des siècles antérieurs, vous a toujours plongés de plus en plus profondément dans les mirages du Moi, de l'Égoïsme, dans les splendeurs fausses de la Lumière Noire, apprenez donc peu à peu à remplacer cette volonté par le souhait des êtres qui vous entourent. Essayez-vous à faire la volonté des autres, vous arriverez vite à faire la volonté du Père; et, quand vous en serez là, vos actes seront vivants dans l'éternel, parce qu'ils seront accomplis par le Verbe, Fils unique de Dieu.
Sentez, mon enfant, comme ces choses sont vraies. Votre cœur ne bat-il pas plus fort à lire des enseignements qui ne sont pas miens d'ailleurs; je vous les transmets comme on me les a transmis. La fidélité avec laquelle vous les publierez, à votre tour, sera donc la mesure où vous brûlerez du feu inexprimable de l'Amour divin. Que votre vie soit une prière ininterrompue.

Sédir - Mystique chrétienne

Nous sentons le sol social se dérober sous nos pas; la guerre n'a résolu aucun des problèmes antérieurs; ou plutôt personne ne leur a trouvé de solution dans la guerre; puis des problèmes nouveaux ont surgi. En somme, l'humanité s'inquiète, elle craint une autre guerre, quelque catastrophe plus effroyable, elle ne sait quoi. Et, cherchant, à l'exemple de ses lointains ancêtres, une protection contre un avenir redoutable, elle montre le même aveuglement qu'eux. On leur avait bien dit, aux habitants de Sennaar, que le Déluge était la suite de la corruption générale; à nous encore, on a bien dit que cette guerre était la transposition extérieure de notre barbarie intérieure. Autrefois, on crut se garer d'un deuxième déluge en élevant une tour de pierre et de briques. Ceux d'aujourd'hui croient empêcher une autre guerre en continuant d'agrandir la civilisation matérielle, égoïste et haineuse à qui précisément nous devons ce cataclysme : nous refaisons une tour de Babel avec des systèmes pour pierres et des passions cupides pour ciment.
Faudrait-il donc revenir à la simplicité des peuplades primitives ? Non pas; nous tenons la charrue, dans un sol bien pierreux sans doute, mais le devoir, c'est d'aller jus qu'au bout du Sillon. C'est nous qui nous sommes créé notre destin actuel : c'est notre tenue de maintenant qui déterminera notre avenir. Pour comprendre, pour résoudre les problèmes de tout ordre qui se posent aujourd'hui, même les plus techniques, il nous sera utile de connaître quelle part la Destinée y prend, quelle attitude de notre volontésera la meilleure, quel secours peut nous venir de ce qui est au-dessus de la Nature et de l'Homme; comment, enfin, nous pouvons le mieux recueillir l'héritage des ancêtres et ouvrir les routes à nos descendants.


Il se produit, sur terre, un jugement tous les 6.000 ans. Je ne referai pas la théorie astronomique des déluges, telle que la comprenaient les Egyptiens, les Hindous et les Chaldéens, basée sur la précession des équinoxes; elle affirme un renversement périodique des pôles qui amènent des cataclysmes variés et s'accompagnent de divers bouleversements politiques, économiques et religieux. Le point intéressant serait de savoir la date, par exemple, du dernier déluge. Je laisse ces recherches à votre sagacité. Quand à moi, il ne m'est pas permis d'en dire davantage.


Ce que les Évangiles disent des derniers temps y marque comme trois périodes. Dans la première, préparatoire et comparée aux « douleurs de l'enfantement », paraissent les faux prophètes, les guerres générales, les famines, les tremblements de terre. Dans la seconde, la plus intense, ont lieu les persécutions contre les disciples du Christ, sous la poussée des faux Christs et des faux prophètes, « opérant signes et prodiges afin, si possible, de séduire même les élus », l'installation « dans le lieu saint de l'abomination de la désolation ». La troisième période termine ces calamités par des phénomènes astronomiques, l'apparition du Fils de l'Homme dans les cieux et le rassemblement des élus.
Permettez-moi de relire avec vous les paroles du Maître; elles portent cet accent de réalité convaincante propre à qui raconte ce qu'il a vu. Et vous savez que, devant les yeux de notre Jésus, l'avenir se présente sans voile, comme le passé, comme les choses lointaines, puisqu'Il est, puisqu'Il demeure perpétuellement au centre de tout. Ecoutons-le :
« Prenez garde de vous laisser séduire, car plusieurs viendront en prenant mon nom, disant : C'est moi qui suis le Christ et : Le moment approche. Ne marchez pas à eur suite. Quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de révolutions, n'en soyez pas effrayés. Il faut, en effet, que cela arrive d'abord, mais ce ne sera pas tout de suite la fin. Se soulèvera nation contre nation, royaume contre royaume. Et il y aura de vastes tremblements de terre; ici et là des famines, des pestes, d'effrayantes choses et de grands prodiges au ciel. Mais, avant tout, on mettra la main sur vous et l'on vous persécutera. Vous serez livrés aux synagogues, jetés en prison et, à cause de mon nom, traînés devant des rois et des gouverneurs. Cela vous arrivera pour que vous rendiez témoignage. Gravez bien dans vos coeurs que vous n'aurez pas à vous préoccuper de votre défense, car je vous donnerai, moi, un langage et une sagesse auxquels tous vos adversaires ne pourront ni résister ni répliquer. Vous serez livrés par vos pères et par vos mères, par vos frères, par vos parents, par vos amis; ils feront mourir nombre d'entre vous; et vous serez en haine à tout le monde à cause de mon nom. Et, cependant, pas un cheveu de votre tête ne doit périr. C'est par votre patience que vous sauverez vos vies ».
Reprenons tout ceci avec un peu plus de détails.
Nous trouvons, dans tout ce que Jésus a dit ça et là sur ce sujet, sept signes annonciateurs des jugements.
I° D'abord une invasion d'adeptes des mystères orientaux, tous remplis de sciences extraordinaires et pourvus de pouvoirs merveilleux. Ils pulluleront. Voici une trentaine d'années que les premières vagues de ce mouvement semblent se faire sentir; et, de plus en plus, le public s'intéressera au recherches psychiques, aux sciences occultes. Ces études, certes, ne sont pas mauvaises en elles-mêmes, car nous devons tout connaître; mais, parce que nous ne sommes pas des « sapients », elles peuvent devenir l'occasion de bien des erreurs.
2° A côté de ce déséquilibre très apparent, l'Adversaire aura préparé de longue main d'autres pièges dans les domaines plus rationnels de la science expérimentale et de l'intelligence philosophique. L'étude approfondie des merveilles de la matière entraînera vers une métaphysique et une morale matérialistes. Les cupidités individuelles se multipliant élèveront des barrières de plus en plus infranchissables entre les classes sociales, d'où disputes, séditions, d'abord dans chaque État, puis entre les peuples. Conflits économiques, guerres; et l'incendie se propagera de proche en proche sur tout un continent, sur toute la terre peut1être. C'est alors que, « de deux hommes, l'un sera pris et l'autre laissé ». Et la plupart, ne voulant pas regarder leur conduite antérieure, ne comprendront pas la cause de ces calamités, douteront de Dieu et se révolteront contre Lui dans leurs coeurs.
Mais tout se tient dans la Nature. Ces bouleversements spirituels et sociaux s'accompagneront de bouleversements géologiques. L'esprit de la Terre, tourné vers le désordre, désorganisera le corps de la Terre. L'axe des pôles se renversera; le Nord prendra la place de l'Equateur actuel, et celui1ci tournera jusqu'au Sud; les courants magnétiques souterrains se rompront, d'où des cataclysmes, des tremblements de terre, des inondations. Et les hommes comprendront de moins en moins, sauf les vrais disciples. Des villes disparaîtront; là où s'élèvent aujourd'hui des montagnes, des lacs se creuseront, ou plutôt des nappes d'eau souterraines viendront au jour. Les monuments de la justice et de la force civiles, les temples où le culte divin aura été déformé seront détruits.
4° Puis le sol, à son tour, s'insurgera; il se mettra en grève. Les champs anémiés par la culture intensive, épuisés par les engrais scientifiques, ne produiront plus. Les céréales, la vigne rendront au cultivateur les fruits de son avarice et de son impiété, leurs maladies se multiplieront; les forêts abattues n'assureront plus l'irrigation des collines et des vallées d'où la terre meuble disparaîtra. Le paysan qui, depuis de longues années, aura omis de faire descendre sur ses labours la bénédiction du Ciel, se verra réduire à la disette, et les citadins à la famine. Et les manoeuvres cupides des accapareurs achèveront la ruine du peuple. En particulier, le Jugement prochain s'annoncera par la stérilité des vignobles.
La Terre, ayant changé de position par rapport au Soleil, on sentira la chaleur ou décroître ou augmenter exagérément, suivant les régions. Au prochain jugement, il y aura une élévation générale de température, une évaporation telle que les arbres tomberont en poussière et les hommes sècheront. Un autre soleil inconnu fera sentir son influence occulte, l'atmosphère fluidique qui entoure la planète se modifiera profondément; la lumière solaire perdra ses vertus antiseptiques; les microbes morbides pulluleront; et apparaîtront les épidémies dévastatrices et des maladies inconnues contre lesquelles la science sera impuissante.
6° Ces désorganisations, qui auront été transmises à la Terre par les astres dont elle dépend, se répercuteront sur ceux qu'elle entraîne. L'aspect du firmament changera, les orbites des planètes et leur inclinaison sur l'écliptique modifieront la carte du ciel. Des météores et des bolides inquièteront les populations. Et parfois, comme certaines traditions antédiluviennes le racontent, l'un de ces mondes rencontrera le nôtre et y ajoutera ou en enlèvera tout un continent.
7° Cependant que se succéderont toutes ces convulsions, les serviteurs du Christ commenceront d'être persécutés à cause de Lui. « On vous livrera aux tourments, dit-Il, on vous mettra à mort; vous serez, à cause de mon nom, en haine à toutes les nations.

Et alors, beaucoup se laisseront prendre au piège; ils se trahiront les uns les autres, ils se haïront entre eux...

Et, comme l'iniquité augmentera, l'amour du plus grand nombre diminuera ».

Ces catastrophes seront telles « qu'il n'y en aura pas eu de semblables depuis le commencement du monde, et qu'il n'y en aura plus jamais. Si ces jours de tribulation n'avaient été abrégés, nulle vie ne serait sauvée ».

Sédir - articles aux bulletins des A.S.

Si la science des mathématiques, la plus exacte en apparence, laisse elle-même la place à l'hypothèse, le savant a-t-il le droit de rejeter toute hypothèse? En voici une que je vous propose. La fameuse étoile était une comète. Les comètes sont des êtres extraordinaires. La plupart du temps, on sait à peu près de quelle région elles viennent, où elles vont et à quelle époque on pourra les revoir dans leur course. D'autres comètes, par contre, on ne connaît absolument rien.
Les comètes sont comme des missionnées de l'humanité des astres, des donneuses d'espérance, des porteuses de forces. Elles surgissent du fond de l'espace, accomplissent leur mission de régénération ou de médication pour un monde où la vie s'affaiblit, puis repartent dans l'espace d'où elles étaient venues.
Les comètes, parce qu'on a remarqué leur apparition avant les catastrophes, les guerres, les épidémies, en ont gardé un sens néfaste. Tout remède énergique n'aboutit-il pas à l'expulsion des déchets organiques ? Si c'est là un remède pour un monde, c'est pour le débarrasser de ce qui ne lui est plus utile; et c'est toujours un bienfait. D'ailleurs, conservons la certitude que Dieu ne punit jamais; nous nous attirons les punitions par le même mécanisme qui appelle l'indigestion sur l'estomac de l'enfant trop gourmand.


Le miracle est un fait ordinaire, mais plusieurs éléments s'y remarquent que nous n'avons pas l'habitude de voir; c'est ce qui fait que nous nous récrions. En réalité c'est la vie commune qui est miraculeuse. Si vous regardiez un piéton traverser le boulevard, vous seriez stupéfait du nombre de forces qui interviennent pour qu'il puisse traverser sain et sauf. Les faits les plus ordinaires de notre vie sont tissés de centaines de fils et si un seul se rompt, c'est une catastrophe qui se produit. Si nous regardions ainsi notre vie, nous la passerions en adoration devant la bonté du Père.


A la fin de ce même chapitre, Saint-Jean parle des catastrophes géologiques. Depuis une douzaine d'années les sismographes ont du travail. En effet l'année platonique dont nous parlions tout à l'heure est à la période de révolution de l'axe des pôles; or, la terre n'est pas un solide homogène; et, quand cet axe s'incline un peu trop, la pression des eaux et des roches profondes change ça et là; il en résulte des plissements de l'écorce, des craquelures; c'est ce que nous appelons des tremblements de terre. Ces modifications de densité, ces changements de position de tels points du globe par rapport au soleil et aux autres astres, perturbent les foyers magnétiques souterrains; et de même que la résistance à un courant engendre de la chaleur, les volcans paraissent, soupape de sûreté de l'immense machine, et des éruptions formidables terrorisent les populations.
Ces phénomènes ont d'autres causes encore, une centaine peut-être; et ils se produisent dans un milieu trop complexe pour que la loi puisse en être dégagée; il faudrait des millénaires d'observations constantes; aussi leur apparition a l'air d'avoir lieu au hasard; il serait vain d'en chercher la période. Tout ce que je puis dire c'est que tel jugement est précédé d'un déluge, tel autre d'un effondrement géologique, tel autre d'une formidable explosion, ou d'un vaste écrasement. Ne nous étonnons pas; nous ne connaissons qu'à peine mille mètres en profondeur de l'écorce terrestre, et en quelques rares points. A quoi a-t-il tenu que Paris na soit détruit par le feu récemment ? A quoi tient-il que Lyon ne s'effondre pas dans la masse d'eau souterraine sur l'extrémité de laquelle il est bâti, que Marseille ne périsse pas dans un tremblement de terre ?
Les voix, les tonnerres et les éclairs (XVI, 18) prédisent des troubles violents dans l'atmosphère magnétique de la planète. Ainsi, en Russie, la température monte lentement; elle baisse sur la Méditerranée occidentale et jusque sur le Sahara. Les taches solaires changent; certains disciples aperçoivent dans le firmament un soleil inconnu dont la course est encore très courte. Des substances et des forces nouvelles sont découvertes par les savants pour la plus grande séduction des hommes, qui ne les utilisent qu'à mieux jouir de la vie et à mieux assouvir leurs convoitises. Quant aux agitations sociales, il est superflu d'en parler.
La grande Prostituée du chap. XVII n'est pas une ville, ni un peuple, c'est le mal collectif nourri par le genre humain (les grandes eaux) et soutenu par les gouvernements. Elle réside dans un désert parce que le mal est aride et n'engendre que des fantômes de la vie, des pourritures et des destructions. L'abîme d'où elle monte, c'est le néant; la perdition où elle va, c'est le suicide où aboutit toute perversité consciente.
Le chap. XVII, 9-12, présage un gouvernement mondial qui absorbera les gouvernements nationaux et les surpassera en tyrannie; peut-être avons-nous vu cette guerre où de deux hommes qui sont dans un champ, l'un sera pris et l'autre laissé ; peut-être tout ce qui dans notre civilisation provient des ténèbres devra-t-il mourir; il ne resterait alors pas grand'chose de nos arts, de nos sciences, de notre industrie, de nos institutions.


Sédir - Quelques amis de Dieu

Le redoutable problème des guerres et des calamités qui, d'âge en âge, renaissent des cendres qu'elles ont faites se pose ici, donnant à Dieu un visage implacable; mais à tort. En effet, si nous voyons bien ce que ces catastrophes nous infligent, nous ne voyons pas ce qui adviendrait si elles ne se produisaient plus. D'autre part, les êtres dont l'existence coule tout unie, les peuples qui vivent dans la paix pastorale, que font-ils, dès que le bonheur devient monotone, sinon d'en sortir en s'entre-déchirant ?
Les hommes heureux ne s'endorment-ils pas dans le nonchaloir ? Rien de beau naît-il sans lutte et sans souffrance ? Quand le voisin ne nous attaque pas, ne nous hâtons-nous pas de l'attaquer ?

La paix sociale n'exaspère-t-elle pas les convoitises individuelles ?

Dans les petites villes, dans les petits clans confortables, la médisance, la calomnie, les intrigues ne fleurissent-elles pas comme les mauvaises herbes dans un champ en jachère ?

Non, ni es hommes, ni les peuples ne savent jouir de la paix, sinon pour s'endormir dans l'inertie ou pour inventer des discordes plus perverses.

C'est notre folie qui rend la guerre possible.
Google translation

September 1916
You may have noticed, my friends, that in spite of sudden disasters, unexpected elevations, countless waterfalls, which make up the frame of the present time, we all remain in obscure situations, yet Heaven if we wanted put in important positions, it would have provided us with the necessary faculties. There are examples of such elections.
As a result, this darkness that our ordering principles we cherish, we must appear not only as the consequence of our own poor right, but also as the decree of God to us. This is the dark one, specifically, that the supernatural germinate seeds received the divine Gardener.
These shadows are twofold; your hearts, my friends, is the point of tangency where you touch your night the next night. Dig mine galleries in yourselves, dig in also in the hearts of your brothers. Professional duty, but still your primary concern and your best means of propaganda, can leave you free to act on others in a more direct way.
I repeat, the best propaganda is the example, a service operates more than speech: a good smile calms a brow faster than a sermon. But also, do not be afraid to say your opinion, even if you do not ask you. We must dare to speak, even to those ahead deaf to our voices we guess. They shrug their shoulders, perhaps: but they hear.
Do you work: looking for expressions of your concise and striking thought: learn to anticipate objections made to touch your interlocutor none of what he believes to be a reality, because if anything has, at its center, a point empty, it is up to you to make the eternal fullness down. Please do not lead everyone to the same vertex:
God is big enough to offer all the great aspirations that satisfies infinitely.
You all understand: your minds should be tirelessly hospital, nothing put you off, nothing seems to be a minor. But do you impose person and I know that once a friend asked you more information as soon as you've built a curiosity or interest, you are responsible for the changes that can bring to light your life this individual. But respect the others free will; beware directing consciences are celebrities, at long, posted in darkness, do not be guards.
Do not force your voice. If your listener is listening to you yesterday and more fun: let him, but pray for him crave for him the Light of truth do not give this secret intercession, until it has given fruit . For God, by allowing you to pray to Him, gives you the right to be importunate with him, and ensures an inviolable secret that your trust Him. Brother, for whom you pray, his mind even ignore if you wish, he owes you something.
Thus, alternating manual effort and spiritual effort, balancing verbal propaganda by the silent preaching of prayer, you meet the double duties that Heaven did you the honor to confide.
Fatigue can come, it is inevitable that I would even say that it is good to come, because she is the dawn of a renewal. But to feel the weight of the least we must accept.
Nothing here there is definitive importance, since God is there.
The only real disaster is the loss of God's desire.

Sédir - Spiritual Friendships

Mankind rises slowly, perhaps, but with continuity, to even more beautiful than the reformers believe peaks. Wars, epidemics, famines, disasters are setbacks that surface. Always caused by previous sins of the people, these are immense suffering huge elk community towards the ideal. Take an enthusiast who can not reach the object of his love man moans, he weeps, he withers, that's what we see, what we do not see is the huge number of cells, by the violence of his desire,
suffer and die in his body. Victims of major global disasters like the cells they suffer, they die too, everything seems lost, but as the passionate see later, his passion Specifically, new perspectives open up before his footsteps and energy unknown stand in his being decimated the people see the next century its size or grow its wealth and wonders flourish within it.

Sédir - Selection of old articles from the magazine "The Veil of Isis"

I do not mean that we should not go ahead, but the browser does not run blindly into a virgin forest, he inquires, he tries to avoid swamps and bogs and hostile tribes, the researcher of psychic mysteries must take certain precautions. He puts his foot in an area that the whole tradition portrayed as abounding of errors and illusions, and it is not of course the absolutely disinterested search for truth, is the only motive, in almost everyone there curiosity and satisfaction to be an expert in things that are not within the reach of everyone.
However, the effects of the moral world are very important. The most common act may acquire a great influence for good or evil, according to the intention was at heart of its author. The similar calls like. The lack of sincerity towards oneself brought the error, lack of simplicity called the complication. I will say more, who believes himself superior calls unintentionally and unconsciously proud spirits, and so on for all the states of the soul, and all forms of life.
The experimenter psychic things should, in principle, all had to reduce the chances of error, first becoming a saint. But as this work here is terribly long, one who undertake thorough, would hardly time to catalog the fluid build pompous theories and give the reputation of a pioneer: the apparent delay the progress of science would not be bad, because the man thinks always wiser than the beings that guide and he can not get into his head the idea that his intellectual nourishment is ensured, despite himself, so to speak, and that enough for him to obey the law. Without going that far, prudence, researchers psyche must realize they handle dangerous forces and are impregnated with life at a high voltage, it is true, but it does not follow, not that life is comparable to the current state of development of mankind. Such phenomenon that will make a huge step for science, can only be achieved by violating several of cosmic laws, by sacrificing many lives that not to be visible are not less real . No man is educated enough to establish the balance of such accounts.

Sédir - The War of 1914 in the mystical perspective

If so, acknowledging our ignorance, we understand that the root of all evil that is in our heart, we damage ourselves in humble repentance. Each of us either as individual or as a citizen, how many misfortunes he was not the worker, active negligence or malice? I recall to you the theory of past lives? Do not you know that evil which we agree, even if it remains in the mind tends to take a physical form? The man is a central transformer which passes all the invisible to become visible. In addition to its physiological and psychological consequences, vice tends to force years to take a body, a poisonous fruit, a venomous animal, a pestilential marshes are physical forms of vices once cultivated by men or missing people. A thought of revenge that we surrender, after a few generations, leads to a crime: Christ shows these things to those of His friends that He opens his eyes. But we hated, we were cynical, impudent, slanderers, we destroyed trusts, stained delicacies, distorted ways, and now the soldiers of the antichrist before our eyes realize the horror of treachery, cruelty , baseness. Justice gods happening now.


Here is another fairly common event. A happy nation falls asleep and becomes unproductive, the genius of the Earth is a master interested, is about to reject it, just as does the human body cells that no longer work. The evil spirit of this people so happy, because he hopes, thanks to the disorder caused by the expulsion deflect the national genius. The good angel, he is trying to stir up the smoking flax "; if genius does not listen, it looks a cell - one of the citizens of this country - able to feel its influence and serve as his instrument .
If it is, it usually starts a revolution. If it is not, he uses another ploy - because anything is better than the torpor: inertia is the bottom of the abyss. It will look for a neighbor engineering and invites to contact first.
This report engineering genius always come clashes because these beings that they are some great against us, did not exceed a certain level of selfishness. These spiritual movements, gradually materializing, beget war, but the disaster is realized only when the brain of the people, that is to say the government has acceded.
Governments play in the nations the role of the nervous system in the conscious individual. It is their eventual site currents of any kind through their people, their responsibility is enormous. That is why, in addition to special intellectual abilities, still limited, these characters should have the most upright character, the highest morality, self-control more absolute and entire heart consumed by the zeal of good. They should agree perfectly all requests amount of people to them, and they are pure enough to discern in the insights received from national engineering, the bad influence of the evil spirit, and the true inspiration of the good angel. Any statesman should be in its intimacy, a man of prayer.
This, I told you a long time, and I can repeat it today with more force than ever, now that some of our leaders, after finding their helplessness hopeless cases have resorted to prayer and saw the miracle answer.
The governing unable obtuse or ill will, forcing the angel, who still wants to save the country, to go in search of a more docile instrument. Often Christ then load this research a special envoy, he chooses in the mass of the people be able to hear a voice, and with the physical, mental and fluidic properties specific to the mission, it will be loaded.
The Ambassador Extraordinary educates about it sometimes for years, sometimes without that it is probably all the mysterious work being done by him. Then the hero is running, he realizes his work, he dies, then dissect and historians are discovering, as the anatomist is the body, the inert elements. All the miraculous living side of this epic, the only popular intuition sometimes doubt and expressed in legends.
This happened several times in France at the time of the Hundred Years' War, at the end of the Revolution, when the Terrible Year. Other cases could be cited, but they are still too recent.

Sédir - The invisible life of a people

If individual health requires a balance of the stomach, lungs, heart and brain, social health requires a similar harmony in the relationship of the people with the bourgeoisie, the ruling class and intellectuals. The supremacy of each caste produced a particular form of government and a special physiology of the whole country.

Sédir - The Mystic Way

Extend the innumerable series of occult nature of these plans ramifications of a single cause, you feel a spade can here and there, in the dark interior spaces, kill, heal, transform, produce sounds, colors, disasters. Prince signing in half a second order may be determined battles, the carnage and the signature are two forms of the same entity, the same block.
Remember that everything interpenetrates, that, if I may use this picture, the universe is an elastic medium, but we have not yet given to the Nature sufficient evidence of our wisdom that lets us see its mysterious workings. Suffice it to know that the visible and invisible influence each other.

Sédir - The kingdom of God

Judgments, in fact, do take place at prefixed dates, but we do not know, nor where they will stand. So that we, whose eyes are blind to the brightness invisible, do not know if such a global war, such a cataclysm such epidemic is not the physical effects of an occult work of spiritual and collective reorganization. Attila is attributed without reason as the terrible scourge of God.

Or, rather, this servant did not need this external presence, it has, inside, constant in faith. So, as you are special witnesses of disasters and panic which will announce the last time, stay, while providing relief to your poor, in the immutable calm of your spiritual beliefs. Heaven does what He does, and if you are assigned to take one direction or another, His angels will find you well in some attic or some hamlet that you remain. For this judgment happen suddenly in spite of all its precursors, but the supernatural horror of disasters should neither alter our composure or slow down our work because everything is planned and adjusted, in detail, and this will take place in the most corrupt countries as "eagles flock where is the body"

Sédir - The healings of Christ, p.97

When Jesus compares his contemporaries to children who lead a great noise in the street and that dépitent not fix the attention of the great people at the same time He traces the portrait of our current generation. The twentieth century is remarkably similar to the first, a great political civilization and cesarean, citizens whose only concern is to turn the laws, heads or cynical or utopian, a morbid taste for excessive, artificial, non- known, a happy misunderstanding of God, the terrible wars, disasters, and here and there, lost, ignored, patches of light, which falls on the radius, invisible to the crowd, the supernatural certainty.
There are, among such time periods, the correspondences that some researchers have reported, so in philosophy, Barlet, in his Evolution of the Idea, for history, the work of major Bruck. And Chinese sages believe that the pattern of evolution is a spiral wrapped around a cone with the base as the top beyond our means of investigation, if any one of the generators of the cone is chosen, the points where it intersects the spiral offer them similarities.
Yes, the cosmic life repeats itself, but with elevations level knowledge of the past is thus used to guide us in the present, and the more the individual ages, the longer the social body, the more they should be wise. The both of them get better no doubt, but unless they could do if they do not let themselves be seduced by indefinitely "games, dances and songs," as Jesus said. This is because of the dissipation of this dispersion, the knowledge of divine things is growing so little. Today, as twenty centuries ago, when a man repents and tries, for refunds and voluntary privations, mitigate the evil he has committed, people say he's crazy, that religion is sad, that fanatical, should not follow a vindictive God and hard.

Sédir - Letters to Stella

All men pass a test given by the same time, the one you love is not far to take this terrible turn. Ah! that the forces of your love to stir the exalted angels who protect. Do you have friends, many friends, so you can find auxiliaries at the time of the fight. Collect treasure where it's easy to tap into some time.
You know you can do if Nature does not pay you thousands of servants nothing that combinations, rivalries, protections do not take it to you cross an intersection without a horse you back. None of your actions is so indifferent, and as the will directs is the same that before in previous centuries, you always immersed more deeply in the illusions of the ego, the selfishness, false splendor of the Black Light, so learn gradually to replace the desire for the desire of the beings around you. To the will of others, you try, you will arrive quickly to the Father's will, and when you will be there, your deeds will live in the eternal, because they are made by the Word, the only Son of God.
Feel, my child, as these things are true. Your heart does not beat it harder to read the lessons that are not mine also, I convey to you as I passed them. The fidelity with which you shall proclaim in turn, will be as you will burn the inexpressible fire of Divine Love. Let your life be a continuous prayer.

Sédir - Christian mysticism

We feel the social ground from under our feet, the war has not solved any of the previous problems, or rather no one has found a solution to the war and new problems have arisen. In short, humanity is concerned, she fears another war, something more terrible catastrophe, she knows what. And, looking at the example of his ancestors, a protection against a formidable future, it shows the same blinding them. We had told them, the people of Shinar, the Flood was the result of the general corruption to us again, was told that the war was the external implementation of our internal barbarism. Formerly, it was believed to park a second deluge raising a tower of stone and brick. People today believe prevent another war by continuing to expand the material civilization, selfish and hateful to which we precisely this cataclysm we repeat a Babel systems with stones and cement greedy passions.
Should we therefore return to the simplicity of primitive peoples? Not, we hold the plow in stony ground well no doubt, but the duty is to go juice in the end Furrow. It is we who have created our current destiny is our place now that will determine our future. To understand, to solve problems of any kind that arise today, even more technical, it will be useful to know how much it takes Destiny, what attitude of our best volontésera, what help can come to us from the which is above Nature and Man, finally, how we can better capture the legacy of ancestors and open the roads to our descendants.


It happens on earth judgment every 6,000 years. I will not repeat the astronomical theory of floods, as understood by the Egyptians, Hindus and Chaldeans, based on the precession of the equinoxes, it says a periodic reversal of the poles that cause various disasters and are accompanied by various political upheavals , economic and religious. The interesting thing would be to know the date, for example, the last flood. I leave this research to your sagacity. As for me, it does not allow me to say more.


What the Gospels say the last time it branded as three periods. In the first, preparatory and compared with the "birth pangs" seem false prophets, general wars, famines, earthquakes. In the second, the most intense persecution took place against the disciples of Christ, under the pressure of false Christs and false prophets, "operating signs and wonders in order, if possible, deceive the very elect", the "Installation in the holy place the abomination of desolation. " The third period ends these calamities by astronomical phenomena, the appearance of the Son of Man in heaven, and the gathering of the elect.
Let me read to you the words of the Master, they are the focus of reality convincingly clean that tells what he saw. And you know, before the eyes of our Jesus, the future looks without a veil, like the past, like distant things, as He is, because He remains perpetually at the center of everything. Listen to him:
"Take heed that seduce you, for many shall come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ: The time is approaching. Do not walk in eur on. When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be scared. It should, in fact, that happen first, but it will not immediately end. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be large earthquakes here and there famines, pestilences, and scary things and great signs in heaven. But above all, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. You will be delivered to the synagogues, and thrown into prison because of my name brought before kings and governors. This will happen for you to make testimony. Burn well in your hearts that you will not have to worry about your defense, because I will give you, me, a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries can neither resist nor replicate. You will be delivered by your fathers and your mothers, brothers, by your parents, your friends, and they will kill many of you, and you will be hated by everyone because of my name. And yet not a hair of your head shall perish. By your patience you will gain your lives. "
Let all this with a little more detail.
We find in what Jesus said here and there on this subject, seven warning signs of judgments.
I ° First invasion of followers oriental mysteries, all filled with amazing science and provided wonderful powers. They pulluleront. About thirty years since the first wave of this movement seems to be felt, and, increasingly, the public interest in psychic research, the occult. These studies certainly are not bad in themselves, as we all know, but because we are not "sapients", they can become an opportunity to many errors.
2 In addition to this very apparent imbalance, the Adversary has long prepared other traps in more rational areas of experimental science and the philosophical intelligence. The comprehensive study of the wonders of the material lead to a metaphysical and moral materialists. Individual greed multiplying rise barriers more impassable between social classes, where disputes, sedition, first in each State and between peoples. Economic conflicts, wars, and the fire spread from place to place on a continent on the whole peut1être earth. It was then that "two men, one will be taken and the other left." And most, not wanting to look at their past conduct, do not understand the cause of these calamities will doubt God and rebel against Him in their hearts.
3 But everything is in Nature. These spiritual and social change will be accompanied by geological upheavals. The spirit of the Earth, facing the mess, will disrupt the body of the Earth. The axis of the poles will reverse and the North will replace the current Ecuador and celui1ci turn to the South, the underground magnetic currents will break, where cataclysms, earthquakes, floods. And men understand less, except the true disciples. Cities will disappear, where now stand mountains, lakes dig, or rather ground water come to light. The monuments of justice and the civil power, the temples where the worship of God has been distorted destroyed.
4 Then the soil, in turn, will rise up, it will strike. Fields anemic by intensive cultivation, exhausted by the scientific fertilizer will produce more. Cereals, the vine grower to make the fruits of his avarice and his impiety, diseases will increase, the forests were felled not ensure the irrigation of hills and valleys where the soft earth disappear. The farmer who, for many years, has failed to get its plowing the blessing of Heaven, will be reduced to famine, and the citizens to starvation. And greedy monopolists maneuvers will complete the ruin of the people. In particular, the next Judgment is notified by the sterility of the vineyards.
5 ° The Earth has changed position relative to the sun, heat or unduly increase or decrease, depending on the region you feel.
At the next trial, there will be a general rise in temperature, evaporation as trees crumble to dust and men will dry. Another unknown sun will feel his occult influence, the fluidic atmosphere that surrounds the planet profoundly change; sunlight loses its antiseptic; pulluleront morbid germs, and appear devastating epidemics and unknown diseases against which science is powerless .
6 These disruptions, which have been transmitted to Earth by the stars which it depends, it will affect those results. The appearance of the sky change, the orbits of the planets and their inclination to the ecliptic alter the chart. Meteors and fireballs inquièteront populations. And sometimes, like some antediluvian traditions tell it, one of these worlds meet ours and will add or remove an entire continent.
7 ° But that will succeed all these convulsions, the servants of Christ begin to be persecuted because of Him. "We will deliver you to tribulation, He says, it will put you to death, you will be, because of my name, hated by all nations.

And then many will let themselves be trapped, they betray each other, they hate each other ...

And as evil increases, the love of many will fall. "

These disasters are such "that there has been no consistent since the beginning of the world, and that there will never be. If tribulation of those days had not been cut short, no life would be saved. "

Sédir - articles to newsletters A.S.

If the science of mathematics, the most accurate in appearance, leaves itself instead to the hypothesis, the scientist have the right to reject any hypothesis? Here's one that I offer. The famous star was a comet. Comets are extraordinary people. Most of the time, you know roughly what region they come from, where they are going and what time you will see them in their race. Other comets, by cons, we do not know anything.
Comets are like missionnées of humanity of the stars of hope donors, surrogate forces. They arise from the depths of space, perform their task of regeneration or medication for a world where life is weak, then leave in the space from which they came.
Comets, because they noticed their appearance before the disasters, wars, epidemics, have kept a negative sense. All energetic remedy not it leads to the expulsion of organic waste? If this is a cure for the world is to get rid of what is no longer useful to him, and it is always a blessing. Moreover, keep the certainty that God never punishes, we draw the punishments by the same mechanism called indigestion on the stomach of the child too greedy.


The miracle is usually done, but several elements are noticing that we do not usually see, this is what makes us récrions. In reality it is the common life is miraculous. If you looked at a pedestrian cross the road, you would amazed at the number of forces involved so he could cross safely. The most ordinary events of our lives are woven hundreds of son and if one breaks, it's a disaster happens. If we looked at our lives and we would spend the adoring the goodness of the Father.


At the end of this chapter, St. John speaks of geological disasters. For a dozen years seismographs work. Indeed platonic year we talked about earlier is the period of revolution of the polar axis, yet the earth is not a homogeneous solid, and when the axis tilts too The pressure of water and rocks deep changes here and there, resulting in a wrinkled bark, cracks, this is what we call earthquakes. These density changes, these changes position as the globe with the sun and other planets, disrupt the magnetic underground homes, and as resistance to a current generates heat, volcanoes appear, safety valve the huge machine, and rashes great terrorize populations.
These phenomena have other causes, perhaps a hundred, and they occur in areas too complex for the law to be clear, it would take thousands of years of continuous observations, so their appearance seems to to take place at random, it would be futile to look for the period. All I can say is that this judgment is preceded by a flood, another a geological collapse, another a huge explosion or a large crash. It is not surprising, we know that only a thousand meters deep in the crust, and a few points. What he did given that Paris was destroyed by fire recently? What is it that Lyon did not collapse in the groundwater body on the end of which it is built, that Marseille did not perish in an earthquake?
Voices, thunder and lightning (XVI, 18) predict violent disturbances in the magnetic atmosphere of the planet. In Russia, the temperature rises slowly, it drops on the western Mediterranean and onto the Sahara. Sunspots change, some disciples realize in the firmament an unknown sun whose race is still very short. Substances and new forces are discovered by scientists for most seduction of men, who use them to better enjoy life and to better satisfy their lusts. As for social unrest, it is superfluous to speak.

Prostitute of the great chap. XVII is not a city or a nation, it is the collective malnourished by mankind (many waters) and supported by governments. She lives in a desert because evil is arid and generates only the ghosts of life, rot and destruction. The abyss from which it rises, the nothingness of perdition where it goes, and that is suicide where all conscious evil ends.
The chap. XVII, 9-12, portends a world government which will absorb the national governments and surpass in tyranny, perhaps we have seen this war where two men are in a field, one will be taken and the other left , perhaps everything in our civilization comes from the darkness will he die, it does not remain so much about our art, our science, our industry, our institutions.


Sédir - Some friends of God

The formidable problem of wars and calamities, from age to age, reborn from the ashes they do arise here, giving God an implacable face, but wrongly. Indeed, if we see that these disasters inflict us, we do not see what would happen if they do not produce more. On the other hand, beings whose existence flows all united, the people who live in pastoral peace, what are they, when happiness becomes monotonous, if not out by between-ripping?
Happy men do not they sleep in the nonchalance? Nothing good comes without a struggle and it painlessly? When the neighbor did not attack us, we hasten us not to attack?

Social peace is not she exasperates individual desires?

In small towns, in small clans comfortable, backbiting, slander, intrigue not they bloom like weeds in a fallow field?

No, neither are men, or people do not know how to enjoy peace, if not to sleep in the inertia or invent more perverse discord.

This is our madness that makes war possible.
Thank you jsf for quotes. His resume looks very impressive and his works spanned across multiple religions, occultism and beyond traditional perspective.

5 ° The Earth has changed position relative to the sun, heat or unduly increase or decrease, depending on the region you feel. At the next trial, there will be a general rise in temperature, evaporation as trees crumble to dust and men will dry. Another unknown sun will feel his occult influence, the fluidic atmosphere that surrounds the planet profoundly change; sunlight loses its antiseptic; pulluleront morbid germs, and appear devastating epidemics and unknown diseases against which science is powerless .

Though the concept of destruction when men become evil is evident ( from god instead of comets) in astral religions, his 'Unknown Sun' quote made me think where he got his ideas ?. channeled or visions or ancient text if they have already figured out before or some thing else ?. If our ancients can travel planets with ease, calculating the trajectory of binary star companion may not be that difficult.
Some great quotes and concepts embedded along the text. Thank you for sharing!!
Some very interesting concepts indeed. Seems to me that Sédir has been in touch with certain Rosicrucian circles in France where some of the original knowledge had survived.

Looks like I'll be adding some of these books to my reading list.
Yes, he wrote a book about Rosicrucians (History of the Rosicrucians), but I think he changed his opinion on these currents.

He says :

Vous comprendrez dès lors, mon cher et respectable Confrère, que le Maître auquel la dernière page de votre étude fait allusion, ne peut être ni un Rose-Croix, ni un adepte oriental. Les Rose Croix, qui existent encore aujourd'hui, mais sous un autre nom, les Sages qui dirigent au spirituel l'Islam, l'Inde, la Chine, le Tibet et l'Europe, si grands qu'ils soient, et nul plus que moi n'est convaincu de leur─ grandeur, *n'ont rien à faire avec le Christ, quoi qu'en disent leurs élèves*. Il y a une initiation─ christique; elle est écrite en toutes lettres en plusieurs endroits; et c'est pour cela qu'elle demeure si généralement inconnue.

(google translation)
The Rose Cross, which still exist today, but under a different name, the sages who lead the spiritual Islam, India, China, Tibet and Europe, how great they are, and no more than me is convinced of their greatness ─, * have nothing to do with Christ, no matter what their students say *. There is a Christ ─ initiation, it is written in letters in several places, and that is why it remains so generally unknown.

Another interesting topic in "Initiation" is a chapter about a "were-wolf" with red eyes, linked to sorcery practices.

What is interesting here is the "weather phenomena connection".
But when he says "the wind had risen", I don't know if it's physical or if it's more like a "cold airflow" as in psychic phenomena.

Outside, the wind had risen. It began sighing a little in the chimney, but it soon
changed into a furious orchestra which made the old squatty house resound from
top to bottom.
As storms are rare in September, one of the women with a
surprised expression on her face got up and held the door ajar to look outside
. I
saw her make a gesture, take a few steps down the road and then she rushed back
into the house. Her face was ashen, and in a low voice she said, "There is no
breeze outside," as she made the sign of the cross.

Her husband raised his head suddenly like someone who has just been awakened.
He jumped to his feet and raised his stick with savage-like agility; but Andréas had
already stood up, riveting his eyes upon those of the man which he held under the
stare of his own immovable pupils.

The peasant fell on all fours and started biting the benches here and there, and
howling like a hunger-maddened prowling wolf. The women stood trembling under
the stairway, the animals had taken refuge between them. As the tempest
sheathed and blowed, the man's shrill bark increased. The black demon of terror
sprayed his most venomous poison in the room. Impatiently I waited for Andréas to
move. He should be doing something ... he must ... yet minutes were passing by in
the same penumbra to the accompaniment of the diabolical concert of the
possessed man and the wind.
Then –a brown Thing pushed the door –silently with its paw; as tall as a large, agile
old wolf, mute, with taut hair and burning red eyes and its mouth foaming –it came
and sat in front of the man who continued barking and shaking convulsively under
the stinking breath of the Beast.

Andréas stood between them. The beast raised its large, clear, cruel, and cunning
pupils toward him. He softly took hold of the large savage head, his hands
immersed in the heavy fur, and yet I could see them as if the body of the wolf
were diaphanous at times. This really made me lose my sang-froid. From its
foaming mouth an indescribably fetid stink came out by waves. The beast suddenly
crouched as if to spring, but Andreas held it back by the shoulders. Both remained
till, with staring eyes, until the moment came when the red glare which danced in
the center of its savage pupils was extinguished, just like a snuffed-out candle.

"Put everyone out, and sit the man down, quickly!" Andréas said to me.

Maybe the idea of Sedir about cyclical time and the link between consciousness and catastrophs came from a resurgence of this old tradition :

Henry Corbin – L’Homme et son Ange, Initiation et chevalerie spirituelle
(google translation again)

Let us renew now with Zoroastrian ethics. It is not to give up, to resign, it is to cope. Ohrmazd not used Ahriman to test the faithful, nor the Imams are not deniers. Both the exile of Abraham output, they are not an escape from the world. It is out of this world, to turn and fight. And that because neither being as such, nor the manifestation of being as such, are imposed on a in an Absolute which should hasten to reverse injury. Because this will resorption never looked against the will of the "hidden treasure" that aspired to be known to occur in and out of his solitude. Intradivine drama, of course, but the whole purpose of the spiritual knight is not to abolish the drama, but to assume its role, because he is conscious of being one of the dramatis personae. The feeling of those of our friends who are more or less fascinated by the Indian wisdom is, of course, that the same law of being is suffering. It must end with what generates, you must find this state of absolute lips which may be too often pronounce the word without conscience is well aware of what it is. In contrast to the Zoroastrian ethics, it is not to be, or the manifestation of being, which is an injury, but being and the manifestation of being suffered an injury and this injury c ' is the invasion of Ahriman, which occurs in Zoroastrianism, when the light appears creation of Ormazd, and the Shiite gnosis at the epiphany of the Imam, the origin of the worlds.

The feeling of the Zoroastrian chivalry of Shiite chivalry does not experience suffering, old age and death as proofs that God inflict on man. All these negative things are not testing that Almighty God sends us, they are losing the God of Light undergoes in each of its members to light. Coping against the defeated, never resign, that is the deep sense of Zoroastrian chivalry. To briefly mark the contrast, I alluded to a moment ago, a famous hadith which was commented by all the Gnostics in Islam. "I was a Hidden Treasure. I wanted to be known. I created the world to be known by my creatures (or as an alternative interpretation to know me in the knowledge of my creatures). "

This hadith is the best answer we can give to those who too easily aspire to the reintegration of phenomena and in a Multiple Unit undifferentiated an Informal which can hardly specify to what he left us. This hadith tells them in effect: you betray the vow, you object to the most secret wishes of Hidden Treasure. You break, you reject and deny Theophany instead of putting you in his service, instead of devoting yourself to it against all negative forces that oppose it. Want to remove the same event that is the world of Multiple, and you come and pray to return to his silence, in its incomprehensibility. - That is why our hadith allows us to capture the vivid Can there be in common between the Zoroastrian ethics and Shiite ethics.

It is not to be absorbed the world, but to lead to apokatastasis: a frashkart, transfiguration and rejuvenation in the Zoroastrian terminology Qiyamat, resurrection, in the Shiite terminology. But only "juvenile", the javânmardân can cooperate in this rejuvenation.

And it is the role of the "Friends of God", the role of javânmardân at all levels where they can be placed in this world, in all ranks of their Javanmardi, their chivalry. There is an admirable one of our great Iranian mystic of the twelfth century, Ruzbehan of Shiraz sentence, speaking of the Friends of God: "They are the eyes through which God still looks at the world. "

"Look," think of all the resonances of the word in French. These "Friends of God" are the eyes through which God sees, that is to say "respect" even the world, and all our spiritual agree on this point: it is by them, thanks incognito their community through their mystical pole that is the Imam, the human world continues to exist. There is a function of cosmic salvation is far more serious and far more range than any social function.

We touched on this subject about a Ismaili initiatory novel location of those Friends of God as divine to the weakness of the mass of men counterweight counterweight required by divine justice even before the massa perditionis unconscious and ignorant. I had the chance to deal with recently, during the summer session of the "study of medieval civilization Centre" at the University of Poitiers (July 1971). I could not help but be sympathetic to the generosity of a student saying, "But I feel attached to this perditionis massa", and I could only reply: "Verily, you are supportive. But can you imagine a more profound solidarity, more serious for you, than to be the eyes of the blind mass responsibility? "This is how the dialogue allows us to nurture potentialities that we never suspected.

Therefore at the forefront of the knights, who are "the eyes through which God still looks at the world," we will, in agreement with our authors, "philosophers." Forget the status of philosophers in universities these days! This is the theosophos in the etymological sense of the word, the "Sage of God," he is involved at the forefront in the battle. A major problem was discussed over the centuries by the scholastic philosophy, how should we understand the union of the soul with the active Intelligence ? It may be that this issue appears to spirits "modern" as a distant abstract technical problem,. In fact there is this: philosophers identify the active Intelligence which they received the idea heritage of the Greek philosophers with the Holy Spirit, that is to say with the angel Gabriel, who is both Angel of knowledge and the Angel of Revelation. This identification tells us a common element between the vocation of the philosopher and the vocation of the prophet, the element that puts precisely, one and the other, at the forefront of spiritual chivalry. In whatever way we explain or that one is the unio mystica which is accomplished between the soul of the philosopher and the active Intelligence, it is thanks to her that maintains communication between the world top of Malakut, the world of the Angel, and our world. It is thanks to her that mankind persists in being, because mankind, being aware of it or not, can not live without this communication. So it defines the chivalrous service philosopher as "Sage of God" as theosophos and it is this service that makes him a javânmard a spiritual knight par excellence. This is the philosopher as have designed the ishraqiyun, Theosophists of Light, disciples of Suhrawardi, and with them the Shiites Theosophists. (Pp. 244 248)

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