Extreme-right planned assaults in our country.

As much as SEVENTEEN!! men have been arrested in Belgium for attempting terrorist attacks in order to destabilize the democracy. Surprise, surprise, they are NOT Muslims but are extreme-right Blood and Honour skin-heads. In contrast to the many arrests of alleged Muslim terrorists which was spread wide and blown up in the main stream media, the arrests of the extreme-right terrorist will not be (come to) a damp squib. Here evidence WAS present, LOTS of it. Another surprise: I could not find a single article in the foreign and international media.

Why does it not surprise me anymore?

So I translated a piece from the newspaper "De Standaard" to the best of my ability.

Extreem-rechts plande aanslagen in ons land
Extreme-right planned assaults in our country.

A group of extreme-right activists, mainly military man, plotted violent attacks to destabilise the democracy in our country. The seventeen men had relations with skinhead-organisations such as "Blood and Honour" and BBET (Bloed-Bodem-Eer-Trouw or Blood-Soil-Honour-Allegiance).
Central figure in the entire matter is Thomas B., a military man from Leopoldsburg. B. gathered around him a group of people with pronounced racist, negationistic, anti-Semitic and neo-nazistic opinions. Among the seventeen are ten military, one NCO and one candidate officer. The ten military men come from barracks in Leopoldsburg, Kleine Brogel, Peer, Brussel and Zedelgem.

Yesterday, the judicial authorities found no indications that B. and his buddies planned a concrete assault. But never before investigators have found such extreme-right group that was so well organised and heavily armed. Police sources said though that all preconditions to commit an attack were fulfilled. Only, a concrete target was not there yet. The catch during the house searches was impressive.

The police filled two police vans with firearms, among which there was highly sophisticated war material, bullet-proof vests, gas masks, detonators for mines, neo-nazistic symbols, but also marihuana and anabolica. The investigators also found a letter that claims responsibility for an attack that was to be used as a model during possible assaults.

In a rucksack was a self made bomb. That bomb was probably aimed to be used during a drill, because the seventeen had regular paramilitary training sessions and survival weekends on military fields.


The judiciary suspects that Thomas B. was operating apart from any existing organisation. His organisation also did not have a name. Headquarter of the gang was a bar, The Viking, a heavy-metal bar in Leopoldsburg where extreme-right "black" and death-metal groups performed. The hostess of the bar is Tamara A., professional soldier in Kleine-Brogel. She is the ex of Thomas B.

Patrick Coeman, an employee of Blokwatch, knows the pub: "The Viking is for district Limburg what "De Kastelein" is for the city Brugge. A meeting point for violent extreme-right. But what happens now, is way bigger than what I saw, and way worse as what I ever dared to dream.
Of course, guys with such nutty ways of thinking will lose anyway, but extreme-right for which they seem to be the storm troopers DOES gain from terrorist attacks as it will always result in stronger "leadership" and a strengthening of the police-state.
Historically, these right wing groups in Europe have had ties with elements of the state security forces. Which makes it even more disturbing.
I wonder who is really benefiting from this ?

This is nothing new, Right wings group with paramilitary bootcamps have always existed in Belgium (this is scary in itself) as far back as the eigthies.

This whole thing stinks, especially that the elections are so close now.

Remember "les tueurs du Brabant" ? Some links pointed to right-wings extremists as well but were never thoroughly explored.
Coincidence ? I think not.

But as usual to try to see the objective truth behind the veil of disinformation is a time consuming activity that I honestly can't do but something tells me that this story isn't what it seems to be osit.

Yesterday, the judicial authorities found no indications that B. and his buddies planned a concrete assault. But never before investigators have found such extreme-right group that was so well organised and heavily armed. Police sources said though that all preconditions to commit an attack were fulfilled. Only, a concrete target was not there yet. The catch during the house searches was impressive.
That sounds awfuly like we've heard before indeed, Muslims or extremists, just be scared, they are amongst us.

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