FaceBook & YouTube Censorship


Jedi Master
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By Jeff Berwick
Censorship and Propaganda in the USSA
Date Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 7:08PM

While much of the world is erupting into protests, riots and revolutions, many look quizzingly at the US and wonder why there hasn't yet been mass protests inside the US.

The main reason is that the US, still clinging to the last few months of having the world's reserve currency, has been able to avoid any and all attempts at "austerity" because the US Federal Reserve Note (dollar) can still be printed with impunity to "pay" for the massive debts of the US Government.

The other reason the US has managed to avoid massive social uprisings to date is because the US Government propaganda machine is unmatched in history.

Many in the US are familiar with the tools of the Soviet Union's propaganda machine and their two newspapers, Izvestia and Pravda. In the Russian language, Izvestia means "news" and Pravda means "truth".

There is an old saying in Russia that "there is no Pravda in Izvestia and no Izvestia in Pravda".

The main difference with the USSR of old and the USSA of today is that in the USSA the people believe the propaganda. People tune in to Katie Couric or Brian Williams or read the New York Times as though it is not just an apparatus of the state and is actual, real news.

The propaganda in the US has been incredibly successful mainly because the US Government has managed to use the propaganda to convince people that they are free. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

And that is the case today in the US.

The propaganda is absolutely everywhere but even worse than what is said, what may be even more controlling of the masses is what is left unsaid and that which is censored.

Take for example, the man who burned himself to death on Monday on the steps of a New Hampshire courthouse to protest years of being oppressed and attacked by the "legal" system. Never heard about it? Well, you certainly wouldn't hear it from the mainstream presstitutes. Only what is called the "alternative media" (AKA honest, true news) picked up on it.

Even on the internet, government censorship has been growing at an alarming rate.

Recently, Google founder Eric Schmidt was caught on video attending the Bilderberg conference in Switzerland. Alex Jones posted the video on YouTube and soon after YouTube had made most of Alex Jones videos very difficult to find. So much for "Don't be evil,", eh Eric?

One TDV subscriber, Maurizio B., even forwarded us a screen capture of when he tried to post a URL of a recent article we had linked to in our post, "Riots and Mobs Coming to a Town Near You". Ironically, enough, the article was entitled, "Government Orders You Tube to Censor Protest Videos".

Here is a screen capture of him trying to post the article on Facebook:

And here is the result:


The irony, Facebook was censoring stories about You Tube censoring videos.

The US Government has already taken down tens of thousands of websites and blogs with no warrant or any evidence of wrongdoing. And the prince of peace himself, Barack Obama, continues to clamor for an internet kill switch. To protect us, of course, from those horrible terrorist cyber attacks that, well, never happen.


Much of what we have discussed above is all similar to what occurred in the book, 1984. However, the US Government also takes a lot of its cues from another dystopian novel from the same time period, Aldous Huxley's, "Brave New World".

What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, because there would be no one who wanted to read one. And on this count also, the American masses have been drugged, brainwashed, "educated" and entertained into a stupor.

TDV subscriber, and long time friend, David S., recently remarked about a US Cable TV convention he had attended. According to David, the cable industry is very worried because statistics show that 40% of their customers can't afford cable TV.

This at a time when American Idol and NFL Sunday Ticket may be the last thing standing between serious social uprisings in the US.

In fact, with the NFL players threatening to go on strike, one of the NFL's top players has already warned that an NFL strike will erupt in increased violence and crime across the US. Baltimore Raven's star, Ray Lewis, stated, "If we don’t have a season, watch how much evil, which we call it crime, watch how much crime picks up when you take away our game."

You never know where the spark may come from that can cause a revolution. In Tunisia, it was a man lighting himself on fire to protest government oppression. In the US, that is widely ignored and unreported.

Wouldn't it be poetic justice if the event that triggered the US to finally revolt against its oppressive government is if the Government arbitrators cannot negotiate a pay package for NFL millionaires and Monday Night Football riots erupt across the homeland?

No wonder the US Government has put The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, a US Government agency, in charge of negotiations! This is an issue of national security!
Yeah, Nice one...
the American masses have been drugged, brainwashed, "educated" and entertained into a stupor.
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
That pretty much sums up the situation here...

Yep, for he most part people are blind here. Closed minded. Joe six pack is happy with his beverage of choice, a barbecue, and cars or a football, baseball, basketball game. Joesephine shopper is mainly concerned with appearances and consumerism. Both sexes here have twisted views on what life is all about. I really believe what the Cs say about this USSA being the STS center of the world...

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