Falling Skies


The Cosmic Force
Falling Skies is another alien invasion series which is scheduled for US television in summer 2011. Steven Spielberg is the producer. He also produced the TV series 'Taken' about alien abductions affecting several generations of Americans. Falling Skies features the usual weary, traumatised civilians becoming militarised and battling for survival against creepy, scuttling aliens with a very nasty agenda. Once again those tried, trusted and true brave American souls will be saving the world from the alien menace. :P

The alien invasion meme seems to be getting a lot of media coverage at present: District 9; Skyline; Cowboys and Aliens; Falling Skies; Battle Los Angeles; Monsters. Seems that the ptb want to shape public opinion. One thing these productions all have in common is that the aliens are purely physical creatures, not very bright even though they possess superior technology, and usually want to enslave, capture, experiment on, eat, or generally do nasty unspeakable things to the human population, while the humans generally manage to turn the tables on said aliens, thus proving that we are morally superior and can fight off even the worst monsters from anywhere in the universe. All of which is nonsense of course; if the 'aliens' really wanted to take over and eat us, there is not a thing we could do to stop them.

Another one to add to the list of ptb propaganda films - the evil magician is up to his usual tricks!

You can see the trailer for Falling Skies on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yOfBJcob7c&feature=player_embedded
wow another one! thanks for the link endymion.

i'm currently watching the tv series: V which also has a similar theme. i wonder why they are pushing the concept of aliens as the bad guys in so many shows and movies these days? if 'they' are trying to shape opinion, has something changed in the last couple of years they want to gradually reveal? i seem to remember the agenda earlier was more to the tune of 'the greys are our friends' in new age literature. re.hyperdimensional aliens, i don't think we'll see that in any popular series since they have tried very hard to keep the underlying science from the general public (remember the supposedly completed-in-secret unified field theory by Einstein). but you never know, plans can change anytime ;)
Sounds similar to another sci-fi series i recently bought - Dark Skies, which is also about aliens/government cover up.

Yeah, i also love the way aliens are seen as physical, and only slightly more intelligent than us.
Thats the biggest thing they try and force on us imo.

Thats why i love Twin Peaks so much. In fact after watching that i dont think much is going to be enjoyable.

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