Jedi Council Member
I just dreamt a couple of lower front teeth got out. I fought them back to the gums. I have heard that falling teeth in dreams are a very bad thing, but that could be interpreted in a very wide range of possibilities.
Researching a bit I found this
Anyone has any other idea about this?
Researching a bit I found this
Teeth provide an invaluable service; they are the start of the digestive cycle, and directly influence the efficiency of the body's absorption of nutrients. They can also make a smile more attractive, and they help us with communication! Try to make the "s" sound without your teeth! But most people take their teeth for granted. As long as they are clean and sparkling, can chew food and are pain free, teeth rarely get a second thought.
But imagine that you are chewing something, and bits of your teeth start falling out. Or that you are choking, and cough up some of your teeth. This rarely happens in real life, but it is actually a very common theme among dreams.
Teeth are symbolic of the ability to make decisions, and problems with teeth can be related to indecisiveness.
If you are dreaming about losing your teeth, you may have "bitten off more than you can chew" in a particular situation, or relationship. Dreams of losing teeth could mean that you feel you have lost the ability to make decisions, and you may feel that some situation is out of your control, or you are headed in a direction you don't want to go in.
These dreams may also be an indicator that you are not assimilating information around you, so you don't have all the facts about certain situations.
In this type of dream it's very important to pay attention to how you are feeling, as it's your feelings about the dream that will really tell you what the dream means!
Are you happy? Are you losing teeth and then getting new ones? It may mean that you are growing and moving forward.
Are you embarrassed about losing teeth? This may indicate a fear of failure, or you are worried about making a bad choice.
Do you feel you need to keep your mouth closed so no one can see that you've lost teeth? It may be time to sit back and listen rather than always being the one to do the talking.
Are you anxious about losing the teeth? Any anxiety in dreams generally means there is something in real life that's also causing anxiety. Do you have anxiety about any changes coming up? Are you fearful about making a wrong decision?
Are you having teeth problems in real life? The dream could then be an indicator that it's time to get yourself to the dentist!
Every night our subconscious mind reaches out to us through dreams. Sometimes we don't heed the messages when they are pleasant, so it sends us a dream that really gets our attention. Just remember, the subconscious is sending us these messages with the intention that if we pay attention, we'll receive a healing benefit.
Anyone has any other idea about this?