Fanfare Dream


Padawan Learner
Back in late 2011 I had one of those "What was all that about?" kind of dreams. It sprang back to mind recently whilst reading the Wave series.

The Dream.

Find myself back near my parents house - its night, dark sky and very quiet. Whilst Im taking all of fhis in a stranger walks into my line of sight and acts like he knows me. He begins to motion and point towards a pathway down the road that meets farmers fields. In those fields is a white tower like structure with a spiralled tip. He asks me to follow him and alittle bewilded - I comply. As we get nearer and nearer to these fields I become reluctant and doubt the kindness of this man. He turns and tells me its fine and not to worry, he carries onwards alittle more and then stops. He turns and tells me something special is now going to happen. He points towards another road where a fog of what looks like energy is filling the area. He tells me not to worry and not to run but let is pass through you. Excited, I await its arrival and at the last moment rush into someones garden where I try to hide. The mans voice tells me nothing bad will happen and hes correct. When it touches me I feel calm and enjoy its interaction with me. After this I see the energy moving on, the area before it now clear again.

I return to my parents road - the man has now gone - and all is still quiet. I look at other houses and wonder why the occupants havnt woken up. I then notice my parents house with broken windows??!?!? I then hear a noise coming towards me, the sound of drums, trumpets and other musical instruments. Not knowing how to take in what happens next....I see a fanfare of trailers with "people" dancing, singing and waving. These people dont look like us, their forms are varied with a mix of humanoid and animal. They all look happy and pleased to see me as they pass.

Dream End.

This Summer, one weekend I was listening to binuaral beat track and drifted out for a few seconds. I found myself stood looking in the direction of those fields(from the dream) and didnt see the tower but saw two white objects in the clear blue sky. One was low and the other high up with both following each other along a stetched figure of 8 pattern. As I observed this it suddenly dawned on me that I wasnt there and up I jumped from my relaxed position with the old ticker beating like theres no tomorrow :)

By the way, I now own and live in my parents old house. At the time of the dream I lived elsewhere. Spooky.

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